Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 43 - Public Lands: Interior last revised: Sep 06, 2024
§ 3461.5 - Criteria for assessing lands unsuitable for all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining.

(a)(1) Criterion Number 1. All Federal lands included in the following land systems or categories shall be considered unsuitable: National Park System, National Wildlife Refuge System, National System of Trails, National Wilderness Preservation System, National Wild and Scenic Rivers System, National Recreation Areas, lands acquired with money derived from the Land and Water Conservation Fund, National Forests, and Federal lands in incorporated cities, towns, and villages.

(2) Exceptions. (i) A lease may be issued within the boundaries of any National Forest if the Secretary finds no significant recreational, timber, economic or other values which may be incompatible with the lease; and (A) surface operations and impacts are incident to an underground coal mine, or (B) where the Secretary of Agriculture determines, with respect to lands which do not have significant forest cover within those National Forests west of the 100th Meridian, that surface mining may be in compliance with the Multiple-Use Sustained-Yield Act of 1960, the Federal Coal Leasing Amendments Act of 1976 and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977.

(ii) A lease may be issued within the Custer National Forest with the consent of the Department of Agriculture as long as no surface coal mining operations are permitted.

(3) Exemptions. The application of this criterion to lands within the listed land systems and categories is subject to valid existing rights, and does not apply to surface coal mining operations existing on August 3, 1977.

(b)(1) Criterion Number 2. Federal lands that are within rights-of-way or easements or within surface leases for residential, commercial, industrial, or other public purposes, on federally owned surface shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exceptions. A lease may be issued, and mining operations approved, in such areas if the surface management agency determines that:

(i) All or certain types of coal development (e.g., underground mining) will not interfere with the purpose of the right-of-way or easement; or

(ii) The right-of-way or easement was granted for mining purposes; or

(iii) The right-of-way or easement was issued for a purpose for which it is not being used; or

(iv) The parties involved in the right-of-way or easement agree, in writing, to leasing; or

(v) It is impractical to exclude such areas due to the location of coal and method of mining and such areas or uses can be protected through appropriate stipulations.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(c)(1) Criterion Number 3. The terms used in this criterion have the meaning set out in the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement regulations at Chapter VII of Title 30 of the Code of Federal Regulations. Federal lands affected by section 522(e) (4) and (5) of the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977 shall be considered unsuitable. This includes lands within 100 feet of the outside line of the right-of-way of a public road or within 100 feet of a cemetery, or within 300 feet of any public building, school, church, community or institutional building or public park or within 300 feet of an occupied dwelling.

(2) Exceptions. A lease may be issued for lands:

(i) Used as mine access roads or haulage roads that join the right-of-way for a public road;

(ii) For which the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement has issued a permit to have public roads relocated;

(iii) If, after public notice and opportunity for public hearing in the locality, a written finding is made by the authorized officer that the interests of the public and the landowners affected by mining within 100 feet of a public road will be protected.

(iv) For which owners of occupied dwellings have given written permission to mine within 300 feet of their buildings.

(3) Exemptions. The application of this criterion is subject to valid existing rights, and does not apply to surface coal mining operations existing on August 3, 1977.

(d)(1) Criterion Number 4. Federal lands designated as wilderness study areas shall be considered unsuitable while under review by the Administration and the Congress for possible wilderness designation. For any Federal land which is to be leased or mined prior to completion of the wilderness inventory by the surface management agency, the environmental assessment or impact statement on the lease sale or mine plan shall consider whether the land possesses the characteristics of a wilderness study area. If the finding is affirmative, the land shall be considered unsuitable, unless issuance of noncompetitive coal leases and mining on leases is authorized under the Wilderness Act and the Federal Land Policy and Management Act of 1976.

(2) Exemption. The application of this criterion to lands for which the Bureau of Land Management is the surface management agency and lands in designated wilderness areas in National Forests is subject to valid existing rights.

