(a) The Project Officer for each environmental project or study contract receiving support from the Management Fund must prepare a budget estimate as part of the charter and update the budget estimate annually following the charter's approval. The Office of Environmental Quality must provide copies of these budget estimates to the Office of Administration.
(b) The Council on Environmental Quality may make a payment into the Management Fund by a letter of transmittal that specifies the particular environmental project or study contract it is funding. The Office of Environmental Quality will provide a copy of each such transmittal letter to the Office of Administration.
(c) Agencies other than the Council on Environmental Quality may make advance payments to the Management Fund using the following procedure:
(1) The Director must provide the agency with a letter that specifies the particular environmental project or study contract to which the Director will apply the payment.
(2) The Director and the agency must enter an interagency agreement for the payment. The interagency agreement should indicate any statutory authority appropriate to the transaction, including 42 U.S.C. 4375(a).
(d) The Management Fund is a no-year appropriations account, which can accept funds with any period of availability or funds that remain available until expended (i.e., “one-year,” “multiple-year,” or “no-year” funds). Appropriated funds that an agency pays into the Management Fund expire under the terms of the appropriation under which they originated. The Office of Environmental Quality must account separately for each payment of funds into the Management Fund and track when each such payment will expire.
(e) In addition to or in lieu of an advance payment into the Management Fund, any agency, including the Council on Environmental Quality, may support an environmental project or study contract by providing technical expertise, physical resources, facilities, equipment, or other assets; performing support or administrative services; or assigning detailees or agency representatives.
(f) The Office of Environmental Quality must maintain a separate subaccount within the Management Fund for each environmental project or study contract.
(g) The Director or the Project Officer must approve all of the expenditures for a particular environmental project or study contract. The Management Fund may only accept payments in advance of expenditure; accordingly, the Director or the Project Officer may only approve expenditures for which the Management Fund has received adequate payments in advance.
(h) The Director may approve the reallocation of funds from the Management Fund to another Federal account (or from one Management Fund subaccount to another) provided that:
(1) The agency that originally made the payment of the funds in question to the Management Fund approves the reallocation in writing;
(2) The reallocation would promote the statutory mission of the Office of Environmental Quality; and
(3) The Director determines the reallocation is in the best interest of the Federal Government.
(i) The Office of Environmental Quality must classify each financial transaction involving a Management Fund subaccount in sufficient detail to meet the Office of Environmental Quality's management planning, fiscal control, and financial audit requirements.
(ii) [Reserved]