Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 228.309 - Structure, emergency egress, lighting, temperature, and noise-level standards.

(a) General. Each camp car must be constructed in a manner that will provide protection against the elements.

(b) Floors. Floors must be of smooth and tight construction and must be kept in good repair.

(c) Windows and other openings. (1) All camp cars must be provided with windows the total area of which must be not less than 10 percent of the floor area. At least one-half of each window designed to be opened must be so constructed that it can be opened for purposes of ventilation. Durable opaque window coverings must be provided to reduce the entrance of light during sleeping hours.

(2) All exterior openings must be effectively screened with 16-mesh material. All screen doors must be equipped with self-closing devices.

(d) Steps, entry ways, passageways, and corridors. All steps, entry ways, passageways, and corridors providing normal entry to or between camp cars must be constructed of durable weather-resistant material and properly maintained. Any broken or unsafe fixtures or components in need of repair must be repaired or replaced promptly.

(e) Emergency egress. Each camp car must be constructed in a manner to provide adequate means of egress in an emergency situation. At a minimum, a means of emergency egress must be located in at least two places in camp car for emergency exits.

(f) Lighting. Each habitable room in a camp car including but not limited to a toilet room, that is provided to an occupant must be provided with adequate lighting as specified below:

(1) When occupants are present, the pathway to any exit not immediately accessible to occupants, such as through an interior corridor, shall be illuminated at all times to values of at least 1 foot-candle measured at the floor, provided that where the pathway passes through a sleeping compartment, the pathway up to the compartment will be illuminated, but illumination is not required inside the sleeping compartment.

(2) Toilet and shower rooms shall have controlled lighting that will illuminate the room to values of at least 10 foot-candles measured at the floor.

(3) Other areas shall have controlled lighting that will illuminate the room area to values of at least 30 foot-candles measured at the floor.

(g) Temperature. Each camp car must be provided with equipment capable of maintaining a temperature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit (F.) during cold weather and no greater than 75 degrees F. during hot weather. A temperature of at least 68 degrees F. during cold weather and no greater than 75 degrees F. during hot weather must be maintained within an occupied camp car unless the equipment is individually controlled by its occupant(s).

(h) Noise control. Noise levels attributable to noise sources under the control of the railroad shall not exceed an Leq(8) value of 55 dB(A), with windows and doors closed and exclusive of noise from cooling, heating, and ventilating equipment, for any 480-minute period during which the facility is occupied.

source: 37 FR 12234, June 21, 1972, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 228.309