Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Feb 10, 2025
§ 10010.5 - Consultation, coordination, and cooperation with other agencies and organizations.

(a) Commission plans and programs. (1) Officials responsible for planning or implementing Commission plans and programs will develop and utilize procedures to consult, coordinate, and cooperate with relevant State, local, and Indian tribal governments; other Federal agencies; and public and private organizations and individuals concerning the environmental effects of these plans and programs on their jurisdictions and/or interests.

(2) The Commission will utilize, to the maximum extent possible, existing notification, coordination, and review mechanisms established by the Office of Management and Budget, the Water Resource Council, and CEQ. However, use of these mechanisms must not be a substitute for early and positive consultation, coordination, and cooperation with others, especially State, local, and Indian tribal governments.

(b) Other Commission activities. (1) Technical assistance, advice, data, and information useful in restoring, maintaining, and enhancing the quality of the environment will be made available to other Federal agencies, State, local, and Indian tribal governments, institutions, and individuals as appropriate.

(2) Information regarding existing or potential environmental problems and control methods developed as a part of research, development, demonstration, test, or evaluation activities will be made available to other Federal agencies, State, local, and Indian tribal governments, institutions and other entities as appropriate.

(c) Plans and programs of other agencies and organizations. (1) Officials responsible for protecting, conserving, developing, or managing resources under the Commission's jurisdiction shall coordinate and cooperate with State, local and Indian tribal governments, other Federal agencies, and public and private organizations and individuals, and provide them with timely information concerning the environmental effects of these entities' plans and programs.

(2) The Commission will participate early in applicable planning processes of other agencies and organizations in order to ensure full cooperation with and understanding of the Commission's programs and interests in natural, cultural, and human resources.

(3) The Commission will utilize to the fullest extent possible, existing review mechanisms to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort and to avoid confusion by other organizations.

authority: 43 U.S.C. 620k (note)
source: 61 FR 16721, Apr. 17, 1996, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 10010.5