(a) If all requirements of the Onboarding process specified in § 172.303 have been satisfied:
(1) The Common Agreement will be countersigned; and
(2) The Applicant QHIN will be provided with a written determination indicating that the applicant has been Designated as a QHIN, along with a copy of the countersigned Common Agreement.
(b) Within thirty (30) calendar days of receiving its Designation, each QHIN must demonstrate in a manner specified by ASTP/ONC (or, with ASTP/ONC's prior authorization, an RCE) that it has completed a successful transaction with all other in-production QHINs according to standards and procedures for TEFCA Exchange.
(c) If a QHIN is unable to complete the requirement in paragraph (b) of this section within the thirty (30)-day period provided, the QHIN must provide ASTP/ONC (or an RCE) with a written explanation of why the QHIN has been unable to complete a successful transaction with all other in-production QHINs within the allotted time and include a detailed plan and timeline for completion of a successful transaction with all other in-production QHINs. ASTP/ONC (or, with ASTP/ONC's prior authorization, an RCE) will review and either approve or reject the QHIN's plan based on the reasonableness of the explanation and the specific facts and circumstances, within five (5) business days of receipt. If the QHIN fails to provide its plan or the plan is rejected, ASTP/ONC (or, with ASTP/ONC's prior authorization, an RCE) will rescind its approval of the application, rescind the QHIN Designation, and deny the application. Within thirty (30) calendar days of end of the term of the plan, each QHIN must demonstrate in a manner specified by ASTP/ONC (or, with ASTP/ONC's prior authorization, an RCE) that it has completed a successful transaction with all other in-production QHINs according to standards and procedures for TEFCA Exchange.
(d) A QHIN Designation will become final sixty (60) days after a Designated QHIN has submitted its documentation that it has completed a successful transaction with all other in-production QHINs.