(a) Any person engaged in growing, processing, handling, or moving regulated articles, associated articles, or non-host nursery stock may enter into a compliance agreement when an inspector determines that the person understands this subpart, agrees to comply with its provisions, and agrees to comply with all the provisions contained in the compliance agreement.
1 Compliance agreement forms are available without charge from the Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service, Plant Protection and Quarantine, Invasive Species and Pest Management, 4700 River Road Unit 160, Riverdale, MD 20737-1236, and from local offices of the Plant Protection and Quarantine, which are listed in telephone directories. Forms are also available on the Internet at http://www.aphis.usda.gov/ppq/ispm/pramorum/resources.html.
(b) Any compliance agreement may be canceled, either orally or in writing, by an inspector whenever the inspector finds that the person who has entered into the compliance agreement has failed to comply with this subpart. If the cancellation is oral, the cancellation and the reasons for the cancellation will be confirmed in writing as promptly as circumstances allow. Any person whose compliance agreement has been canceled may appeal the decision, in writing, within 10 days after receiving written notification of the cancellation. The appeal must state all of the facts and reasons upon which the person relies to show that the compliance agreement was wrongfully canceled. As promptly as circumstances allow, the Administrator will grant or deny the appeal, in writing, stating the reasons for the decision. A hearing will be held to resolve any conflict as to any material fact. Rules of practice concerning a hearing will be adopted by the Administrator.
(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control numbers 0579-0088 and 0579-0310)
[72 FR 8597, Feb. 27, 2007, as amended at 84 FR 16194, Apr. 18, 2019; 87 FR 80019, Dec. 29, 2022]