Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 47 - Telecommunication last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 1.50004 - Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program.

(a) Eligibility. Providers of advanced communications service with ten million or fewer customers are eligible to participate in the Reimbursement Program to reimburse such providers solely for costs reasonably incurred for the permanent replacement, removal, and disposal of covered communications equipment or services:

(1) As defined in the Report and Order of the Commission in the matter of Protecting Against National Security Threats to the Communications Supply Chain Through FCC Programs (FCC 19-121; WC Docket No. 18-89; adopted November 22, 2019 (in this section referred to as the 'Report and Order'); or

(2) As determined to be covered by both the process of the Report and Order and the Designation Orders of the Commission on June 30, 2020 (DA 20-690; PS Docket No. 19-351; adopted June 30, 2020) (DA 20-691; PS Docket No. 19-352; adopted June 30, 2020) (in this section collectively referred to as the 'Designation Orders');

(3) The provider certifies:

(i) As of the date of the submission of the application, the provider has developed:

(A) A plan for the permanent removal and replacement of any covered communications equipment or service that is in the communications network of the provider as of such date; and the disposal of the equipment or services removed; and

(B) A specific timeline for the permanent removal, replacement, and disposal of the covered communications equipment or service, which timeline shall be submitted to the Commission as part of the application per paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section; and

(ii) beginning on the date of the approval of the application, the provider:

(A) Will not purchase, rent, lease, or otherwise obtain covered communications equipment or service, using reimbursement funds or any other funds (including funds derived from private sources); and

(B) In developing and tailoring the risk management practices of the applicant, will consult and consider the standards, guidelines, and best practices set forth in the cybersecurity framework developed by the National Institute of Standards and Technology.

(b) Filing window. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall announce the opening of an initial application filing window for eligible providers seeking to participate in the Reimbursement Program for the reimbursement of costs reasonably incurred for the removal, replacement, and disposal of covered communications equipment and services. The Wireline Competition Bureau may implement additional filing windows as necessary and shall provide notice before opening any additional filing window, and include in that notice the amount of funding available. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall treat all eligible providers filing an application within any filing window as if their applications were simultaneously received. Funding requests submitted outside of a filing window will not be accepted.

(c) Application requests for funding. During a filing window, eligible providers may request a funding allocation from the Reimbursement Program for the reimbursement of costs reasonably incurred for the permanent removal, replacement, and disposal of covered communications equipment or service.

(1) Requests for funding allocations must include:

(i) An estimate of costs reasonably incurred for the permanent removal, replacement, and disposal of covered communications equipment or service from the eligible provider's network. Eligible providers may rely upon the predetermined estimated costs identified in the Catalog of Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement made available by the Wireline Competition Bureau. Eligible providers that submit their own cost estimates must submit supporting documentation and certify that the estimate is made in good faith.

(ii) Detailed information on the covered communications equipment or service being removed, replaced and disposed of;

(iii) The certifications set forth in paragraph (a)(3) of this section;

(iv) A specific timeline for the permanent removal, replacement, and disposal of the covered communications equipment or services; and

(v) The eligible provider certifies in good faith:

(A) It will reasonably incur the estimated costs claimed as eligible for reimbursement;

(B) It will use all money received from the Reimbursement Program only for expenses eligible for reimbursement;

(C) It will comply with all policies and procedures relating to allocations, draw downs, payments, obligations, and expenditures of money from the Reimbursement Program;

(D) It will maintain detailed records, including receipts, of all costs eligible for reimbursement actually incurred for a period of 10 years; and

(E) It will file all required documentation for its expenses.

(d) Application review process. The Wireline Competition Bureau will review applications to determine whether the application is complete, whether the applicant is eligible for the Reimbursement Program, and to assess the reasonableness of the cost estimates provided by the applicant. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall approve or deny applications to receive a funding allocation from the Reimbursement Program within 90 days after the close of the applicable filing window. The Wireline Competition Bureau may extend the deadline for granting or denying applications for up to an additional 45 days if it determines that an excessive number of applications have been filed during the window and additional time is needed to review the applications.

(1) If the Wireline Competition Bureau determines that an application is materially deficient (including by lacking an adequate cost estimate or adequate supporting materials), the Wireline Competition Bureau shall provide the applicant a 15-day period to cure the defect before denying the application. If the cure period would extend beyond the deadline under this paragraph (d) for approving or denying the application, such deadline shall be extended through the end of the cure period.

(2) Denial of an application shall not preclude the applicant from submitting a new application for reimbursement in a subsequent filing window.

(e) Funding allocation. Once an application is approved, the Wireline Competition Bureau will allocate funding on the applicant's behalf to the United States Treasury for draw down by the Reimbursement Program recipient as expenses are incurred pursuant to the funding disbursement process provided for in paragraph (g) of this section.

