Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 124.705 - Amount of recovery.

(a) Except as provided in § 124.706, the amount that the United States shall be entitled to recover under this subpart is that amount bearing the same ratio to the then value of so much of the facility as constituted an approved project (or projects) as the amount of Federal participation bore to the cost of the construction or modernization under such project (or projects).

(b) The then value of the facility will be based on:

(1) The transaction value in the case of an arms-length sale or transfer, or

(2) A depreciated reproduction value in the absence of an arms-length sale or transfer or if the buyer fails to provide, within 60 days after the date of the Secretary's letter described in § 124.704(c), the information which, in the judgment of the Secretary, is necessary to establish, adjust, and apportion a transaction value. As used in this section, “transaction value” means in the case of a sale, the sale price, and in the case of a lease, the value of the lease plus the residual value of the facility at the termination of the lease (i.e., the reproduction value or, if appropriate, an alternative use value).

(c) The transaction value will be adjusted to account for the purchase or lease of other assets and the assumption of liabilities associated with the transaction. To determine the amount of Federal recovery, the adjusted value will be apportioned to the grant-aided assets by the ration of the remaining useful lifetime values of those assets to the sum of the remaining useful lifetime values of all assets not previously accounted for in adjusting the transaction value.

(d) A depreciated reproduction value will be established by calculating a reproduction value using construction cost indexes or current costs per square foot for construction, depending on which is more relevant to the type of construction associated with the grant. This reproduction value will then be adjusted by the ratio of the remaining useful life to the total useful life for the assets involved.

(e) In calculating the recovery amount, the Secretary will include as Federal participation any grant assistance received by the facility under an authority listed in § 124.701 and any assistance supplementary to that assistance received for the construction or modernization of the facility under the Public Works and Economic Development Act of 1965 (42 U.S.C. 3121, et seq.) or the Local Public Works Capital Development Act of 1976 (Pub. L. 94-369).

authority: Secs. 215, 1602, 1625, Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 216,300o,300r,unless
source: 42 FR 62270, Dec. 9, 1977, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 42 CFR 124.705