Link to an amendment published at 89 FR 80065, Oct. 2, 2024.
(a) The grantee shall use the facility (or that portion of the facility supported by a grant under this part) for its originally authorized purpose so long as needed for that purpose, or other period prescribed by statute, unless the grantee obtains advance approval from the Director, in the form and manner as the Director may prescribe, to use the facility for another purpose. Use for other purposes shall be limited as prescribed in § 52b.9(c)(2).
(b) The Director, in determining whether to approve an alternative use of the facility, shall take into consideration the extent to which:
(1) The facility will be used by the grantee or other owner for a purpose described in § 52b.9(c)(2); or
(2) There are reasonable assurances that alternative facilities not previously used for NIH supported research will be utilized to carry out the original purpose as prescribed in § 52b.9(c)(1).
(c) Sale or transfer. In the form and manner as the Director may prescribe, the grantee may request the Director's approval to sell the facility or transfer title to a third party eligible under § 52b.3 for continued use of the facility for an authorized purpose in accordance with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this section. If approval is permissible under the Act or other federal statute and is granted, the terms of the transfer shall provide that the transferee shall assume all the rights and obligations of the transferor set forth in 45 CFR part 75, the regulations of this part, and the other terms and conditions of the grant.
[64 FR 63722, Nov. 22, 1999, as amended at 81 FR 3008, Jan. 20, 2016]