(a) Determination of eligibility. (1) Applicants are eligible for consideration for a nursing student loan if they are:
(i) Residents of the United States and either a citizen or national of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted for permanent residence in the United States, a citizen of the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, a citizen of the Republic of Palau, a citizen of the Republic of the Marshall Islands, or a citizen of the Federated States of Micronesia;
(ii) Enrolled, or accepted for enrollment in the school as full-time or half-time students;
(iii) In need of the amount of the loan to pursue the course of study at the school; and
(iv) Capable, in the opinion of the school, of maintaining good standing in the course of study.
(2) An applicant who has previously attended an institution of higher education must submit a financial aid transcript which includes at least the following data:
(i) Applicant's name and social security number;
(ii) Amounts and sources of loans and grants previously received by the applicant for study at an institution of higher education;
(iii) Whether the applicant is in default on any of these loans, or owes a refund on any grants;
(iv) Certification from each institution previously attended by the applicant that the applicant has received no financial aid, if applicable; and
(v) From each institution previously attended, the signature of an official authorized by the institution to sign such transcripts on behalf of the institution.
(b) Selection of nursing student loan applicants and determinations of need. The school will select qualified applicants, make reasonable determinations of need, and determine the amount of student loans.
(1) In selecting nursing student loan applicants the school will give preference to licensed practical nurses, and to persons with exceptional financial need. For purposes of this preference, a student will be considered to demonstrate exceptional financial need if the school determines that the student's resources, as described in paragraph (b)(2)(i) of this section, do not exceed one-half of the costs of attendance at the school. Summer earnings, educational loans, veterans (G.I.) benefits, earnings during the school year, and Aid to Families with Dependent Children (AFDC) will not be considered as resources in determining whether an applicant meets these criteria for exceptional financial need, but will be considered in determining the amount of funds a student may receive.
(2) In determining whether a student is in need of a nursing student loan to pursue a full-time or half-time course of study at the school, the school will take into consideration:
(i) The financial resources available to the student by using one of the national need analysis systems or any other procedure approved by the Secretary of Education in combination with other information which the school has regarding the student's financial status; and
(ii) The costs reasonably necessary for the student's attendance at the school, including any special needs and obligations which directly affect the student's financial ability to attend the school on a full-time or half-time basis. The school must document the criteria used for determining these costs.
(c) Verification of loan information. The school must verify, to the best of its ability, the information provided by the student on the loan application. To comply with this requirement, a school may require that a student provide, for example: Photocopies of the parents', student's, and spouse's Federal income tax forms with original signatures for the most recent tax year (or certification that no Federal income tax return was filed); tax returns that are certified as having been received by the Internal Revenue Service; or other documentation that the school considers necessary to help assure that information on the loan application is correct.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0915-0047)
[50 FR 34434, Aug. 23, 1985, as amended at 53 FR 46554, Nov. 17, 1988; 56 FR 13771, Apr. 4, 1991; 61 FR 6123, Feb. 16, 1996]