Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 1090.90 - Acronyms and abbreviations.
Link to an amendment published at 90 FR 4342, Jan. 15, 2025.
500 ppm LM diesel fuelAs defined in § 1090.80.
ABTaveraging, banking, and trading.
ARVaccepted reference value.
BOBgasoline before oxygenate blending.
CARBCalifornia Air Resources Board.
CFRCode of Federal Regulations.
CGconventional gasoline.
DFEdenatured fuel ethanol.
E0As defined in § 1090.80.
E10As defined in § 1090.80.
E15As defined in § 1090.80.
ECA marine fuelAs defined in § 1090.80.
EPAEnvironmental Protection Agency.
GTABgasoline treated as blendstock.
IMO marine fuelAs defined in § 1090.80.
LAClowest additive concentration.
LLOQlaboratory limit of quantitation.
MARPOL Annex VIThe International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973 as modified by the Protocol of 1978 Annex VI.
NAAQSNational Ambient Air Quality Standard.
NARANational Archives and Records Administration.
NFSPnational fuels survey program.
NGLnatural gas liquids.
NISTNational Institute for Standards and Technology.
NSTOPnational sampling and testing oversight program.
PCGpreviously certified gasoline.
PLOQpublished limit of quantitation.
ppm (mg/kg)parts per million (or milligram per kilogram).
PTDproduct transfer document.
R&Dresearch and development.
RCOresponsible corporate officer.
RFGreformulated gasoline.
RFSRenewable Fuel Standard.
RVPReid vapor pressure.
SIPstate implementation plan.
SQCstatistical quality control.
T10, T50, T90temperatures representing the points in a distillation process where 10, 50, and 90 percent of the sample evaporates, respectively.
TDPtransmix distillate product.
TGPtransmix gasoline product.
U.S.United States.
U.S.C.United States Code.
ULSDultra-low-sulfur diesel fuel.
VCSBvoluntary consensus standards body.
source: 85 FR 78469, Dec. 4, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 1090.90