Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 29.507 - What minimum requirements must a Tribe's financial management system include to meet the standards set forth in § 29.506?

To meet the standards set forth in § 29.506, a Tribe's financial management system must include the following minimum requirements:

(a) Financial reports. The financial management system must provide for accurate, current, and complete disclosure of the financial results of activities carried out by a Tribe under a compact and funding agreement;

(b) Accounting records. The financial management system must maintain records sufficiently detailed to identify the source and application of funds transferred to a Tribe in a funding agreement. The system must contain sufficient information to identify awards, obligations and unobligated balances, assets, liabilities, outlays, or expenditures and income;

(c) Internal controls. The financial management system must maintain effective control and accountability for all funds included in a funding agreement and for all Federal real property, personal property, and other assets furnished for use by a Tribe under its compact and funding agreement;

(d) Budget controls. The financial management system must permit the comparison of actual expenditures or outlays with the amounts budgeted by a Tribe for each funding agreement;

(e) Allowable costs. The financial management system must be sufficient to determine that the expenditure of funds is reasonable, allowable, and allocable based upon the terms of the compact and funding agreement and applicable provisions of 2 CFR part 200;

(f) Source documentation. The financial management system must contain accounting records that are supported by source documentation, such as canceled checks, paid bills, payroll records, time and attendance records, contract award documents, purchase orders, and other primary records that support expenditures; and

(g) Cash management. The financial management system must provide for accurate, current, and complete disclosure of cash revenues disbursements, cash-on-hand balances, and obligations by source and application for a Tribe so that complete and accurate cash transactions may be prepared by the Tribe.

authority: 23 U.S.C. 207
source: 85 FR 33504, June 1, 2020, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 29.507