Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 49 - Transportation last revised: Mar 03, 2025
§ 232.712 - Initial terminal road train airbrake tests.

(a)(1) Each train must be inspected and tested as specified in this section by a qualified person at points—

(i) Where the train is originally made up (initial terminal);

(ii) Where train consist is changed, other than by adding or removing a solid block of cars, and the train brake system remains charged; and

(iii) Where the train is received in interchange if the train consist is changed other than by:

(A) Removing a solid block of cars from the head end or rear end of train;

(B) Changing motive power;

(C) Removing or changing the caboose; or

(D) Any combination of the changes listed in paragraphs (a)(1)(iii)(A), (B), and (C) of this section. Where a carman is to perform the inspection and test under existing or future collective bargaining agreement, in those circumstances a carman alone will be considered a qualified person.

(2) A qualified person participating in the test and inspection or who has knowledge that it was made shall notify the engineer that the initial terminal road train air brake test has been satisfactorily performed. The qualified person shall provide the notification in writing if the road crew will report for duty after the qualified person goes off duty. The qualified person also shall provide the notification in writing if the train that has been inspected is to be moved in excess of 500 miles without being subjected to another test pursuant to either this section or § 232.713 of this part.

(b) Each carrier shall designate additional inspection points not more than 1,000 miles apart where intermediate inspection will be made to determine that:

(1) Brake pipe pressure leakage does not exceed five pounds per minute;

(2) Brakes apply on each car in response to a 20-pound service brake pipe pressure reduction; and

(3) Brake rigging is properly secured and does not bind or foul.

(c) Train airbrake system must be charged to required air pressure, angle cocks and cutout cocks must be properly positioned, air hose must be properly coupled and must be in condition for service. An examination must be made for leaks and necessary repairs made to reduce leakage to a minimum. Retaining valves and retaining valve pipes must be inspected and known to be in condition for service. If train is to be operated in electro-pneumatic brake operation, brake circuit cables must be properly connected.

(d)(1) After the airbrake system on a freight train is charged to within 15 pounds of the setting of the feed valve on the locomotive, but to not less than 60 pounds, as indicated by an accurate gauge at rear end of train, and on a passenger train when charged to not less than 70 pounds, and upon receiving the signal to apply brakes for test, a 15-pound brake pipe service reduction must be made in automatic brake operations, the brake valve lapped, and the number of pounds of brake pipe leakage per minute noted as indicated by brake pipe gauge, after which brake pipe reduction must be increased to full service. Inspection of the train brakes must be made to determine that angle cocks are properly positioned, that the brakes are applied on each car, that piston travel is correct, that brake rigging does not bind or foul, and that all parts of the brake equipment are properly secured. When this inspection has been completed, the release signal must be given and brakes released and each brake inspected to see that all have released.

(2) When a passenger train is to be operated in electro-pneumatic brake operation and after completion of test of brakes as prescribed by paragraph (d)(1) of this section the brake system must be recharged to not less than 90 pounds air pressure, and upon receiving the signal to apply brakes for test, a minimum 20 pounds electro-pneumatic brake application must be made as indicated by the brake cylinder gage. Inspection of the train brakes must then be made to determine if brakes are applied on each car. When this inspection has been completed, the release signal must be given and brakes released and each brake inspected to see that all have released.

(3) When the locomotive used to haul the train is provided with means for maintaining brake pipe pressure at a constant level during service application of the train brakes, this feature must be cut out during train airbrake tests.

(e) Brake pipe leakage must not exceed 5 pounds per minute.

(f)(1) At initial terminal piston travel of body-mounted brake cylinders which is less than 7 inches or more than 9 inches must be adjusted to nominally 7 inches.

(2) Minimum brake cylinder piston travel of truck-mounted brake cylinders must be sufficient to provide proper brake shoe clearance when brakes are released. Maximum piston travel must not exceed 6 inches.

(3) Piston travel of brake cylinders on freight cars equipped with other than standard single capacity brake, must be adjusted as indicated on badge plate or stenciling on car located in a conspicuous place near the brake cylinder.

(g) When test of airbrakes has been completed the engineman and conductor must be advised that train is in proper condition to proceed.

(h) During standing test, brakes must not be applied or released until proper signal is given.

(i)(1) When train airbrake system is tested from a yard test plant, an engineer's brake valve or an appropriate test device shall be used to provide increase and reduction of brake pipe air pressure or electro-pneumatic brake application and release at the same or a slower rate as with engineer's brake valve and yard test plant must be connected to the end which will be nearest to the hauling road locomotive.

(2) When yard test plant is used, the train airbrakes system must be charged and tested as prescribed by paragraphs (c) to (g) of this section inclusive, and when practicable should be kept charged until road motive power is coupled to train, after which, an automatic brake application and release test of airbrakes on rear car must be made. If train is to be operated in electro-pneumatic brake operation, this test must also be made in electro-pneumatic brake operation before proceeding.

(3) If after testing the brakes as prescribed in paragraph (i)(2) of this section the train is not kept charged until road motive power is attached, the brakes must be tested as prescribed by paragraph (d)(1) of this section and if train is to be operated in electro-pneumatic brake operation as prescribed by paragraph (d)(2) of this section.

(j) Before adjusting piston travel or working on brake rigging, cutout cock in brake pipe branch must be closed and air reservoirs must be drained. When cutout cocks are provided in brake cylinder pipes, these cutout cocks only may be closed and air reservoirs need not be drained.

source: 66 FR 4193, Jan. 17, 2001, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 49 CFR 232.712