Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 48 - Federal Acquisition Regulations System last revised: Oct 18, 2025
970.5217-1 - 970.5217-1 Strategic partnership projects program.

As prescribed in 970.1707-4, insert the following clause:

Strategic Partnership Projects Program (Non-DOE Funded Work) [December 2024]

(a) Authority to perform Strategic Partnership Projects. Pursuant to the Atomic Energy Act of 1954, as amended (42 U.S.C. 2011 et seq.) the Contractor may perform work for non-DOE entities (sponsors) on a fully reimbursable basis in accordance with this clause. For instances in which the Atomic Energy Act of 1954 does not apply, and no other specific authority applies, DOE may use the Economy Act of 1932, as amended (31 U.S.C. 1535), as authority to accept and perform the work.

(b) Contractor's implementation. The Contractor must draft, implement, and maintain formal policies, practices, and procedures in accordance with this clause, which must be submitted to the Contracting Officer for review and approval.

(c) Conditions of participation in Strategic Partnership Projects program. The Contractor—

(1) Must not perform Strategic Partnership Projects (SPP) activities that would place it in direct competition with the domestic private sector;

(2) Must not respond to a request for proposals or any other solicitation from another Federal agency or non-Federal organization that involves direct comparative competition, either as an offeror, team member, or subcontractor to an offeror; however, the Contractor may, following notification to the Contracting Officer, respond to Broad Agency Announcements, Financial Assistance solicitations, and similar solicitations from another Federal Agency or non-Federal organizations when the selection is based on merit or peer review, the work involves basic or applied research to further advance scientific knowledge or understanding, and a response does not result in direct, comparative competition;

(3) Must not commence work on any SPP project until it has been approved by the DOE Contracting Officer or designated representative or, if it includes support for a Special Access Program (SAP), receives formal approval outlined in DOE Order 471.5 (or its successor), or the work falls under an approved Master Scope of Work (MSW);

(4) Must not incur project costs until receipt of DOE notification that a budgetary resource is available for the project, except as provided in 48 CFR 970.5232-6;

(5) Must ensure that all costs associated with the performance of the work under a SPP project are included in the project's cost estimate, as provided for in the current version of DOE Order 522.1, Pricing of Departmental Materials and Services, including specifically all DOE direct costs and applicable surcharges;

(6) Must maintain records for the accumulation of costs and the billing of such work to ensure that DOE's appropriated funds are not used in support of SPP projects and to provide an accounting of the expenditures to DOE and the sponsor upon request;

(7) Must perform all SPP projects in accordance with the standards, policies, and procedures that apply to performance under this contract, including but not limited to environmental, safety and health, security, safeguards and classification procedures, and human and animal research regulations;

(8) May subcontract portion(s) of a SPP project; however, the Contractor must select the subcontractor and the work to be subcontracted. Any subcontracted work must be in direct support of the Contractor's performance as defined in the DOE approved SPP project;

(9) Must maintain a summary listing of project information for each active SPP project, consisting of—

(i) Sponsoring agency;

(ii) Total estimated costs;

(iii) Project title and description;

(iv) Project point of contact; and

(v) Estimated start and completion dates; and

(10) May use a Master Scope of Work (MSW) as defined in 48 CFR 970.5227-3 for a SPP project.

(d) Negotiation and execution of Strategic Partnership Projects agreement. (1) When delegated authority by the Contracting Officer, the Contractor may negotiate the terms and conditions that will govern the performance of a specific SPP project. Such terms and conditions must be consistent with the terms, conditions, and requirements of the Contractor's contract with DOE. The Contractor may use DOE-approved contract terms and conditions as delineated in the current version of DOE Order 481.1 or terms and conditions previously approved by the responsible Contracting Officer or authorized designee for agreements with non-Federal entities. The Contractor must not hold itself out as representing DOE when negotiating the proposed SPP agreement.

(2) With the exception of a SPP project using a Contracting Officer approved MSW, the Contractor must submit all SPP projects to the DOE Contracting Officer for DOE review and approval. The Contactor shall also include in any request for DOE SPP project approval a listing of any associated background intellectual property having a prior assignment, exclusive licensing or option for exclusive licensing. The Contractor may not start work under a SPP project until it has received notice of DOE approval except when the work falls under an approved MSW.

(3) The Contractor is authorized to reserve the intellectual property indemnity clause for Federally-funded sponsors, state and local governments and public universities. The Contractor is further authorized to include in subcontracts with other domestic sponsors (i.e., private universities and small and large businesses) a warranty provision in lieu of a patent indemnification clause.

(e) Preparation of Strategic Partnership Projects project proposals. When the Contractor proposes to perform SPP projects pursuant to this clause, it may assist the project sponsor in the preparation of the proposed SPP project including the preparation of cost estimates.

(f) Strategic Partnership Projects appraisals. DOE may conduct periodic appraisals of the Contractor's compliance with its SPP policies, practices and procedures. The Contractor must provide facilities and other support in conjunction with such appraisals as directed by the Contracting Officer or authorized designee.

(g) Annual Strategic Partnership Projects report. The Contractor must provide assistance as required by the Contracting Officer or authorized designee in the preparation of a DOE Annual Summary Report of Strategic Partnership Projects Activities under the contract.

(End of clause) [89 FR 89793, Nov. 13, 2024]
authority: 42 U.S.C. 2201; 2282a; 2282b; 2282c; 42 U.S.C. 7101
source: 65 FR 81009, Dec. 22, 2000, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 48 CFR 970.5217-1