(a) The total emergency venting capacity (Q) of the relief devices of an uninsulated MPT must be in accordance with table 1 to § 64.63 or the following formula based upon the pressure relief device operating at a pressure not to exceed the test pressure:
Formula 1 to Paragraph (a)
Q = Minimum required rate of discharge in cubic feet per minute of free air at standard conditions (60 °F and 14.7 psia).
M = Molecular weight of the product, or 86.7.
T = Temperature, degrees Rankine (460° + temperature in °F of gas at relieving temperature), or 710 °R.
A = Total external surface area of the tank compartment in square feet.
L = Latent heat of the product being vaporized at relieving conditions in Btu per pound, or 144 Btu per pound.
Z = Compressibility factor of the gas at relieving conditions, or 1.0.
C = Constant based on relation of specific heats, equal to 315.
(b) The total emergency venting capacity (Q) of an insulated portable tank may have a reduction if—
(1) It is shown to the Coast Guard that the insulation reduces the heat transmission to the tank;
(2) The present reduction of the emergency venting capacity (Q) is limited to the percent reduction of the heat transmission to the tank or 50 percent, whichever is less; and
(3) The insulation is sheathed.
Table 1 to § 64.63—Minimum Emergency Venting Capacity in Cubic Feet: Free Air/Hour
[14.7 lb/in
2a and 60 °F]
Exposed area
square feet
| Cubic feet free air
per hour
| Exposed area
square feet
| Cubic feet free air
per hour
20 | 27,600 | 275 | 237,000
30 | 38,500 | 300 | 256,000
40 | 48,600 | 350 | 289,500
50 | 58,600 | 400 | 322,100
60 | 67,700 | 450 | 355,900
70 | 77,000 | 500 | 391,000
80 | 85,500 | 550 | 417,500
90 | 94,800 | 600 | 450,000
100 | 104,000 | 650 | 479,000
120 | 121,000 | 700 | 512,000
140 | 136,200 | 750 | 540,000
160 | 152,100 | 800 | 569,000
180 | 168,200 | 850 | 597,000
200 | 184,000 | 900 | 621,000
225 | 199,000 | 950 | 656,000
250 | 219,500 | 1,000 | 685,000
[CGD 73-172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, as amended by CGD 84-043, 55 FR 37410, Sept. 11, 1990; 55 FR 47477, Nov. 14, 1990; USCG-2020-0634, 89 FR 50199, June 12, 2024]
source: CGD 73-172, 39 FR 22950, June 25, 1974, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 64.63