(f) Prioritization of Support. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall issue funding allocations in accordance with this section after the close of a filing window. After a filing window closes, the Wireline Competition Bureau shall calculate the total demand for Reimbursement Program support submitted by all eligible providers during the filing window period. If the total demand received during the filing window exceeds the total funds available, then the Wireline Competition Bureau shall allocate the available funds consistent with the following priority schedule:

Table 1 to Paragraph (f)

Prioritization schedule
Priority 1
Advanced communication service providers with 2 million or fewer customers.
Priority 2
Advanced communications service providers that are accredited public or private non-commercial educational institutions providing their own facilities-based educational broadband service, as defined in part 27, subpart M of title 47, Code of Federal Regulations, or any successor regulation and health care providers and libraries providing advanced communications service.
Priority 3
Any remaining approved applicants determined to be eligible for reimbursement under the Program.

(1) Application of prioritization schedule. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall issue full funding allocations for all eligible providers in the Priority 1 prioritization category before issuing funding allocations in any subsequent prioritization categories. The Wireline Competition Bureau shall continue to review all funding requests and issue funding allocations by prioritization category until there are no available funds remaining. If there is insufficient funding to fully fund all requests in a particular prioritization category, then the Wireline Competition Bureau will pro-rate the available funding among all eligible providers in that prioritization category. Requests for funds in subsequent prioritization categories will be denied for lack of available funding.

(2) Pro-rata reductions. When pro-rata reductions are required per paragraph (f)(1) of this section, the Wireline Competition Bureau shall:

(i) Divide the total remaining funds available by the demand within the specific prioritization category to produce a pro-rata factor;

(ii) Multiply the pro-rata factor by the total dollar amount requested by each recipient in the prioritization category; and

(iii) Allocate funds to each recipient consistent with this calculation.

(g) Funding disbursements. Following the approval and issuance by the Wireline Competition Bureau of a funding allocation, a Reimbursement Program recipient may file a reimbursement claim request for the draw down disbursement of funds from the recipient's funding allocation. The recipient must show in the reimbursement claim actual expenses reasonably incurred for the removal, replacement, and disposal of covered communications equipment or service. The Wireline Competition Bureau will review and grant or deny reimbursement claims for actual costs reasonably incurred.

(1) Initial reimbursement claim. Within one year of the approval of its Reimbursement Program application, a recipient must file at least one reimbursement claim. Failure to file a reimbursement claim within the one-year period will result in the reclamation of all allocated funding from the Reimbursement Program recipient and revert to the Reimbursement Program fund for potential allocation to other Reimbursement Program participants.

(2) Reimbursement claim deadline. All reimbursement claims must be filed by the Reimbursement Program recipient within 120 days of expiration of the removal, replacement and disposal term. Following the expiration of the reimbursement claim deadline, any remaining and unclaimed funding allocated to the Reimbursement Program recipient will automatically be reclaimed and revert to the Reimbursement Program fund for potential allocation to other Reimbursement Program participants.

(3) Extension of reimbursement claim deadline. A Reimbursement Program recipient may request a single extension of the reimbursement claim deadline by no later than the deadline discussed in paragraph (g)(2). The Wireline Competition Bureau shall grant any timely filed extension request of the reimbursement claim filing deadline for no more than 120 days.

(h) Removal, replacement, and disposal term. Reimbursement Program recipients must complete the permanent removal, replacement, and disposal of covered communications equipment or service within one year of receiving the initial draw down disbursement from their funding allocation.

(1) General extension. The Commission may extend by a period of six months the removal, replacement, and disposal term to all Reimbursement Program recipients if the Commission:

(i) Finds that the supply of replacement communications equipment or services needed by the recipients to achieve the purposes of the Reimbursement Program is inadequate to meet the needs of the recipients; and

(ii) Provides notice and detailed justification for granting the extension to:

(A) The Committee on Energy and Commerce of the House of Representatives; and

(B) The Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation of the Senate.

(2) Individual extensions. Prior to the expiration of the removal, replacement and disposal term, a Reimbursement Program recipient may petition the Wireline Competition Bureau for an extension of the term. The Wireline Competition Bureau may grant an extension for up to six months after finding, that due to no fault of such recipient, such recipient is unable to complete the permanent removal, replacement, and disposal by the end of the term. The Wireline Competition Bureau may grant more than one extension request to a recipient if circumstances warrant.

(i) Limitations on funding use. A Reimbursement Program recipient may not:

(1) Use reimbursement funds to remove, replace or dispose of any covered communications equipment or service purchased, rented, leased, or otherwise obtained:

(i) on or after publication of the Report and Order; or

(ii) in the case of any covered communications equipment that only became covered pursuant to the Designation Orders, June 30, 2020; or

(2) Purchase, rent, lease, or otherwise obtain any covered communications equipment or service, using reimbursement funds or any other funds (including funds derived from private sources).

(j) Disposal requirements. Reimbursement Program recipients must dispose of the covered communications equipment or service in a manner to prevent the equipment or service from being used in the networks of other providers of advanced communications service. The disposal must result in the destruction of the covered communications equipment or service, making the covered communications equipment or service inoperable permanently. Reimbursement Program recipients must retain documentation demonstrating compliance with this requirement.

(k) Status updates. Reimbursement Program recipients must file a status update with the Commission 90 days after the date on which the Wireline Competition Bureau approves the recipient's application for reimbursement and every 90 days thereafter, until the recipient has filed the final certification.

