Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System last revised: Oct 18, 2025
2052.211-72 - 2052.211-72 Financial status report.

As prescribed at 2011.104-70(c), the contracting officer shall insert the following clause in applicable cost reimbursement solicitations and contracts when a detailed assessment of costs is warranted and a contractor spending plan is required. The contracting officer may alter this clause and Alternate 1 of this clause before issuing the solicitation or during competition by amending the solicitation. Insignificant changes may also be made by the contracting officer on a case-by-case basis during negotiation, without amending the solicitation.

Financial Status Report (OCT 1999)

The contractor shall provide a monthly Financial Status Report (FSR) to the project officer and the contracting officer. The FSR shall include the acquisition of, or changes in the status of, contractor-held property acquired with government funds valued at the time of purchase at $50,000 or more. Whenever these types of property changes occur, the contractor shall send a copy of the report to the Chief, Property and Acquisition Oversight Branch, Office of Administration. The report is due within 15 calendar days after the end of the report period and must identify the title of the project, the contract number, the appropriate financial tracking code (e.g., Job Code Number or JCN) specified by the NRC Project Officer, project manager and/or principal investigator, the contract period of performance, and the period covered by the report. Each report must include the following information for each discrete task:

(a) Total estimated contract amount.

(b) Total funds obligated to date.

(c) Total costs incurred this reporting period.

(d) Total costs incurred to date.

(e) Detail of all direct and indirect costs incurred during the reporting period for the entire contract or each task, if it is a task ordering contract.

(f) Balance of obligations remaining.

(g) Balance of funds required to complete contract/task order.

(h) Contractor Spending Plan (CSP) status: A revised CSP is required with the Financial Status Report whenever the contractor or the contracting officer has reason to believe that the total cost for performance of this contract will be either greater or substantially less than what had been previously estimated.

(1) Projected percentage of completion cumulative through the report period for the project/task order as reflected in the current CSP.

(2) Indicate significant changes in the original CSP projection in either dollars or percentage of completion. Identify the change, the reasons for the change, whether there is any projected overrun, and when additional funds would be required. If there have been no changes to the original NRC-approved CSP projections, a written statement to that effect is sufficient in lieu of submitting a detailed response to item “h”.

(i) Property status:

(1) List property acquired for the project during the month with an acquisition cost between $500 and $49,999. Give the item number for the specific piece of equipment.

(2) Provide a separate list of property acquired for the project during the month with an acquisition cost of $50,000 or more. Provide the following information for each item of property: item description or nomenclature, manufacturer, model number, serial number, acquisition cost, and receipt date. If no property was acquired during the month, include a statement to that effect. The same information must be provided for any component or peripheral equipment which is part of a “system or system unit.”

(3) For multi-year projects, in the September monthly financial status report provide a cumulative listing of property with an acquisition cost of $50,000 or more showing the information specified in paragraph (i)(2) of this clause.

(4) In the final financial status report provide a closeout property report containing the same elements as described above for the monthly financial status reports, for all property purchased with NRC funds regardless of value unless title has been vested in the contractor. If no property was acquired under the contract, provide a statement to that effect. The report should note any property requiring special handling for security, health, safety, or other reasons as part of the report.

(j) Travel status. List the starting and ending dates for each trip, the starting point and destination, and the traveler(s) for each trip.

(k) If the data in this report indicates a need for additional funding beyond that already obligated, this information may only be used as support to the official request for funding required in accordance with the Limitation of Cost (LOC) Clause (FAR 52.232-20) or the Limitation of Funds (LOF) Clause FAR 52.232-22.

(End of clause)

Alternate 1 (OCT 1999). As prescribed in 2011.104-70(c), the contracting officer shall insert the following clause in applicable cost reimbursement solicitations and contracts when no contractor spending plan is required:

Financial Status Report—Alternate 1 (OCT 1999)

The contractor shall provide a monthly Financial Status Report (FSR) to the Project Officer and the contracting officer. The FSR shall include the acquisition of, or changes in the status of, contractor-held property acquired with government funds valued at the time of purchase at $50,000 or more. Whenever these types of changes occur, the contractor shall send a copy of the report to the Chief, Property and Acquisition Oversight Branch, Office of Administration. The report is due within 15 calendar days after the end of the report period and shall identify the title of the project, the contract number, project manager and/or principal investigator, the contract period of performance, and the period covered by the report. Each report shall include the following information for each discrete task:

(a) Total estimated contract amount.

(b) Total funds obligated to date.

(c) Total costs incurred this reporting period.

(d) Total costs incurred to date.

(e) Detail of all direct and indirect costs incurred during the reporting period for the entire contract or each task, if it is a task ordering contract.

(f) Balance of obligations remaining.

(g) Balance of funds required to complete contract/task order.

(h) Property status:

(1) List property acquired for the project during the month with an acquisition cost between $500 and $49,999. Give the item number for the specific piece of equipment.

(2) Provide a separate list of property acquired for the project during the month with an acquisition cost of $50,000 or more. Provide the following information for each item of property: item description or nomenclature, manufacturer, model number, serial number, acquisition cost, and receipt date. If no property was acquired during the month, include a statement to that effect. The same information must be provided for any component or peripheral equipment which is part of a “system or system unit.”

(3) For multi-year projects, in the September monthly financial status report provide a cumulative listing of property with an acquisition cost of $50,000 or more showing the information specified in paragraph (h)(3) of this clause.

(4) In the final financial status report provide a closeout property report containing the same elements as described above for the monthly financial status reports, for all property purchased with NRC funds regardless of value unless title has been vested in the contractor. If no property was acquired under the contract, provide a statement to that effect. The report should note any property requiring special handling for security, health, safety, or other reasons as part of the report.

(i) Travel status: List the starting and ending dates for each trip, the starting point and destination, and the traveler(s) for each trip.

(j) If the data in this report indicates a need for additional funding beyond that already obligated, this information may only be used as support to the official request for funding required in accordance with the Limitation of Cost (LOC) Clause (FAR 52.232-20) or the Limitation of Funds (LOF) Clause FAR 52.232-22.

(End of clause)
source: 64 FR 49337, Sept. 10, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 48 CFR 2052.211-72