Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 148.310 - Eligibility requirements for a grant.

A State must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible for a grant:

(a) The State has a qualified high risk pool as defined in § 148.308.

(b) The pool restricts premiums charged under the pool to no more than 200 percent of the premium for applicable standard risk rates for the State.

(c) The pool offers a choice of two or more coverage options through the pool.

(d) The pool has in effect a mechanism reasonably designed to ensure continued funding of losses incurred by the State after the end of each fiscal year for which the State applies for Federal Funding in fiscal year (FY) 2005 through FY 2010 in connection with the operation of the pool.

(e) The pool has incurred a loss in a period described in § 148.314.

(f) In the case of a qualified high risk pool in a State that charges premiums that exceed 150 percent of the premium for applicable standard risks, the State will use at least 50 percent of the amount of the grant provided to the State to reduce premiums for enrollees.

(g) In no case will the aggregate amount allotted and made available to the U.S. Territories for a fiscal year exceed $1,000,000 in total.

(h) Bonus grant funding must be used for one or more of the following benefits:

(1) Low income premium subsidies;

(2) Reduction in premium trends, actual premium or other cost-sharing requirements;

(3) An expansion or broadening of the pool of individuals eligible for coverage, such as through eliminating waiting lists, increasing enrollment caps, or providing flexibility in enrollment rules;

(4) Less stringent rules or additional waiver authority with respect to coverage of pre-existing conditions;

(5) Increased benefits; and

(6) The establishment of disease management programs.

[68 FR 23414, May 2, 2003, as amended at 72 FR 41236, July 27, 2007; 73 FR 22285, Apr. 25, 2008]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 300gg through 300gg-63, 300gg-11 300gg-91, and 300-gg92, as amended
source: 62 FR 16995, Apr. 8, 1997, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 148.310