Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 14, 2025

Title 50 - Wildlife and Fisheries last revised: Feb 28, 2025
Appendix - Table 2b (South) to Part 660, Subpart E—Trip Limits for Limited Entry Fixed Gear South of 40°10′ N. Lat.

Table 2b (South) to Part 660, Subpart E—Trip Limits for Limited Entry Fixed Gear South of 40°10′ N. Lat.

Species Trip limit
Big skateUnlimited.
Bocaccio8,000 lb/2 months.
Bronzespotted rockfishCLOSED.
Cabezon (40°10′ N lat.-37°07′ N lat.)CLOSED.
Cabezon (south of 37°07′ N lat.)Unlimited.
California scorpionfish3,500 lb/2 months.
Canary rockfish3,500 lb/2 months.
Chilipepper rockfish (40°10′ N lat.-34° 27′ N lat.)10,000 lb/2 months.
Chilipepper rockfish (south of 34° 27′ N lat.)8,000 lb/2 months.
Flatfish (includes dover sole, arrowtooth flounder, petrale sole, English sole, starry flounder)20,000 lb/2 months.
Lingcod (40°10′ N lat.-37° 07′ N lat.)1,600 lb/2 months seaward of the Non-Trawl RCA; 0 lb/2 months inside of the Non-Trawl RCA.
Lingcod (south of 37° 07′ N lat.)1,600 lb/2 months.
Longnose skateUnlimited.
Longspine thornyhead (south of 34° 27′ N lat.)10,000 lb/2 months.
Nearshore rockfish complexes
Shallow nearshore rockfish complex (40°10′ N lat.-37°07′ N lat.)CLOSED.
Shallow nearshore rockfish complex (south of 37°07′ N lat.)2,000 lb/2 months.
Deeper nearshore rockfish complex (40°10′ N lat.-37°07′ N lat.)CLOSED.
Deeper nearshore rockfish complex (south of 37°07′ N lat.)2,000 lb/2 months, of which no more than 75 lb may be copper rockfish.
Other fishUnlimited.
Other flatfish complex (40°10′ N lat.-37° 07′ N lat.)20,000 lb/2 months seaward of the Non-Trawl RCA; CLOSED inside of the Non-Trawl RCA.
Other flatfish complex (south of 37° 07′ N lat.)20,000 lb/2 months.
Pacific cod1,000 lb/2 months.
Pacific spiny dogfishPeriods 1-2: 200,000 lb/2 months Period 3: 150,000 lb/2 months Periods 4-6: 100,000 lb/2 months.
Pacific whiting10,000 lb per trip.
Quillback rockfishCLOSED.
Sablefish (40°10′ N lat.-36° N lat.)4,500 lb/week not to exceed 9,000 lb/2 months.
Sablefish (south of 36° N lat.)2,500 lb/2 months.
Shelf rockfish complex (40°10′ N lat.-37° 07′ N lat.); excludes bronzespotted rockfish6,000 lb per 2 months, of which no more than 500 lb may be vermilion/sunset rockfish.
Shelf rockfish complex (37° 07′ N lat.-34° 27′ N lat.); excludes bronzespotted rockfish8,000 lb per 2 months, of which no more than 500 lb may be vermilion/sunset rockfish.
Shelf rockfish complex (south of 34° 27′ N lat.); excludes bronzespotted rockfish5,000 lb per 2 months, of which no more than 3,000 lb may be vermilion/sunset rockfish.
Shortspine thornyhead (40° 10′ N. lat.-34° 27′ N. lat.)3,000 lb/2 months.
Slope rockfish complex & darkblotched rockfish40,000 lb/2 months, of which no more than 6,000 lb may be blackgill rockfish.
Splitnose rockfish40,000 lb/2 months.
Widow rockfish (40°10′ N lat.-34° 27′ N lat.)10,000 lb/2 months.
Widow rockfish (south of 34° 27′ N lat.)8,000 lb/2 months.
Yelloweye rockfishCLOSED.

Note 1 to table 2b (South): Trip limits apply in the EEZ only; see appropriate state regulations for state trip limits. Trip limits are effective year-round unless otherwise specified for different cumulative periods (defined at § 660.11 under “Trip limits”). Trip limits are effective from 40°10′ N lat. to the U.S.-Mexico border unless otherwise specified via latitudinal or state subdivisions in this table. Stock complexes are defined at § 660.11 under “Groundfish”. Trip limits may be revised via inseason action; therefore, users should refer back to this table throughout the year. To convert pounds to kilograms, divide the weight in pounds by 2.20462. The resulting quotient is the weight in kilograms.

[89 FR 101536, Dec. 16, 2024]
authority: 16 U.S.C. 1801
source: 61 FR 34572, July 2, 1996, unless otherwise noted.