Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Mar 04, 2025
§ 987.152 - Exemption from regulations.

(a) Producer exemption. The Committee may permit any producer to sell dates from such producer's own production free of the requirements of §§ 987.41, 987.45, 987.48, and 987.72 when sold directly to consumers through a roadside stand or date shop owned or operated by the producer within 25 miles of the city limits of Indio, California, through shipments by parcel post or express, or by certified producers at certified farmers' markets, as these terms are defined by the State of California. Permission to so sell dates shall be granted only upon the producer filing with the Committee a completed CDAC Form No. 9 wherein the producer describes how the producer plans to sell such dates and agrees to sell only dates of DAC date quality of the producer's own production in direct sales; and to report such sales to the Committee. If the producer fails to comply with this agreement, the Committee may revoke any or all exemptions granted the producer.

(b) Handler exemptions—(1) Specialty sales. The Committee may permit any handler to sell to health food stores or health food outlets, dates which at least meet the requirements for FP dates. It may permit any handler to sell to a candy manufacturer hand-pitted dates which meet the grade requirements for DAC dates except for size, or damage due to cutting and pitting. Also, it may permit any handler to sell hand-layered dates in tin, wood, plastic, or other type of container exempt from §§ 987.41(a) and 987.48, or to make shipments by common carrier of up to 150 pounds to any one purchaser in any one day exempt from the provisions of § 987.41(a): Provided, That the hand-layered dates or the shipment to a single purchaser in any 1 day have been packed from dates certified as meeting the grade requirements for DAC dates and have not been commingled with other dates. Permission to use these exemptions shall be granted only upon the handler filing with the Committee its CDAC Form No. 10 wherein he describes how he plans to sell, and agrees to sell only specific dates and to report such sales.

(2) Donations. The Committee may permit any handler to donate marketable dates other than DAC dates to needy persons, prisoners, or Indians on reservations. Before such donation is made, such handler shall file a request for donation with the Committee detailing the quantity and grade of dates involved and the name and address of the intended donee. The donation may be subject to Committee surveillance, verification by written documentation of receipt by the donee, and any other safeguards necessary to assure consumption in these outlets.

[37 FR 23325, Nov. 2, 1972, as amended at 43 FR 28438, June 30, 1978; 53 FR 35994, Sept. 16, 1988; 57 FR 39112, Aug. 28, 1992]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 601-674.
cite as: 7 CFR 987.152