Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 124.509 - Reporting requirements.

(a) Facilities not certified under § 124.513, § 124.514, § 124.515, § 124.516, or § 124.517—(1) Timing of reports. (i) A facility shall submit to the Secretary a report to assist the Secretary in determining compliance with this subpart once every three fiscal years, on a schedule to be prescribed by the Secretary.

(ii) A facility shall submit the required report more frequently than once every three years under the following circumstances:

(A) If the facility determines that in the preceding fiscal year it did not provide uncompensated services at the annual compliance level, it shall submit a report.

(B) If the Secretary determines, and notifies the facility in writing that a report is needed for proper administration of the program, the facility shall submit a report within 90 days after receiving notice from the Secretary, or within 90 days after the close of the fiscal year, whichever is later.

(iii) Except as specified in paragraph (a)(1)(ii)(B) of this section, the reports required by this section shall be submitted within 90 days after the close of the fiscal year, unless a longer period is approved by the Secretary for good cause.

(2) Content of report. The report must include the following information in a form prescribed by the Secretary:

(i) Information that the Secretary prescribes to permit a determination of whether a facility has met the annual compliance level for the fiscal years covered by the report;

(ii) The date on which the notice required by § 124.504(a) was published, and the name of the newspaper that printed the notice;

(iii) If the amount of uncompensated services provided by the facility in the preceding fiscal year was lower than the annual compliance level, an explanation of why the facility did not meet the required level. If the facility claims that it failed to meet the required compliance level because it was financially unable to do so, it shall explain and provide documentation prescribed by the Secretary;

(iv) If the facility is required to submit an affirmative action plan, a copy of the plan.

(v) Other information that the Secretary prescribes.

(3) Institution of suit. Not later than 10 days after being served with a summons or complaint the facility shall notify the HHS Regional Health Administrator 1 for the Region in which it is located of any legal action brought against it alleging that it has failed to comply with the requirements of this subpart.

1 The addresses of the HHS Regional Offices are set out in 45 CFR 5.31.

(b) Facilities certified under § 124.513 or § 124.516. A facility certified under § 124.513 or § 124.516 shall comply with paragraph (a)(3) of this section and shall submit within 90 days after the close of its fiscal year, as appropriate:

(1) A certification, signed by the responsible official of the facility, that there has been no material change in the factors upon which the certification was based; or

(2) A certification, signed by the responsible official of the facility and supported by appropriate documentation, that there has been a material change in the factors upon which the certification was based.

(c) Facilities certified under § 124.514. A facility certified under § 124.514 shall comply with paragraph (a)(3) of this section and shall submit within 90 days after the close of its fiscal year, as appropriate:

(1)(i) A certification, signed by the responsible official of the facility, that there has been no material change in the factors upon which the certification was based; or

(ii) A certification, signed by the responsible official of the facility and supported by appropriate documentation, that there has been a material change in the factors upon which the certification was based; and

(2) A certification, signed by the responsible official of the facility, of the amount of uncompensated services provided in the previous fiscal year.

(d) Facilities certified under § 124.515. A facility certified under § 124.515 shall submit such reports as are required by the terms of its grant under section 329 or 330 or by its agreement under section 334 of the Act, as applicable, at such intervals as the Secretary may require.

(e) Facilities certified under § 124.517. If a facility certified under § 124.517 ceases to provide uncompensated services consistent with its certification under that section because of financial inability, it shall report such cessation to the Secretary within 90 days of the cessation and provide any documentation or information relating to the provision or cessation of uncompensated services that the Secretary may require.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0077) [52 FR 46031, Dec. 3, 1987, as amended at 52 FR 48362, Dec. 21, 1987; 54 FR 52939, Dec. 26, 1989; 59 FR 44639, Aug. 30, 1994; 66 FR 49266, Sept. 26, 2001]
authority: Secs. 215, 1602, 1625, Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 216,300o,300r,unless
source: 42 FR 62270, Dec. 9, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 124.509