Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 403.816 - Special rules concerning long-term care and I/T/U pharmacies.

(a) In general. (1) An applicant for endorsement may submit an application to become a special endorsed sponsor for long-term care and/or for I/T/U pharmacies.

(2) Of qualified applicants, the Secretary will select at least two of the best-qualified applicants for special endorsement for long-term care and at least two of the best-qualified applicants for special endorsement for I/T/U pharmacies.

(3) Applicants for special endorsement for long-term care must demonstrate in their applications that they meet the requirements in paragraph (b) of this section.

(4) Applicants for special endorsement for I/T/U pharmacies must demonstrate in their applications that they meet the requirements in paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Long-term care. A special endorsed sponsor for long-term care must—

(1) Apply transitional assistance toward the cost of covered discount card drugs obtained by transitional assistance enrollees who reside in long-term care facilities and who receive such prescription drugs through long-term care pharmacies;

(2) Offer contractual arrangements to any long-term care pharmacy seeking reimbursement from transitional assistance for covered discount card drugs provided by such pharmacy to transitional assistance enrollees who reside in long-term care facilities;

(3) Process any submitted claims from network pharmacies and out-of-network long-term care pharmacies that supply covered discount card drugs to transitional assistance enrollees who reside in long-term care facilities, when such enrollees have unspent transitional assistance remaining;

(4) Include special terms and conditions in its contracts with network pharmacies that are long-term care pharmacies to facilitate access to and the administration of transitional assistance to transitional assistance enrollees residing in long-term care facilities, including, but not limited to the following—

(i) Waiving penalties against long-term care pharmacies for submitting late claims to the special endorsed sponsor due to the pharmacy's coordination of benefits activities; and

(ii) Permitting a long-term care pharmacy to limit its services to only transitional assistance enrollees who reside in a long-term care facility served by the long-term care pharmacy.

(5) Except as noted in paragraph (c) of this section, comply with all requirements for endorsed sponsors noted in §§ 403.804 and 403.806.

(c) Waiver of requirements. (1) The following requirements will not apply to or will be waived for special endorsed sponsors providing transitional assistance to long-term care residents:

(i) Section 403.806(d) (relating to the prescription drug offering) shall not apply to long-term care pharmacies in the special endorsed sponsor's network; and

(ii) Section 403.806(e)(4) (requiring information about the amount of transitional assistance remaining) shall not apply to long-term care pharmacies in the special endorsed sponsor's network.

(2)(i) As the Secretary determines appropriate on a case-by-case basis, any additional requirements discussed in §§ 403.804 and 403.806, except for the requirements in §§ 403.812 and 403.813, may be waived or modified on behalf of a special endorsed sponsor for long-term care if the waiver or modification is—

(A) Necessary to enable the applicant to either initiate enrollment activities under the special endorsement within 6 months of enactment of section 1860D-31 of the Act, or accommodate the unique needs of long-term care pharmacies; or

(B) Compliance with the requirement(s) in question would be impracticable or inefficient.

(ii) Applicants to become special endorsed sponsors for long-term care must request such waivers or modifications in writing in a manner required by the Secretary.

(d) I/T/U pharmacies. A special endorsed sponsor for I/T/U pharmacies must—

(1) Apply transitional assistance toward the cost of covered discount card drugs obtained by transitional assistance enrollees who are American Indians and Alaska Natives and who receive prescription drugs through I/T/U pharmacies as allowed under paragraph (d)(2) of this section;

(2) Offer contractual arrangements to any I/T/U pharmacy that is in the special endorsed sponsor's service area and seeking reimbursement from transitional assistance for covered discount card drugs provided by such pharmacy to transitional assistance enrollees who are also American Indians/Alaska Natives;

(3) Include special terms and conditions in its contracts with network I/T/U pharmacies to facilitate access to and the administration of transitional assistance for transitional assistance enrollees who are American Indians/Alaska Natives, including, but not limited to the following:

(i) Permitting an I/T/U pharmacy to limit its services to only those transitional assistance enrollees who are American Indians/Alaska Natives, and

(ii) Allowing an I/T/U pharmacy to select which drugs to stock, which may be a more limited set than other retail pharmacies.

(4) Except as noted in paragraph (e) of this section, comply with all requirements for endorsed sponsors noted in §§ 403.804 and 403.806.

(e) Waiver of requirements. (1) The following requirements will not apply to or will be waived for special endorsed sponsors providing transitional assistance through I/T/U pharmacies:

(i) Section 403.806(d) (relating to the prescription drug offering) shall not apply to I/T/U pharmacies in the special endorsed sponsor's network; and

(ii) Section 403.806(e)(4) (requiring information about the amount of transitional assistance remaining) shall not apply to I/T/U pharmacies in the special endorsed sponsor's network.

(2)(i) As the Secretary determines appropriate on a case-by-case basis, any additional requirements discussed in §§ 403.804 and 403.806, except for the requirements in §§ 403.812 and 403.813, may be waived or modified on behalf of a special endorsed sponsor for I/T/U pharmacies if the waiver or modification is—

(A) Necessary to enable the applicant to either initiate enrollment activities under the special endorsement within 6 months of enactment of section 1860D-31 of the Act, or accommodate the unique needs of I/T/U pharmacies; or

(B) Compliance with the requirement(s) in question would be impracticable or inefficient.

(ii) Applicants to become special endorsed sponsors for I/T/U pharmacies must request such waivers or modifications in writing in a manner required by the Secretary.

authority: 42 U.S.C. 1302 and 1395hh
cite as: 42 CFR 403.816