Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System last revised: Oct 18, 2025
970.2703-2 - 970.2703-2 Patent rights clause provisions for management and operating contractors.

(a) Allocation of principal rights: Bayh-Dole provisions. (1) If the M&O contractor is a nonprofit organization or small business firm as defined by 35 U.S.C. 201,the.5227-10 must be inserted into the M&O contract, except when the M&O contract is for the operation of a DOE facility primarily dedicated to naval nuclear propulsion or weapons related programs. The patent rights clause at 970.5227-10 allows the contractor to elect to retain title to inventions conceived or first actually reduced to practice in performance of work under the contract in accordance with 35 U.S.C. 200 et seq. (the Bayh-Dole Act).

(2) If the M&O contractor is conducting privately funded technology transfer activities, involving the use of private funds to conduct licensing and marketing activities related to inventions made under the contract in accordance with the Bayh-Dole Act, DOE may modify the clause at 970.5227-10 to address issues such as the disposition of royalties earned under the privately funded technology transfer program, the transfer of patent rights to a successor contractor, allowable cost restrictions concerning privately funded technology transfer activities, and the Government's freedom from any liability related to licensing under the contractor's privately funded technology transfer program.

(b) Allocation of principal rights: Government title. (1) The clause at 970.5227-11 must be incorporated into the M&O contract:

(i) For any the M&O contractor that does not qualify as a nonprofit organization or small business firm as defined by 35 U.S.C. 201 and for which DOE has not granted a patent waiver pursuant to 10 CFR part 784; or

(ii) If, without regard to the type of contractor, the M&O contract is for the operation of a DOE facility primarily dedicated to naval nuclear propulsion or weapons related programs.

(2) The clause at 970.5227-11 requires the contractor to assign the Government title to inventions conceived or first actually reduced to practice in the course of or under an M&O contract in accordance with 42 U.S.C. 2182 and 5908 (the Atomic Energy of 1954 and the Federal Nonnuclear Energy Act of 1974).

(c) Allocation of principal rights: Contractor right to elect title under a patent waiver. DOE may grant a patent waiver for an M&O contractor that does not qualify as a nonprofit organization or a small business firm pursuant to 10 CFR part 784. The patent waiver would allow the contractor to elect to retain title to inventions made in the course of or under the M&O contract. When a patent waiver is granted that covers the M&O contractor, the clause at 970.5227-12 must be inserted into the M&O contract, instead of using the clause at 970.5227-11. The clause at 970.5227-12 may be modified by applicable patent. If the M&O contractor is conducting privately funded technology transfer activities, involving the use of private funds to conduct licensing and marketing activities related to inventions made under the contract, DOE may modify the patent rights clause to address issues such as the disposition of royalties earned under the privately funded technology transfer program, the transfer of patent rights to a successor contractor, allowable cost restrictions concerning privately funded technology transfer activities, and the Government's freedom from any liability related to licensing under the contractor's privately funded technology transfer program.

(d) Extensions of time—DOE discretion. The patent rights clauses for M&O contracts require the contractor to take certain actions within prescribed time periods to comply with the contract and preserve its rights in inventions. The M&O contractor may request extensions of time in which to take such actions by submitting written justification to DOE, and DOE may grant the contractor's requests, on a case-by-case basis. If the time period expired due to negligence by the contractor, DOE may grant a request for an extension of time upon a showing by the contractor that corrective procedures are in place to avoid such negligence in the future. If a contractor is requesting an extension of time in which to elect to retain title to an invention, DOE may grant the request if the extension allows the contractor to conduct further experimentation, market research, or other analysis helpful to determine contractor interest in electing title to the invention, among other considerations. Generally, the extensions of time are for periods of between six (6) months to one (1) year.

(e) Facilities license. These include the rights to make, use, transfer, or otherwise dispose of all articles, materials, products, or processes embodying inventions or discoveries used or embodied in the facility regardless of whether or not conceived or first actually reduced to practice under or in the course of such a contract. The patent rights clauses, 970.5227-10, 970.5227-11, 970.5227-12, each contain a provision granting the Government this facilities license.

(f) Deletion of classified inventions provision. If DOE determines that the research, development, demonstration or production work to be performed during the course of a management and operating contract most probably will not involve classified subject matter or result in any inventions that require security classification, DOE patent counsel may advise the contracting officer to delete the patent rights clause provision entitled, “Classified Inventions” from the M&O contract.

(g) Alternate 1—Weapons Related Research or Production. If DOE grants technology transfer authority to a DOE facility, pursuant to Public Law 101-189, section 3133(d), and the DOE owned facility is involved in weapons related research and development, or production, then Alternate 1 of the patent rights clauses must be inserted into the M&O contract. Alternate 1 defines weapons related subject inventions and restricts the contractor's rights with respect to such inventions.

(h) Allocation of principal rights: Subcontractor rights to elect title under Bayh-Dole provisions. When the M&O contractor is issuing a subcontract to a nonprofit organization or small business firm as defined by 35 U.S.C. 201,the.3(a) and 401.14 and adding Alternate I of 48 CFR 952.227-11, Patent Rights-Retention by the Contractor, that includes the agency implementing regulations specific for DOE. If the S&E DEC, or any other related DEC to substantial U.S. manufacturing policy, is applicable, the Contractor shall include Alternate II of 48 CFR 952.227-11, Patent Rights-Retention by the Contractor. Alternate II modifies 37 CFR 401.14 to:

(1) Reflect DOE required subcontracting instructions pursuant to 37 CFR 401.5(a) as well as the deletion of the definition of contractor that does not apply based on the subcontracting instructions; and

(2) Include the U.S. competitiveness provision pursuant to the Determination of Exceptional Circumstances under the Bayh-Dole Act to Further Promote Domestic Manufacture of DOE Science and Energy Technologies executed by DOE on June 7, 2021.

[65 FR 81009, Dec. 22, 2000, as amended at 89 FR 89786, Nov. 13, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 2201; 2282a; 2282b; 2282c; 42 U.S.C. 7101
source: 65 FR 81009, Dec. 22, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 48 CFR 970.2703-2