Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 73.735-705 - Writing and editing.

(a) Employees are encouraged to engage in outside writing and editing whether or not done for compensation, when such activity is not otherwise prohibited. Such writing and editing, though not a part of official duties, may be on a directly related subject or entirely unrelated. Certain conditions must be met in either case, however, and certain clearances or approvals are prescribed according to the content of the material as set forth in paragraphs (b) through (e) of this section.

(b) Conditions applying to writing and editing done not as a part of official duties.

(1) The following conditions shall apply to all writing and editing whether related or unrelated to the employee's official duties:

(i) Government-financed time or supplies shall not be used by the author or by other Government employees in connection with the activity; and

(ii) Official support must not be expressed or implied in the material itself or advertising or promotional material, including book jackets and covers, relating to the employee and his or her contribution to the publication.

(2) If the writing or editing activity is unrelated to the employee's official duties or other responsibilities and programs of the Federal government, the employee must:

(i) Make no mention of his or her official title or affiliation with the Department, or

(ii) Use his or her official title or affiliation with the Department in a way that will not suggest or convey official endorsement of the work.

(3) If the writing or editing activity is related to the employee's official duties or other responsibilities and programs of the Federal government, the employee must:

(i) Make no mention of his or her official title or affiliation with the Department, or

(ii) Use his or her official title or affiliation with the Department and a disclaimer as provided in paragraph (c) of this section, or

(iii) Submit the material for clearance within the operating component, under procedures established by the component. When clearance is denied at any lower level, the employee shall have recourse for review up to the head of the principal operating component. This clearance will show there are no official objections to the activity and the employee may then use his or her official title or affiliation with the Department usually without a disclaimer.

(c) Disclaimers. (1) Except where the requirement for disclaimer is waived as a result of official clearance, disclaimers shall be used in all writing and editing related to the employee's official duties or other responsibilities and programs of the Federal government:

(i) In which the employee identifies himself or herself by official title or affiliation with the Department, or

(ii) When the prominence of the employee or the employee's position might lead the public to associate him or her with the Department, even without identification other than name.

(2) Disclaimers shall read as follows unless a different wording is approved by the Assistant General Counsel, Business and Administrative Law Division, Office of the General Counsel: “This (article, book, etc.) was (written, edited) by (employee's name) in (his or her) private capacity. No official suport or endorsement by (name of operating component or of Department) is intended or should be inferred.”

(d) Advance approval. Advance approval is required in accordance with § 73.735-708 of this subpart when one or more of the following conditions apply:

(1) Any Government information is used which is not available on request to persons outside the Government;

(2) Material is written or edited which pertains to subject matter directly related to an employee's official duties; (This includes editing for scientific or professional journals which is related to his or her official duties.)

(3) Material is written or edited which pertains to any Government-sponsored research or other studies for which clinical case records or other material of a confidential nature are used or to which access is limited for persons outside the Government. Such use will not be permitted unless made under safeguards established by the operating component to retain the confidentiality of the material, and such use is determined to be in the public interest.

authority: 5 U.S.C. 7301,42.S.C. 216; E.O. 11222, 30 FR 6469; 5 CFR 735.101
source: 46 FR 7369, Jan. 23, 1981, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 73.735-705