Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 600.125 - Revisions to a certified BHP Blueprint.

(a) Submission of revisions. A State may seek to revise its certified Blueprint in whole or in part at any time through the submission of a revised Blueprint to HHS. A State must submit a revised Blueprint to HHS whenever necessary to reflect—

(1) Changes in Federal law, regulations, policy interpretations, or court decisions that affect provisions in the certified Blueprint;

(2) Significant changes that alter core program operations under 600.145(f) or the BHP benefit package; or

(3) Changes to enrollment, disenrollment, and verification policies described in the certified Blueprint.

(b) Submission and effective dates. The effective date of a revised Blueprint may not be earlier than the first day of the quarter in which an approvable revision is submitted to HHS. A revised Blueprint is deemed received when HHS receives an electronic copy of a cover letter signed by the Governor or Governor's designee and a copy of the currently approved Blueprint with proposed changes in track changes.

(c) Timing of HHS review. (1) A revised Blueprint will be deemed approved unless HHS, within 90 calendar days after receipt of the revised Blueprint, sends the State—

(i) Written notice of disapproval; or

(ii) Written notice of additional information it needs in order to make a final determination.

(2) If HHS requests additional information, the 90-day review period for HHS action on the revised Blueprint—

(i) Stops on the day HHS sends a written request for additional information or the next business day if the request is sent on a Federal holiday or weekend; and

(ii) Resumes on the next calendar day of the original 90-day review period after HHS receives a complete response from the State including all the requested additional information, unless the information is received after 5 p.m. eastern standard time on a day prior to a non-business day or any time on a non-business day, in which case the review period resumes on the following business day.

(3) The 90-day review period cannot stop or end on a non-business day. If the 90th calendar day falls on a non-business day, HHS will consider the 90th day to be the next business day.

(4) HHS may send written notice of its need for additional information as many times as necessary to obtain the complete information necessary to review the revised Blueprint.

(5) HHS may disapprove a Blueprint that is not consistent with section 1331 of the ACA or the regulations set forth in this Part at any time during the review process, including when the 90-day review clock is stopped due to a request for additional information.

(d) Continued operation. The State is responsible for continuing to operate under the terms of the existing certified Blueprint until and unless—

(1) The State adopts a revised Blueprint by obtaining approval by HHS under this section;

(2) The State follows the procedures described in § 600.140(a) for terminating a BHP;

(3) The State follows the procedures described in § 600.140(b) for suspending a BHP;

(4) The Secretary withdraws certification of a BHP under 600.142.

(e) Withdrawal of a revised Blueprint. A State may withdraw a proposed Blueprint revision during HHS' review if the State has not yet implemented the proposed changes and provides written notice to HHS.

(f) Reconsideration of decision. HHS will accept a State request for reconsideration of a decision not to certify a revised Blueprint and provide an impartial review against the standards for certification if requested.

(g) Public health emergency. For the Public Health Emergency, as defined in § 400.200 of this chapter, the State may submit to the Secretary for review and certification a revised Blueprint, in the form and manner specified by HHS, that makes temporary significant changes to its BHP that are directly related to the Public Health Emergency and would increase enrollee access to coverage. Such revised Blueprints may have an effective date retroactive to the first day of the Public Health Emergency and through the last day of the Public Health Emergency, or a later date if requested by the State and certified by HHS. Such revised Blueprints are not subject to the public comment requirements under § 600.115(c).

[88 FR 79553, Nov. 16, 2023]
authority: Section 1331 of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-148, 124 Stat. 119), as amended by the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010 (Pub. L. 111-152, 124 Stat 1029)
source: 79 FR 14140, Mar. 12, 2014, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 600.125