(e)(1) Criterion Number 5. Scenic Federal lands designated by visual resource management analysis as Class I (an areas of outstanding scenic quality or high vessel sensitivity) but not currently on the National Register of Natural Landmarks shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued if the surface management agency determines that surface coal mining operations will not significantly diminish or adversely affect the scenic quality of the designated area.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator has made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977, or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(f)(1) Criterion Number 6. Federal lands under permit by the surface management agency, and being used for scientific studies involving food or fiber production, natural resources, or technology demonstrations and experiments shall be considered unsuitable for the duration of the study, demonstration or experiment, except where mining could be conducted in such a way as to enhance or not jeopardize the purposes of the study, as determined by the surface management agency, or where the principal scientific user or agency gives written concurrence to all or certain methods of mining.

(2) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(g)(1) Criterion Number 7. All publicly or privately owned places which are included in the National Register of Historic Places shall be considered unsuitable. This shall include any areas that the surface management agency determines, after consultation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the State Historic Preservation Officer, are necessary to protect the inherent values of the property that made it eligible for listing in the National Register.

(2) Exceptions. All or certain stipulated methods of coal mining may be allowed if, after consultation with the Advisory Council on Historic Preservation and the State Historic Preservation Officer, they are approved by the surface management agency, and, where appropriate, the State or local agency with jurisdiction over the historic site.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(h)(1) Criterion Number 8. Federal lands designated as natural areas or as National Natural Landmarks shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exceptions. A lease may be issued and mining operation approved in an area or site if the surface management agency determines that:

(i) The use of appropriate stipulated mining technology will result in no significant adverse impact to the area or site; or

(ii) The mining of the coal resource under appropriate stipulations will enhance information recovery (e.g., paleontological sites).

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which includes operations on which a permit has been issued.

(i) (1) Criterion Number 9. Federally designated critical habitat for listed threatened or endangered plant and animal species, and habitat proposed to be designated as critical for listed threatened or endangered plant and animal species or species proposed for listing, and habitat for Federal threatened or endangered species which is determined by the Fish and Wildlife Service and the surface management agency to be of essential value and where the presence of threatened or endangered species has been scientifically documented, shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued and mining operations approved if, after consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service, the Service determines that the proposed activity is not likely to jeopardize the continued existence of the listed species and/or its critical habitat.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(j)(1) Criterion Number 10. Federal lands containing habitat determined to be critical or essential for plant or animal species listed by a state pursuant to state law as endangered or threatened shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued and mining operations approved if, after consultation with the state, the surface management agency determines that the species will not be adversely affected by all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(k)(1) Criterion Number 11. A bald or golden eagle nest or site on Federal lands that is determined to be active and an appropriate buffer zone of land around the nest site shall be considered unsuitable. Consideration of availability of habitat for prey species and of terrain shall be included in the determination of buffer zones. Buffer zones shall be determined in consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service.

(2) Exceptions. A lease may be issued if:

(i) It can be conditioned in such a way, either in manner or period of operation, that eagles will not be disturbed during breeding season; or

(ii) The surface management agency, with the concurrence of the Fish and Wildlife Service, determines that the golden eagle nest(s) will be moved.

(iii) Buffer zones may be decreased if the surface management agency determines that the active eagle nests will not be adversely affected.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(l)(1) Criterion Number 12. Bald and golden eagle roost and concentration areas on Federal lands used during migration and wintering shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued if the surface management agency determines that all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining can be conducted in such a way, and during such periods of time, to ensure that eagles shall not be adversely disturbed.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(m)(1) Criterion Number 13. Federal lands containing a falcon (excluding kestrel) cliff nesting site with an active nest and a buffer zone of Federal land around the nest site shall be considered unsuitable. Consideration of availability of habitat for prey species and of terrain shall be included in the determination of buffer zones. Buffer zones shall be determined in consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued where the surface management agency, after consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service, determines that all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining will not adversely affect the falcon habitat during the periods when such habitat is used by the falcons.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(n)(1) Criterion Number 14. Federal lands which are high priority habitat for migratory bird species of high Federal interest on a regional or national basis, as determined jointly by the surface management agency and the Fish and Wildlife Service, shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued where the surface management agency, after consultation with the Fish and Wildlife Service, determines that all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining will not adversely affect the migratory bird habitat during the periods when such habitat is used by the species.

