Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 73.735-202 - Management officials.

(a) The Department has an obligation to enforce the requirements of this part in all respects and to help employees, special Government employees, and supervisors carry out their responsibilities to maintain high standards of ethical conduct. This includes an obligation for managers to provide information and training concerning the HHS conduct regulations, to provide advice and guidance with respect to them, and to review for possible conflicts of interest certain outside activities and financial interests of employees. The officials responsible for discharging the Department's obligations in this regard are identified in paragraphs (b) through (f) of this section.

(b) Department Ethics Counselor. The Assistant General Counsel, Business and Administrative Law Division, shall be the Department Ethics Counselor and shall serve as the Designated Agency Official for matters arising under the Ethics in Government Act of 1978, (Pub. L. 95-521). The responsibilities of the Department Ethics Counselor shall include:

(1) Rendering authoritative advice and guidance on matters of general applicability under the standards of this part and all other laws and regulations governing employee conduct, with particular reference to conflicts of interest matters.

(2) Coordinating the Department's counselling and training services regarding conflicts of interest and assuring that employees of the Department are kept informed of developments in conflict of interest laws and other related matters of ethics.

(3) Receiving information on conflicts of interest and appearances of conflicts of interest involving employees of the Department and forwarding this information to the appropriate management official, or the Inspector General, as necessary, with his or her legal evaluation of the matters addressed.

(4) Reviewing the financial disclosure reports, requests for approval of outside activities, and similar reports filed by Executive level officers, non-career executives, deputy ethics counselors, and Schedule C employees in the Office of the Secretary for the purpose of identifying and resolving possible and actual conflicts of interest.

(5) Maintaining liaison with the Office of Government Ethics.

(6) Advising management officials on the resolution of conflicts of interest by any of the remedies set forth in § 73.735-904 of this part.

(7) Maintaining accurate and complete documentation of all formal guidance and advice regarding conflict of interest matters subject to the provisions of this part, except for routine or repetitious cases where the guidance given is not precedential.

(8) Maintaining and publishing from time to time a list of those circumstances or situations which have resulted or may result in noncompliance with conflict of interest laws or regulations. [Section 206(b)(7), Pub. L. 95-521].

(9) Designating and training an appropriate number of reviewing officials to assist him or her in carrying out the duties of the Designated Agency Offical under the Ethics in Government Act.

(10) Maintaining effective lines of communication with deputy ethics counselors on all matters regarding employee conduct and ethics.

(c) Deputy Ethics Counselors. Assistant General Counsels and Regional Attorneys are designated deputy ethics counselors to assist the Department's Counselor in carrying out his or her responsibilities, particularly with respect to employees in the organization in which the deputy counselor serves. Regional Attorneys shall provide such assistance for all employees of the Department in organizations for which the Principal Regional Official provides personnel services.

(d) The Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration shall be responsible for developing and issuing procedures and requirements for the implementation of these regulations and for monitoring the application of such procedures and requirements throughout the Department.

(e) Heads of Principal Operating Components and the Assistant Secretary for Management and Budget for the Office of the Secretary shall be ultimately responsible for assuring that persons who work for their respective organizations comply with the standards of this part. Their responsibilities shall include:

(1) Designating officials to review and approve outside activity requests in accordance with § 73.735-708 of this part or statements of employment or financial interests under § 73.735-902. A list of the officials designated for these purposes shall be provided to the Department Ethics Counselor and to the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration and shall be updated in January and July of each year.

(2) Designating for the components of his or her organization, other than those for which a principal regional official provides personnel services, one or more individuals to oversee and coordinate the administrative aspects of these regulations. Responsibilities of such a person include making sure each employee or special government employee is provided a copy of these regulations, or an appropriate summary thereof; ensuring that training in the requirements of the regulations is provided to supervisors and to new employees; providing for the distribution, receipt, review and retention of financial interest reports and statements as directed by the Department Ethics Counselor and the Assistant Secretary for Personnel Administration; sending annual reminders as required; providing for a file of outside work requests; giving information and assistance to employees on a day-to-day basis; and making available to employees the names and addresses of the Department's Ethics Counselor and deputy ethics counselors.

(f) Principal Regional Officials (PROs) shall designate one or more regional employees to perform, for components for which personnel services are provided by the PROs, the responsibilities in paragraph (e)(2) of this section.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 7301,42.S.C. 216; E.O. 11222, 30 FR 6469; 5 CFR 735.101
source: 46 FR 7369, Jan. 23, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 73.735-202