Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System last revised: Oct 18, 2025
570.502-2 - 570.502-2 Procedures.

(a) Scope of work. The contracting officer must prepare a scope of work for each alteration project.

(b) Independent Government estimate. The contracting officer must obtain an independent Government estimate for each alteration project, including changes to existing alteration agreements with the lessor.

(c) Request for proposal. (1) The contracting officer must provide the scope of work to the lessor, including any plans and specifications, and request a proposal.

(2) The contracting officer must request sufficient cost or price information to permit a price analysis.

(d) Audits. If the contracting officer requires cost or pricing data and the alteration project will exceed the threshold identified in FAR 15.403-4, request an audit.

(e) Proposal evaluation. The contracting officer must—

(1) Determine if the proposal meets the Government's requirements.

(2) Analyze price or cost information. At a minimum, compare the proposed cost to the independent estimate and, if applicable, any audit results received.

(3) Analyze profit following FAR 15.404-4.

(4) Document the analysis under this paragraph and the resulting negotiation objectives.

(f) Price negotiations. The contracting officer must—

(1) Exercise sound judgment. Make reasonable compromises as necessary.

(2) Provide the lessor with the greatest incentive for efficient and economical performance.

(3) Document negotiations in the contract file, including discussions regarding restoration cost or waiver of restoration cost.

(g) Order. For modifications not exceeding the simplified acquisition threshold, lease contracting officers may delegate alteration contracting authority to a warranted contracting officer's representative in GSA or the tenant agency. Alterations awards must reference the lease number. If the modification does not exceed the simplified acquisition threshold, the contracting officer may use GSA Form 300, Order for Supplies or Services. Reference the lease on the form.

(h) Inspection and payment. The contracting officer must not make final payment for alterations until the work is:

(1) Inspected by a qualified Government employee or independent Government contractor.

(2) Confirmed as completed in a satisfactory manner.

[76 FR 30852, May 27, 2011]
authority: 40 U.S.C. 121(c)
source: 64 FR 37265, July 9, 1999, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 48 CFR 570.502-2