Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 600.110 - BHP Blueprint.

The BHP Blueprint is a comprehensive written document submitted by the State to the Secretary for certification of a BHP in the form and manner specified by HHS which will include an opportunity for states to submit a limited set of elements necessary for interim certification at the state option. The program must be administered in accordance with all aspects of section 1331 of the Affordable Care Act and other applicable law, this chapter, and the certified BHP Blueprint.

(a) Content of a Blueprint. The Blueprint will establish compliance with applicable requirements by including a description, or if applicable, an assurance of the following:

(1) The minimum benefits offered under a standard health plan that assures inclusion of essential health benefits as described in section 1302(b) of the Affordable Care Act, in accordance with § 600.405.

(2) The competitive process, consistent with § 600.410, that the State will undertake to contract for the provision of standard health plans.

(3) The standard contract requirements, consistent with § 600.415, that the State will incorporate in its standard health plan contracts.

(4) The methods by which the State will enhance the availability of standard health plan coverage as described in § 600.420.

(5) The methods by which the State will ensure and promote coordination with other insurance affordability programs as described in § 600.425.

(6) The premium standards set forth in § 600.505.

(7) The cost sharing imposed under the BHP, consistent with the standards described in § 600.510.

(8) The disenrollment procedures and consequences for nonpayment of premiums consistent with § 600.525, respectively.

(9) The standards, consistent with § 600.305 used to determine eligibility for the program.

(10) The State's policies regarding enrollment, disenrollment and verification consistent with §§ 600.320 and 600.345, along with a plan to ensure coordination with and eliminate gaps in coverage for individuals transitioning to other insurance affordability programs.

(11) The fiscal policies and accountability procedures, consistent with § 600.710.

(12) The process by which BHP trust fund trustees shall be appointed, the qualifications and responsibilities of such trustees, and any arrangements to insure or indemnify such trustees against claims for breaches of their fiduciary responsibilities.

(13) A description of how the State will ensure program integrity, including how it will address potential fraud, waste, and abuse and ensure consumer protections.

(14) An operational assessment establishing operating agency readiness.

(15) A transition plan if a state participating in 2015 plans to propose an alternative enrollment strategy for initial implementation consistent with § 600.145. Such a transition plan must include a plan for coordination of this initial implementation strategy with the Exchange operating in the state, and if beneficiaries will be transitioning from Medicaid, with the Medicaid agency.

(b) Funding plan. (1) The BHP Blueprint must be accompanied by a funding plan that describes the enrollment and cost projections for the first 12 months of operation and the funding sources, if any, beyond the BHP trust fund.

(2) The funding plan must demonstrate that Federal funds will only be used to reduce premiums and cost-sharing or to provide additional benefits.

(c) Transparency. HHS shall make a State's BHP Blueprint available on line after it is submitted for certification, and will update the posted Blueprint to the extent that it is later revised by the state.

authority: Section 1331 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119), as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152, 124 Stat 1029)
source: 79 FR 14140, Mar. 12, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 600.110