When you submit information to PHMSA during a rulemaking proceeding, as part of your application for special permit or renewal, or for any other reason, we may make that information publicly available unless you ask that we keep the information confidential.
(a) Asking for protection of confidential commercial information. You may ask us to give confidential treatment to information you give to the agency by taking the following steps:
(1) Mark “confidential” on each page of the original document you would like to keep confidential.
(2) Send us, along with the original document, a second copy of the original document with the confidential commercial information deleted.
(3) Explain why the information you are submitting is confidential commercial information.
(b) PHMSA decision. PHMSA will treat as confidential the information that you submitted in accordance with this section, unless we notify you otherwise. If PHMSA decides to disclose the information, PHMSA will review your request to protect confidential commercial information under the criteria set forth in the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), 5 U.S.C. 552,including,49.29. If PHMSA decides to disclose the information over your objections, we will notify you in writing at least five business days before the intended disclosure date.
[Amdt. 190-19, 82 FR 7995, Jan. 23, 2017]