Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 40 - Protection of Environment last revised: Oct 15, 2024
§ 52.2502 - Best available retrofit technology requirements for the Alcoa Inc.—Wenatchee Works primary aluminum smelter.

(a) Applicability. This section applies to the Alcoa Inc.—Wenatchee Works primary aluminum smelter (Wenatchee Works) located near Wenatchee, Washington and to its successors and/or assignees.

(b) Best available retrofit technology (BART) emission limitations for Potline 5—(1) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, SO2 emissions from Potline 5 must not exceed 46 pounds per ton of aluminum produced during any calendar month as calculated in paragraph (b)(1)(i) of this section.

(i) Compliance demonstration. Alcoa must determine SO2 emissions, on a calendar month basis using the following formulas:

SO2 emissions in pounds = (carbon ratio) × (tons of aluminum produced during the calendar month) × (% sulfur in baked anodes/100) × (% sulfur converted to SO2/100) × (2 pounds of SO2 per pound of sulfur) × (2000 pounds per ton) SO2 emissions in pounds per ton of aluminum produced = (SO2 emissions in pounds during the calendar month)/(tons of aluminum produced during the calendar month)

(A) The carbon ratio is the calendar month average of tons of baked anodes consumed per ton of aluminum produced as determined using the baked anode consumption and aluminum production records required in paragraph (h)(2) of this section.

(B) The % sulfur in baked anodes is the calendar month average sulfur content as determined in paragraph (b)(1)(ii) of this section.

(C) The % sulfur converted to SO2 is 90%.

(ii) Emission monitoring. The % sulfur of baked anodes must be determined using ASTM Method D6376 or an alternative method approved by the EPA Region 10.

(A) At a minimum, Alcoa must collect no less than four baked anode core samples during each calendar week.

(B) Calendar month average sulfur content must be determined by averaging the sulfur content of all samples collected during the calendar month.

(2) Particulate matter (PM) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, PM emissions from the Potline 5 Gas Treatment Center stack must not exceed 0.005 grains per dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.

(3) Nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission limit. Starting January 7, 2015, NOX emissions from Potline 5 must not exceed, in tons per calendar month, the emission limit determined under paragraph (b)(3)(iii) of this section.

(i) Compliance demonstration. Alcoa must determine NOX emissions, on a calendar month basis using the following formula:

NOX emissions in tons per calendar month = (the emission factor determined under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, in pounds of NOX per ton of aluminum produced) × (number of tons of aluminum produced in the calendar month)/(2000 pounds per ton).

(ii) NOX emission factor development. By September 9, 2014, Alcoa must submit to the EPA a plan for testing NOX emissions from Potline 5 and developing an emission factor in terms of pounds of NOX per ton of aluminum produced. This plan must include testing NOX emissions from both the Gas Treatment Center stack and the potline roof vents along with measurements of volumetric flow and aluminum production such that mass emissions can be determined and correlated with aluminum production. Within 90 days after the EPA approval of the plan, Alcoa shall conduct the testing and submit the resultant emission factor to the EPA at the address listed in paragraph (i)(5) of this section.

(iii) NOX emission limit. NOX emission limit in tons per calendar month = (the emission factor determined under paragraph (b)(3)(ii) of this section, in pounds of NOX per ton of aluminum produced) × (5546.2 tons of aluminum per month)/(2000 pounds per ton).

(c) Best available retrofit technology (BART) emission limitations for Anode Bake Furnace #62—(1) Sulfur dioxide (SO2) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, the sulfur content of the coke used in anode manufacturing must not exceed a weighted average of 3.0 percent during any calendar month as calculated in paragraph (c)(1)(i) of this section.

(i) Compliance demonstration. The weighted monthly average sulfur content of coke used in manufacturing shall be calculated as follows:

Weighted average percent sulfur = ∑(C1-n × SC1-n/100)/∑C1-n*100 Where: Cn is the quantity of coke in shipment n in tons SCn is the percent sulfur content by weight of the coke in shipment n n is the number of shipments of coke in the calendar month

(ii) Emission monitoring. Alcoa must test each shipment of coke for sulfur content using ASTM Method D6376 or an alternative method approved by the EPA Region 10. Written documentation from the coke supplier certifying the sulfur content is an approved alternative method.

(2) Particulate matter (PM) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, the PM emissions from the anode bake furnaces stack must not exceed 0.01 grains per dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.

(3) Nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, the anode bake furnaces must only combust natural gas.

(i) Compliance demonstration. Compliance shall be demonstrated through fuel purchase records.

