(a) General records. After February 18, 2025, all persons who manufacture, process, distribute in commerce, or engage in industrial or commercial use of TCE or TCE-containing products must maintain ordinary business records, such as invoices and bills-of-lading related to compliance with the prohibitions, restrictions, and other provisions of this subpart.
(b) Workplace chemical protection program compliance. (1) Interim ECEL exposure monitoring. For each monitoring event, owners or operators subject to the interim ECEL described in § 751.315(b) must document the following:
(i) Dates, duration, and results of each sample taken;
(ii) The quantity, location(s), and manner of TCE in use at the time of each monitoring event;
(iii) All measurements that may be necessary to determine the conditions that may affect the monitoring results;
(iv) Name, workplace address, work shift, job classification, work area, and type of respiratory protection (if any) by each monitored person;
(v) Identification of all potentially exposed persons that a monitored person is intended to represent if using a representative sample, consistent with § 751.315(b)(3)(i)(A) and (B);
(vi) Sampling and analytical methods used as described in § 751.315(b)(3)(i)(D);
(vii) Compliance with the Good Laboratory Practice Standards in accordance with 40 CFR part 792, or use of a laboratory accredited by the AIHA or another industry-recognized program as required by § 751.315(b)(3)(i)(C);
(viii) Information regarding air monitoring equipment, including: type, maintenance, calibrations, performance tests, limits of detection, and any malfunctions;
(ix) Re-monitoring determinations conducted by an Environmental Professional as defined at 40 CFR 312.10 or a Certified Industrial Hygienist, if results indicated non-detect; and
(x) Notification of exposure monitoring results in accordance with § 751.315(b)(3)(vi).
(2) Interim ECEL compliance. Owners or operators subject to the interim ECEL described in § 751.315(b) must retain records of:
(i) Exposure control plan as described in § 751.315(c)(2).
(ii) Implementation of the exposure control plan described in § 751.315(c)(2), including:
(A) Any regular inspections, evaluations, and updating of the exposure controls to maintain effectiveness;
(B) Confirmation that all persons are implementing the exposure controls; and
(C) Each occurrence and duration of any start-up, shutdown, or malfunction of the facility that causes an exceedance of the interim ECEL and any subsequent corrective actions taken by the owner or operator during the start-up, shutdown, or malfunctions to mitigate exposures to TCE.
(iii) Respiratory protection used by each potentially exposed person and PPE program implementation as described in § 751.315(e), including:
(A) The name, workplace address, work shift, job classification, and work area of each potentially exposed person, and the type of respiratory protection provided to each potentially exposed person;
(B) The basis for the specific PPE selection in accordance with § 751.315(e); and
(C) Fit testing and training in accordance with § 751.315(e).
(iv) Information and training provided as required in § 751.315(d).
(3) Workplace participation. Owners or operators must document the notice to and ability of any potentially exposed person who may reasonably be affected by TCE inhalation exposure and their designated representative to readily access the exposure control plans, facility exposure monitoring records, PPE program implementation records, or any other information relevant to TCE exposure in the workplace.
(c) Records related to exemptions. To maintain eligibility for an exemption described in § 751.325, owners or operators must maintain records related to, and demonstrating compliance with, the specific conditions of the exemption.
(d) Records related to phase-outs. (1) Beginning February 18, 2025, each manufacturer of HFC-134a who uses TCE as an intermediate under § 751.307 must maintain records of the annual quantity of TCE purchased and processed until the termination of all processing of TCE as an intermediate and, beginning June 16, 2025, must maintain records that demonstrate how the baseline annual volume was calculated, in accordance with § 751.307(a)(1).
(2) Beginning September 15, 2025, each person using TCE under § 751.309 for industrial and commercial use as a solvent for closed-loop batch vapor degreasing for rayon fabric scouring for end use in rocket booster nozzle production by Federal agencies and their contractors must maintain records demonstrating that the end use is in rocket booster nozzle production for Federal agencies and their contractors.
(3) Beginning September 15, 2025, each person using TCE under § 751.311 for industrial and commercial use in laboratory use for asphalt testing and recovery must maintain records demonstrating compliance with the use of TCE as specified in § 751.311.
(4) After December 18, 2029, each person using TCE under § 751.311 for industrial and commercial use in laboratory use for asphalt testing and recovery must maintain records demonstrating compliance with the provision in § 751.311 that the use of TCE in laboratory use for asphalt testing and recovery be in methods that do not include manual centrifuge processes.
(5) After December 18, 2029, each person using TCE under § 751.309 for industrial and commercial use as a solvent for closed-loop batch vapor degreasing, specifically for rayon fabric scouring, must maintain records that demonstrate that a final pre-launch test of rocket booster nozzles without using TCE was completed.
(e) Records related to workplace requirements for energized electrical cleaner. (1) Owners and operators subject to the energized electrical cleaner requirements described in § 751.317 must retain records of:
(i) Statement regarding whether the owner or operator is complying with the prescriptive PPE requirements described in § 751.317(b)(1) or with the WCPP described in § 751.317(b)(2).
(ii) Dermal and respiratory protection used by each potentially exposed person and program implementation as described in § 751.317(b)(1) or WCPP records described in § 751.323(b).
(2) Distributors of TCE, including TCE containing products, for use in energized electrical cleaning must retain sale records, including:
(i) Name of purchaser;
(ii) Date of sale; and
(iii) Quantity of TCE or TCE containing products sold.
(f) Records related to wastewater workplace protection requirements. (1) Owners and operators subject to the wastewater workplace protection requirements for cleanup sites described in § 751.319 must retain records related to and demonstrating compliance with the provisions of § 751.319 and 29 CFR 1910.120 that are applicable to the particular site and records related to and demonstrating compliance with the interim ECEL.
(2) Publicly owned treatment works must retain records related to and demonstrating compliance with the wastewater screening and other requirements described in § 751.319, and if applicable must retain records for the WCPP as described in § 751.323(b).
(g) Minimum record retention periods. The records required under this section must be retained for at least 5 years from the date that such records were generated, except for the records required under paragraph (d)(1), which must be retained for at least 5 years after the use of TCE covered by the records has ceased.