Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 45 - Public Welfare last revised: Feb 27, 2025
§ 2516.400 - What must a State or Indian tribe include in an application for a grant?

In order to apply for a grant from the Corporation under this part, a State (SEA) or Indian tribe must submit the following: (a) A three-year strategic plan for promoting service-learning through programs under this part, or a revision of a previously approved three-year strategic plan. The application of a SEA must include a description of how the SEA will coordinate its service-learning plan with the State Plan under § 2550.80(a) of this chapter and with other federally-assisted activities.

(b) A proposal containing the specific program, budget, and other information specified by the Corporation in the grant application package.

(c) Assurances that the applicant will—

(1) Keep such records and provide such information to the Corporation with respect to the programs as may be required for fiscal audits and program evaluation; and

(2) Comply with the criminal history check requirements for all grant-funded staff employed after October 1, 2009, in accordance with 45 CFR 2540.200-207, as well as the nonduplication, nondisplacement, and grievance procedure requirements of Part 2540.

[59 FR 13786, Mar. 23, 1994, as amended at 73 FR 53759, Sept. 17, 2008; 74 FR 46504, Sept. 10, 2009]
source: 59 FR 13786, Mar. 23, 1994, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 45 CFR 2516.400