Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 124.511 - Investigation and determination of compliance.

(a) Complaints. A complaint that a facility is out of compliance with the requirements of this subpart may be filed with the Secretary by any person.

(1) A complaint is considered to be filed with the Secretary on the date the following information is received in the Office of the HHS Regional Health Administrator for the Region in which the facility is located:

(i) The name and address of the person making the complaint or on whose behalf the complaint is made;

(ii) The name and location of the facility;

(iii) The date or approximate date on which the event occurred; and

(iv) A statement of what actions the complainant considers to violate the requirements of this subpart.

(2) The Secretary promptly provides a copy of the complaint to the facility named in the complaint.

(3) When the Secretary investigates a facility, the facility, including a facility certified under § 124.513, § 124.514, § 124.515, § 124.516, or § 124.517, shall provide to the Secretary on request any documents, records and other information concerning its operation that relate to the requirements of this subpart. A facility will be presumed to be out of compliance with its assurance unless it supplies documentation sufficient to show compliance with the applicable provisions of this subpart.

(4) Section 1627 of the Act provides that if the Secretary dimisses a complaint or the Attorney General has not brought an action for compliance within six months from the date on which the compliant is filed, the person filing it may bring a private action to effectuate compliance with the assurance. If the Secretary determines that he/she will be unable to issue a decision on a complaint or otherwise take appropriate action within the six month period, the Secretary may, based on priorities for the disposition of complaints that are established to promote the most effective use of enforcement resources, or on the request of the applicant, dismiss the complaint without a finding as to compliance prior to the end of the six month period, but no earlier than 45 days after the complaint is filed.

(b) Assessments. The Secretary periodically investigates and assesses facilities to ascertain compliance with the requirements of this subpart, including certification of the amount of uncompensated services provided in a fiscal year or years, and provides guidance and prescribes corrective action to correct noncompliance.

(1) Compliance after February 1, 1988. (i) The Secretary may certify that a facility has substantially complied with its assurance for a fiscal year or years, and such certification shall establish that the facility provided the amount of uncompensated services certified for the period covered by the certification.

(ii) A certification of substantial compliance shall be based on the amount properly claimed by the facility pursuant to § 124.509(a), utilizing procedures determined by the Secretary to be sufficient to establish that the facility has substantially complied with its assurance for the period covered by the certification. The procedures will include examination of individual account data to the extent deemed necessary by the Secretary.

(iii) A certification of substantial compliance will be made where the Secretary determines that, for the period covered by the certification, the facility provided uncompensated services to eligible persons who had equal opportunity to apply therefor. In making this determination, the Secretary will consider, in descending order of importance, whether—

(A) Corrective action prescribed pursuant to § 124.512(b) has been taken by the facility;

(B) Any noncompliance with the requirements of this subpart may be remedied by corrective action under § 124.512(b);

(C) The facility had procedures in place that complied with the requirements of § 124.504(c), § 124.505, § 124.507, § 124.509, § 124.513(b)(2), § 124.514(b)(2), § 124.515, § 124.516(b)(1) or (b)(2), as applicable, or § 124.517(b), and systematically and correctly followed such procedures.

(2) Compliance prior to February 1, 1988. The Secretary will determine the amount of creditable services provided prior to the effective date of these rules using the compliance standards applicable under the rules as promulgated on May 18, 1979, based on procedures determined by the Secretary to be sufficient to establish that the facility provided such amounts of uncompensated services in the period(s) being assessed.

(c) Determinations of financial inability. In determining whether a facility was or is financially able to meet its annual compliance level, the Secretary will consider any comments submitted by interested parties. In making this determination, the Secretary will consider factors such as:

(1) The ratio of revenues to expenses;

(2) The occupancy rate;

(3) The ratio of current assets to current liabilities;

(4) The average cost per patient day;

(5) The number of days of operating expenses in accounts payable;

(6) The number of days of revenues in accounts receivable;

(7) The sinking fund (or depreciation fund) balance;

(8) The debt coverage ratio; and

(9) The availability of restricted or unrestricted funds (such as an endowment) available for charitable use.

[52 FR 46031, Dec. 3, 1987; 52 FR 48362, Dec. 21, 1987; 53 FR 5576, Feb. 25, 1988; 59 FR 44639, Aug. 30, 1994; 66 FR 49266, Sept. 26, 2001; 85 FR 72909, Nov. 16, 2020]
authority: Secs. 215, 1602, 1625, Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 216,300o,300r,unless
source: 42 FR 62270, Dec. 9, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 124.511