Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 1065.526 - Repeating of void modes or test intervals.

(a) Test modes and test intervals can be voided because of instrument malfunction, engine stalling, emissions exceeding instrument ranges, and other unexpected deviations from the specified procedures. This section specifies circumstances for which a test mode or test interval can be repeated without repeating the entire test.

(b) This section is intended to result in replicate test modes and test intervals that are identical to what would have occurred if the cause of the voiding had not occurred. It does not allow you to repeat test modes or test intervals in any circumstances that would be inconsistent with good engineering judgment. For example, the procedures specified here for repeating a mode or interval may not apply for certain engines that include hybrid energy storage features or emission controls that involve physical or chemical storage of pollutants. This section applies for circumstances in which emission concentrations exceed the analyzer range only if it is due to operator error or analyzer malfunction. It does not apply for circumstances in which the emission concentrations exceed the range because they were higher than expected.

(c) If one of the modes of a discrete-mode duty cycle is voided while running the duty cycle as provided in this section, you may void the results for that individual mode and continue the duty cycle as follows:

(1) If the engine has stalled or been shut down, restart the engine.

(2) Use good engineering judgment to restart the duty cycle using the appropriate steps in § 1065.530(b).

(3) Stabilize the engine by operating it at the mode at which the duty cycle was interrupted and continue with the duty cycle as specified in the standard-setting part.

(d) If an individual mode of a discrete-mode duty cycle sequence is voided after running the full duty cycle, you may void results for that mode and repeat testing for that mode as follows:

(1) Use good engineering judgment to restart the test sequence using the appropriate steps in § 1065.530(b).

(2) Stabilize the engine by operating it at that mode.

(3) Sample emissions over an appropriate test interval.

(4) If you sampled gaseous and PM emissions over separate test intervals for a voided mode, you must void both test intervals and repeat sampling of both gaseous and PM emissions for that mode.

(e) If a transient or ramped-modal cycle test interval is voided as provided in this section, you may repeat the test interval as follows:

(1) Use good engineering judgment to restart (as applicable) and precondition the engine to the same condition as would apply for normal testing. This may require you to complete the voided test interval. For example, you may generally repeat a hot-start test of a heavy-duty highway engine after completing the voided hot-start test and allowing the engine to soak for 20 minutes.

(2) Complete the remainder of the test according to the provisions in this subpart.

(f) Keep records from the voided test mode or test interval in the same manner as required for unvoided tests.

[79 FR 23776, Apr. 28, 2014]
source: 70 FR 40516, July 13, 2005, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 1065.526