Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Nov 13, 2025
§ 1090.1420 - Additional requirements for E15 misfueling mitigation surveying.
Link to an amendment published at 90 FR 4365, Jan. 15, 2025.

(a) E15 misfueling mitigation survey requirement. (1) Any gasoline manufacturer, oxygenate blender, or oxygenate producer that produces, introduces into commerce, sells, or offers for sale E15, gasoline, BOB, DFE, or gasoline-ethanol blended fuel that is intended for use in or as E15 must comply with either survey program Option 1 (as specified in paragraph (b) of this section) or Option 2 (as specified in paragraph (c) of this section).

(2) For an oxygenate producer that produces or imports DFE, the DFE is deemed as intended for use in E15 unless the oxygenate producer demonstrates that it was not intended for such use. The oxygenate producer may demonstrate, at a minimum, that DFE is not intended for use in E15 by including language on PTDs stating that the DFE is not intended for use in E15, entering into contracts with oxygenate blenders to limit the use of their DFE to gasoline-ethanol blended fuels of no more than 10 volume percent, and limiting the concentration of their DFE to no more than 10 volume percent in their fuel additive registration under 40 CFR part 79.

(b) Survey Option 1. The gasoline manufacturer, oxygenate blender, or oxygenate producer must properly conduct a survey program in accordance with a survey program plan that has been approved by EPA in all areas that may be reasonably expected to be supplied with their gasoline, BOB, DFE, or gasoline-ethanol blended fuel. Such approval must be based on a survey program plan that meets all the following requirements:

(1) The survey program must consist of at least quarterly surveys that occur during the following time periods in every year during which the gasoline manufacturer, oxygenate blender, or oxygenate producer introduces E15 into commerce:

(i) One survey during the period of January 1 through March 31.

(ii) One survey during the period of April 1 through June 30.

(iii) One survey during the period of July 1 through September 30.

(iv) One survey during the period of October 1 through December 31.

(2) The survey program plan must meet all the requirements of this subpart, except for §§ 1090.1405(a) and (b)(2), 1090.1410(c)(2) and (3), and 1090.1415(b), (d)(1), (2), and (4), and (e). In lieu of meeting these sections, the survey program plan must specify the sampling strata, clusters, and area(s) to be surveyed, and the number of samples to be included in the survey.

(c) Survey Option 2. The gasoline manufacturer, oxygenate blender, or oxygenate producer must participate in the NFSP under § 1090.1405.

source: 85 FR 78469, Dec. 4, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 40 CFR 1090.1420