The Po (kPa) of an independent tank type C must be calculated by the following formula:
Po = 196 + AC(ρ)
A = 1.813 (σm/ΔσA)
σm = design primary membrane stress;
ΔσA = (allowable dynamic membrane stress for double amplitude at probability level Q = 10−8) 53.9 MPa (7821 psi) for ferritic and martensitic steels and 24.5 MPa (3555 psi) for 5083-0 aluminum;
C = a characteristic tank dimension that is the greatest of h, 0.75b, or 0.45 l;
h = the height of the tank or the dimension in the vessel's vertical direction, in meters;
b = the width of the tank or the dimension in the vessel's transverse direction; in meters; and
l = the length of the tank or the dimension in the vessel's longitudinal direction, in meters; and
ρ = the specific gravity of the cargo.
source: CGD 74-289, 44 FR 26009, May 3, 1979, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 46 CFR 154.451