(ii) Best Available Retrofit Technology (BART) Nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission limit for an approved alternative fuel. Compliance with a Best Available Control Technology (BACT) emission limit for NOX for the anode bake furnaces, established in a Prevention of Significant Deterioration (PSD) permit issued pursuant to 40 CFR 52.21 or pursuant to an EPA-approved PSD program that meets the requirements of 40 CFR 51.166, shall be deemed to be compliance with BART for a fuel other than natural gas.

(d) Best available retrofit technology (BART) emission limitations for Ingot Furnace 1 (IP-1), Ingot Furnace 2 (IP-2), and Ingot Furnace 11 (IP-11)—(1) Particulate matter (PM) emission limits. Starting November 10, 2014, the PM emissions from each of ingot furnaces IP-1, IP-2, and IP-11 must not exceed 0.1 grains per dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.

(2) Nitrogen oxides (NOX) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, each of the ingot furnaces IP-1, IP-2, and IP-11 must only combust natural gas.

(3) Sulfur dioxide (SOX) emission limit. Starting November 10, 2014, each of the ingot furnaces IP-1, IP-2, and IP-11 must only combust natural gas.

(i) Compliance demonstration. Alcoa must demonstrate compliance through fuel purchase records.

(ii) [Reserved]

(e) Best available retrofit technology (BART) particulate matter (PM) emission limitations for the Green Mill. (1) Starting November 10, 2014, the PM emissions from the Green Mill Dry Coke Scrubber must not exceed 0.005 grains per dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.

(2) Starting November 10, 2014, the PM emissions from the Green Mill Dust Collector 2 must not exceed 0.01 grains per dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.

(f) Best available retrofit technology (BART) particulate matter (PM) emission limitations for alumina handling operations. (1) Starting November 10, 2014, the opacity from the alumina handling fabric filters (21M and 19C) must not exceed 20 percent.

(2) Starting November 10, 2014, the PM emissions from the alumina rail car unloading baghouse (43E) must not exceed 0.005 grains per dry standard cubic foot of exhaust gas.

(g) Source testing. (1) Alcoa must perform source testing to demonstrate compliance with emission limits established in this section upon request by the EPA Region 10 Administrator.

(2) The reference test method for measuring PM emissions is EPA Method 5 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A).

(3) The reference test method for measuring opacity from the alumina handling fabric filters (21M and 19C) is EPA Method 9 (40 CFR part 60, appendix A).

(4) The EPA Region 10 may approve the use of an alternative to a reference test method upon an adequate demonstration by Alcoa that such alternative provides results equivalent to that of the reference method.

(h) Recordkeeping. Except as provided in paragraph (h)(6) of this section, starting November 10, 2014, Alcoa must keep the following records:

(1) Alcoa must retain a copy of all calendar month Potline 5 SO2 emissions calculations.

(2) Alcoa must maintain records of the baked anode consumption and aluminum production data used to develop the carbon ratio.

(3) Alcoa must retain a copy of all calendar month carbon ratio and potline SO2 emission calculations.

(4) Alcoa must record the calendar day and calendar month production of aluminum.

(5) Alcoa must record the calendar month average sulfur content of the baked anodes.

(6) Starting January 7, 2015, Alcoa must retain a copy of all calendar month potline NOX emission calculations.

(7) Alcoa must record the sulfur content of each shipment of coke and the quantity of each shipment of coke.

(8) Alcoa must keep fuel purchase records showing the type(s) of fuel combusted in the anode bake furnaces.

(9) Alcoa must keep fuel purchase records showing the type(s) of fuel combusted in the ingot furnaces.

(10) Records must be retained at the facility for at least five years and be made available to the EPA Region 10 upon request.

(i) Reporting. (1) Alcoa must report SO2 emissions by calendar month to the EPA Region 10 on an annual basis at the same time as the annual compliance certification required by the Part 70 operating permit for the Wenatchee Works is submitted to the Title V permitting authority.

(2) Alcoa must report NOX emissions by calendar month to the EPA Region 10 on an annual basis at the same time as the annual compliance certification required by the Part 70 operating permit for the Wenatchee Works is submitted to the Title V permitting authority.

(3) Alcoa must report the monthly weighted average sulfur content of coke received at the facility for each calendar month during the compliance period to the EPA Region 10 at the same time as the annual compliance certification required by the Part 70 operating permit for the Wenatchee Works is submitted to the Title V permitting authority.

(4) Alcoa must report the fuel purchase records for the anode bake furnaces and the ingot furnaces during the compliance period to the EPA Region 10 at the same time as the annual compliance certification required by the Part 70 operating permit for the Wenatchee Works is submitted to the Title V permitting authority.

(5) All documents and reports must be sent to the EPA Region 10 electronically, in a format approved by the EPA Region 10, to the following email address: [email protected].

[79 FR 33453, June 11, 2014, as amended at 79 FR 69768, Nov. 24, 2014]
cite as: 40 CFR 52.2502