(a) Exercises governmental jurisdiction means the exercise of authorities granted to ITOs under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936 or by BIA regulations (25 CFR part 81 et. seq.).
(b) FNS service area means the areas over which FNS has approved the food distribution program in Oklahoma.
(c) Food Distribution Program means a food distribution program for households on Indian reservations administered pursuant to section 4(b) of the Food Stamp Act and 1304(a) of Pub. L. 97-98.
(d) Indian tribal household means a household in which at least one household member is recognized as a tribal member by any Indian tribe, as defined in § 253.2 of this chapter.
(e) Indian tribal organization (ITO) means (1) any Indian tribe, band, or group organized under the Oklahoma Indian Welfare Act of 1936, and which has a tribal organization approved by the Bureau of Indian Affairs; (2) a tribal organization established and approved under Federal regulations issued by the Bureau of Indian Affairs; or (3) an intertribal council authorized by eligible tribes to act in behalf of the tribes to operate the program.
(f) Overissuance means the dollar value of USDA Foods issued to a household that exceeds the dollar value of USDA Foods it was eligible to receive.
(g) State agency means the ITO of an Indian tribe, determined by the Department to be capable of effectively administering a Food Distribution Program, or an agency of State government, which enters into an agreement with FNS for the distribution of USDA Foods on an Indian reservation.
[49 FR 32756, Aug. 16, 1984, as amended at 59 FR 1449, Jan. 11, 1994; 64 FR 73385, Dec. 30, 1999; 89 FR 87258, Oct. 31, 2024]
authority: Pub. L. 97-98, sec. 1338; Pub. L. 95-113
source: 49 FR 32756, Aug. 16, 1984, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 254.2