Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 751.5 - Definitions.

The definitions in section 3 of the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2602,apply.

Act or TSCA means the Toxic Substances Control Act, 15 U.S.C. 2601 et seq.

Article means a manufactured item:

(1) Which is formed to a specific shape or design during manufacture;

(2) Which has end use function(s) dependent in whole or in part upon its shape or design during end use; and

(3) Which has either no change of chemical composition during its end use or only those changes of composition which have no commercial purpose separate from that of the article, and that result from a chemical reaction that occurs upon end use of other chemical substances, mixtures, or articles; except that fluids and particles are not considered articles regardless of shape or design.

Authorized person means any person specifically authorized by the owner or operator to enter, and whose duties require the person to enter, a regulated area.

CASRN means Chemical Abstracts Service Registry Number.

Designated representative means any individual or organization to whom a potentially exposed person gives written authorization to exercise a right of access. A recognized or certified collective bargaining agent must be treated automatically as a designated representative without regard to written authorization.

Direct dermal contact means direct handling of a chemical substance or mixture or skin contact with surfaces that may be contaminated with a chemical substance or mixture.

ECEL is an Existing Chemical Exposure Limit, and means an airborne concentration calculated as an eight (8)-hour time-weighted average (TWA).

EPA means the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

Exposure group means a group of potentially exposed persons with a similar exposure profile to a chemical substance or mixture based on the substantial similarity of tasks performed, the manner in which the tasks are performed, and the materials and processes with which they work.

Owner or operator means any person who owns, leases, operates, controls, or supervises a workplace covered by this part.

Person means any natural person, firm, company, corporation, joint venture, partnership, sole proprietorship, association, or any other business entity; any State or political subdivision thereof; any municipality; any interstate body; and any department, agency, or instrumentality of the Federal government.

Potentially exposed person means any person who may be exposed to a chemical substance or mixture in a workplace as a result of a condition of use of that chemical substance or mixture.

Product means the chemical substance, a mixture containing the chemical substance, or any object that contains the chemical substance or mixture containing the chemical substance that is not an article.

Regulated area means an area established by the regulated entity to demarcate areas where airborne concentrations of a specific chemical substance exceed, or there is a reasonable possibility they may exceed, the applicable Existing Chemical Exposure Limit (ECEL) or the EPA Short Term Exposure Limit (EPA STEL).

Retailer means a person who distributes in commerce or makes available a chemical substance or mixture to consumer end users, including e-commerce internet sales or distribution. Any distributor with at least one consumer end user customer is considered a retailer. A person who distributes in commerce or makes available a chemical substance or mixture solely to commercial or industrial end users or solely to commercial or industrial businesses is not considered a retailer.

[84 FR 11435, Mar. 27, 2019, as amended at 89 FR 39296, May 8, 2024; 89 FR 103607, Dec. 18, 2024]
authority: 15 U.S.C. 2605,15.S.C. 2625(l)(4)
source: 84 FR 11435, Mar. 27, 2019, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 751.5