All nominations authorized under this section shall be made in the following manner:
(a) Nominations shall be obtained by the Secretary from eligible organizations. An eligible organization shall only submit nominations for positions on the Board representing units in which such eligible organization can establish that it is certified as an eligible organization to submit nominations for that unit. If the Secretary determines that a unit is not represented by an eligible organization, then the Secretary may solicit nominations from organizations, and producers residing in that unit.
(b) Nominations for representation of the importer unit may be submitted by—
(1) Organizations which represent importers of cattle, beef or beef products, as determined by the Secretary, or
(2) Individual importers of cattle, beef or beef products. Individual importers submitting nominations for representation of the importer unit must establish to the satisfaction of the Secretary that the persons submitting the nominations are importers of cattle, beef or beef products.
(c) After the establishment of the initial Board, the Department shall announce when a vacancy does or will exist. Nominations for subsequent Board members shall be submitted to the Secretary not less than sixty (60) days prior to the expiration of the terms of the members whose terms are expiring, in the manner as described in this section. In the case of vacancies due to reasons other than the expiration of a term of office, successor Board members shall be appointed pursuant to § 1260.146.
(d) Where there is more than one eligible organization representing producers in a unit, they may caucus and jointly nominate two qualified persons for each position representing that unit on the Board for which a member is to be appointed. If joint agreement is not reached with respect to any such nominations, or if no caucus is held, each eligible organization may submit to the Secretary two nominees for each appointment to be made to represent that unit.