Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 42 - Public Health last revised: Feb 19, 2025
§ 136a.12 - Persons to whom health services will be provided.

(a) Subject to the requirements of this subpart, the Indian Health Service will provide direct services at its facilities, and contract health services, as medically indicated, and to the extent that funds and resources allocated to the particular Health Service Delivery Area permit, to persons of Indian or Alaska Native descent who:

(1) Are members of a federally recognized Indian tribe; and

(2) Reside within a Health Service Delivery Area designated under § 36a.15; or

(3) Are not members of a federally recognized Indian tribe but are the natural minor children (18 years old or under) of a member of a Federally recognized tribe and reside within a Health Service Delivery Area designated under § 36a.15.

(b) Subject to the requirements of this subpart, the Indian Health Service will also provide direct services at its facilities and, except where otherwise provided, contract health services, as medically indicated and to the extent that funds and resources allocated to the particular Health Service Delivery Area permit, to people in the circumstances listed below:

(1) To persons who meet the eligibility criteria in paragraph (a) of this section except for the residency requirement, who formerly resided within a Health Service Delivery area designated under § 36a.15, and who present themselves to any Indian Health Service or Indian Health Service funded facility (and to minor children of such persons if the children meet the eligibility criteria in paragraph (a) of this section except for the residency requirement). Contract health services may not be authorized for these individuals;

(2) To a non-Indian woman pregnant with an eligible Indian's child but only during the period of her pregnancy through post-partum (generally about 6 weeks after delivery). In cases where the woman is not married to the eligible Indian under applicable state or tribal law, paternity must be acknowledged in writing by the Indian or determined by order of a court of competent jurisdiction;

(3) To non-Indian members of an eligible Indian's household if the medical officer in charge determines that the health services are necessary to control acute infectious disease or a public health hazard; and

(4) To an otherwise eligible person for up to 90 days after the person ceases to reside in a Health Service Delivery Area when the Service Unit Director has been notified of the move.

(c) Contract health services will not be authorized when and to the extent that Indian Health Service or Indian Health Service funded facilities are available to provide the needed care. When funds are insufficient to provide the volume of contract health services needed by the service population, the Indian Health Service shall determine service priorities on the basis of medical need.

(d) The Indian Health Service may provide direct services at its facilities on a fee-for-service basis to persons who are not beneficiaries under paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section under a number of authorities including the following:

(1) In emergencies under section 322(b) of the Public Health Service Act, 42 U.S.C. 249(b), and 42 CFR 32.111 of the regulations;

(2) To Public Health Service and other Federal beneficiaries under Economy Act (31 U.S.C. 1535) arrangements to the extent that providing services does not interfere with or restrict the provision of services to Indian and Alaska Native beneficiaries; and

(3) To non-beneficiaries residing within the Health Service Delivery Area when approved by the tribe or tribes located on the reservation but only to the extent that providing services does not interfere with or restrict the provision of services to Indian and Alaska Native beneficiaries.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0107) [52 FR 35048, Sept. 16, 1987, as amended at 55 FR 4609, Feb. 9, 1990; 65 FR 53914, Sept. 6, 2000]
authority: Sec. 3, 68 Stat. 674; 42 U.S.C. 2003,42. 208, sec. 1, 68 Stat. 674; 25 U.S.C. 13,42.S.C. 2001, unless otherwise noted
source: 64 FR 58318, 58319, Oct. 28, 1999, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 67 FR 35342, May 17, 2002.
cite as: 42 CFR 136a.12