(1) Status updates must include:

(i) Efforts undertaken, and challenges encountered, in permanently removing, replacing, and disposing of the covered communications equipment or service;

(ii) The availability of replacement equipment in the marketplace;

(iii) Whether the recipient has fully complied with (or is in the process of complying with) all requirements of the Reimbursement Program;

(iv) Whether the recipient has fully complied with (or is in the process of complying with) the commitments made in the recipient's application;

(v) Whether the recipient has permanently removed from its communications network, replaced, and disposed of (or is in the process of permanently removing, replacing, and disposing of) all covered communications equipment or services that were in the recipient's network as of the date of the submission of the recipient's application; and

(vi) Whether the recipient has fully complied with (or is in the process of complying with) the timeline submitted by the recipient as required by paragraph (c)(1)(iv) of this section.

(2) The Wireline Competition Bureau will publicly post on the Commission's website the status update filings no earlier than 30 days after submission.

(3) Within 180 days of completing the funding allocation stage provided for in paragraph (e), the Wireline Competition Bureau shall prepare a report for Congress providing an update on the Commission's implementation efforts and the work by recipients to permanently remove, replace, and dispose of covered communications equipment and service from their networks.

(l) Spending reports. Within 10 days after the end of January and July, Reimbursement Program recipients must file reports with the Commission regarding how reimbursement funds have been spent, including detailed accounting of the covered communications equipment or service permanently removed and disposed of, and the replacement equipment or service purchased, rented, leased, or otherwise obtained, using reimbursement funds.

(1) This requirement applies starting with the recipient's initial receipt of disbursement funds per paragraph (g) of this section and terminates once the recipient has filed a final spending report. certification.

(2) Following the filing of its final certification per paragraph (m) of this section, certifying that the recipient has completed the removal, replacement, and disposal process, the recipient must file a final spending report showing the expenditure of all funds received as compared to estimated costs identified in its application for funding.

(3) The Wireline Competition Bureau will make versions of the spending reports available on the Commission's website subject to confidentiality concerns consistent with the Commission's rules.

(m) Final certification. Within 10 days following the expiration of the removal, replacement, and disposal term, Reimbursement Program recipient shall file a final certification with the Commission.

(1) The final certification shall indicate whether the recipient has fully complied with (or is in the process of complying with) all terms and conditions of the Reimbursement Program, the commitments made in the application of the recipient for the reimbursement, and the timeline submitted by the recipient as required by paragraph (c) of this section. In addition, the final certification shall indicate whether the recipient has permanently removed from its communications network, replaced, and disposed of (or is in the process of permanently removing, replacing, and disposing of) all covered communications equipment or services that were in the network of the recipient as of the date of the submission of the application by the recipient for the reimbursement.

(2) If a recipient submits a certification under this paragraph stating the recipient has not fully complied with the obligations detailed in paragraph (m)(1) of this section, then the recipient must file an updated certification when the recipient has fully complied.

(n) Documentation retention requirement. Each Reimbursement Program recipient is required to retain all relevant documents, including invoices and receipts, pertaining to all costs eligible for reimbursement actually incurred for the removal, replacement, and disposal of covered communications equipment or services for a period ending not less than 10 years after the date on which it receives final disbursement from the Reimbursement Program.

(o) Audits, reviews, and field investigations. Recipients shall be subject to audits and other investigations to evaluate their compliance with the statutory and regulatory requirements for the Reimbursement Program. Recipients must provide consent to allow vendors or contractors used by the recipient in connection with the Reimbursement Program to release confidential information to the auditor, reviewer, or other representative. Recipients shall permit any representative (including any auditor) appointed by the Commission to enter their premises to conduct compliance inspections.

(p) Delegation of authority. The Commission delegates authority to the Wireline Competition Bureau, to adopt the necessary policies and procedures relating to allocations, draw downs, payments, obligations, and expenditures of money from the Reimbursement Program to protect against waste, fraud, and abuse and in the event of bankruptcy, to establish a Catalog of Expenses Eligible for Reimbursement and predetermined cost estimates, review the estimated cost forms, issue funding allocations for costs reasonably incurred, set filing deadlines and review information and documentation regarding progress reports, allocations, and final accountings.

(q) Provider of Advanced Communications Services. For purposes of the Secure and Trusted Communications Networks Reimbursement Program, the term “provider of advanced communications services” is defined as:

(1) A person who provides advanced communications service to United States customers; and includes:

(A) Accredited public or private non-commercial educational institutions, providing their own facilities-based educational broadband service, as defined in 47 CFR part 27, subpart M, or any successor regulation; and

(B) Health care providers and libraries providing advanced communications service.

(2) [Reserved]

[86 FR 2941, 2944, Jan. 13, 2021, as amended at 86 FR 55515, Oct. 6, 2021; 86 FR 47021, Aug. 23, 2021; 87 FR 59329, Sept. 30, 2022]
authority: 47 U.S.C. chs. 2, 5, 9, 13; 28 U.S.C. 2461 note; 47 U.S.C. 1754,unless
cite as: 47 CFR 1.50004