In addition to the definitions and acronyms in § 622.2, the terms and acronyms used in this subpart have the following meanings:
Coral means any or all species, or a part thereof, of coral occurring in the EEZ around St. Thomas and St. John, including any or all species, or a part thereof, of soft corals and gorgonians in Order Alcyonacea; sea pens and sea pensies in Order Pennatulacea; black corals in Order Antipatharia; and stony corals in Order Scleractinia; and, within Order Anthoatheacata, fire corals in Family Milleporidae and lace corals in Family Stylasteridae.
Coral reef resource means any or all species, or a part thereof, of coral, sea cucumber, and sea urchin.
Pelagic fish means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:
Class or family
| Scientific name
| English common name
Dolphinfishes—Coryphaenidae | Coryphaena hippurus | Dolphinfish.
Mackerels and tunas—Scombridae | Acanthocybium solandri | Wahoo. |
Queen conch means the species Lobatus gigas, or a part thereof.
Reef fish means any or all species, or a part thereof, as follows:
Class or family
| Scientific name
| English common name
Angelfishes—Pomacanthidae | Pomacanthus paru | French angelfish.
| Pomacanthus arcuatus | Gray angelfish.
| Holacanthus ciliaris | Queen angelfish.
Groupers—Serranidae | Mycteroperca bonaci | Black grouper.
| Cephalopholis fulva | Coney.
| Epinephelus itajara | Goliath grouper.
| Hyporthodus mystacinus | Misty grouper.
| Epinephelus striatus | Nassau grouper.
| Epinephelus morio | Red grouper.
| Epinephelus guttatus | Red hind.
| Mycteroperca tigris | Tiger grouper.
| Hyporthodus flavolimbatus | Yellowedge grouper.
| Mycteroperca venenosa | Yellowfin grouper.
| Mycteroperca interstitialis | Yellowmouth grouper.
Grunts—Haemulidae | Haemulon sciurus | Bluestriped grunt.
| Haemulon album | Margate.
| Haemulon plumierii | White grunt.
Jacks—Carangidae | Caranx crysos | Blue runner.
Parrotfishes—Scaridae | Scarus coeruleus | Blue parrotfish.
| Scarus coelestinus | Midnight parrotfish.
| Scarus taeniopterus | Princess parrotfish.
| Scarus vetula | Queen parrotfish.
| Scarus guacamaia | Rainbow parrotfish.
| Sparisoma aurofrenatum | Redband parrotfish.
| Sparisoma rubripinne | Redfin parrotfish.
| Sparisoma chrysopterum | Redtail parrotfish.
| Sparisoma viride | Stoplight parrotfish.
| Scarus iseri | Striped parrotfish.
Porgies—Sparidae | Calamus bajonado | Jolthead porgy.
| Calamus calamus | Saucereye porgy.
| Archosargus rhomboidalis | Sea bream.
| Calamus penna | Sheepshead porgy.
Snappers—Lutjanidae | Apsilus dentatus | Black snapper.
| Lutjanus buccanella | Blackfin snapper.
| Lutjanus synagris | Lane snapper.
| Lutjanus analis | Mutton snapper.
| Etelis oculatus | Queen snapper.
| Lutjanus vivanus | Silk snapper.
| Rhomboplites aurorubens | Vermilion snapper.
| Ocyurus chrysurus | Yellowtail snapper.
Surgeonfishes—Acanthuridae | Acanthurus coeruleus | Blue tang.
| Acanthurus chirurgus | Doctorfish.
| Acanthurus tractus | Ocean surgeonfish.
Triggerfishes—Balistidae | Balistes vetula | Queen triggerfish.
Wrasses—Labridae | Lachnolaimus maximus | Hogfish. |
Sea cucumber means any or all species, or a part thereof, in Class Holothuroidea and occurring in the EEZ of St. Thomas and St. John.
Sea urchin means any or all species of sea urchin, or a part thereof, in Class Echinoidea and occurring in the EEZ of St. Thomas and St. John.
Spiny lobster trap means a trap and its component parts, including the lines and buoys, used for or capable of taking spiny lobster and meeting the spiny lobster trap construction specifications of this subpart.