(3) Exemption. This criterion does not apply to lands: to which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(o)(1) Criteron Number 15. Federal lands which the surface management agency and the state jointly agree are habitat for resident species of fish, wildlife and plants of high interest to the state and which are essential for maintaining these priority wildlife and plant species shall be considered unsuitable. Examples of such lands which serve a critical function for the species involved include:

(i) Active dancing and strutting grounds for sage grouse, sharp-tailed grouse, and prairie chicken;

(ii) Winter ranges crucial for deer, antelope, and elk;

(iii) Migration corridor for elk; and

(iv) Extremes of range for plant species; and

A lease may be issued if, after consultation with the state, the surface management agency determines that all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining will not have a significant long-term impact on the species being protected.

(2) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(p)(1) Criterion Number 16. Federal lands in riverine, coastal and special floodplains (100-year recurrence interval) on which the surface management agency determines that mining could not be undertaken without substantial threat of loss of life or property shall be considered unsuitable for all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining.

(2) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(q)(1) Criterion Number 17. Federal lands which have been committed by the surface management agency to use as municipal watersheds shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exception. A lease may be issued where the surface management agency in consultation with the municipality (incorporated entity) or the responsible governmental unit determines, as a result of studies, that all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining will not adversely affect the watershed to any significant degree.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(r)(1) Criterion Number 18. Federal lands with National Resource Waters, as identified by states in their water quality management plans, and a buffer zone of Federal lands 1/4 mile from the outer edge of the far banks of the water, shall be unsuitable.

(2) Exception. The buffer zone may be eliminated or reduced in size where the surface management agency determines that it is not necessary to protect the National Resource Waters.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

(s)(1) Criterion Number 19. Federal lands identified by the surface management agency, in consultation with the state in which they are located, as alluvial valley floors according to the definition in § 3400.0-5(a) of this title, the standards in 30 CFR Part 822, the final alluvial valley floor guidelines of the Office of Surface Mining Reclamation and Enforcement when published, and approved state programs under the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act of 1977, where mining would interrupt, discontinue, or preclude farming, shall be considered unsuitable. Additionally, when mining Federal land outside an alluvial valley floor would materially damage the quantity or quality of water in surface or underground water systems that would supply alluvial valley floors, the land shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to surface coal mining operations which produced coal in commercial quantities in the year preceding August 3, 1977, or which had obtained a permit to conduct surface coal mining operations.

(t)(1) Criterion Number 20. Federal lands in a state to which is applicable a criterion (i) proposed by the state or Indian tribe located in the planning area, and (ii) adopted by rulemaking by the Secretary, shall be considered unsuitable.

(2) Exceptions. A lease may be issued when:

(i) Such criterion is adopted by the Secretary less than 6 months prior to the publication of the draft comprehensive land use plan or land use analysis, plan, or supplement to a comprehensive land use plan, for the area in which such land is included, or

(ii) After consultation with the state or affected Indian tribe, the surface management agency determines that all or certain stipulated methods of coal mining will not adversely affect the value which the criterion would protect.

(3) Exemptions. This criterion does not apply to lands: To which the operator made substantial legal and financial commitments prior to January 4, 1977; on which surface coal mining operations were being conducted on August 3, 1977; or which include operations on which a permit has been issued.

[44 FR 42638, July 19, 1979, as amended at 47 FR 33148, July 30, 1982; 48 FR 54820, Dec. 7, 1983. Redesignated and amended at 52 FR 46473, Dec. 8 1987]
authority: The Mineral Leasing Act of 1920, as amended and supplemented (30 U.S.C. 181
source: 44 FR 42638, July 19, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 43 CFR 3461.5