Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 19, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
§ 1767.18 - Assets and other debits.

The asset and other debits accounts identified in this section shall be used by all RUS borrowers.

Assets and Other Debits Utility Plant 101 Electric Plant in Service 101.1 Property Under Capital Leases 102 Electric Plant Purchased or Sold 103 Experimental Electric Plant Unclassified 104 Electric Plant Leased to Others 105 Electric Plant Held for Future Use 106 Completed Construction not Classified—Electric 107 Construction Work in Progress—Electric 107.1 Construction Work in Progress—Contract 107.2 Construction Work in Progress—Force Account 107.3 Construction Work in Progress—Special Equipment 108 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Utility Plant 108.1 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Steam Production Plant 108.2 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Nuclear Production Plant 108.3 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Hydraulic Production Plant 108.4 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Other Production Plant 108.5 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Transmission Plant 108.6 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Distribution Plant 108.7 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of General Plant 108.8 Retirement Work in Progress 108.9 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Asset Retirement 109-110 [Reserved] 111 Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Electric Utility Plant 112-113 [Reserved] 114 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 115 Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments 116 Other Electric Plant Adjustments 118 Other Utility Plant 119 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Other Utility Plant 120.1 Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment, and Fabrication 120.2 Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies—Stock Account 120.3 Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor 120.4 Spent Nuclear Fuel 120.5 Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies 120.6 Nuclear Fuel Under Capital Leases Other Property and Investments 121 Nonutility Property 122 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Nonutility Property 123 Investment in Associated Companies 123.1 Patronage Capital from Associated Cooperatives 123.3 Investment in Associated Organizations—Federal Economic Development Loans 123.4 Investment in Associated Organizations—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans 123.11 Investment in Subsidiary Companies 123.21 Subscriptions to Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing 123.22 Investments in Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing 123.23 Other Investments in Associated Organizations 124 Other Investments 124.1 Other Investments—Federal Economic Development Loans 124.2 Other Investments—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans 125 Sinking Funds 126 Depreciation Fund 128 Other Special Funds Current and Accrued Assets 131 Cash 131.1 Cash—General 131.2 Cash—Construction Fund—Trustee 131.3 Cash—Installation Loan and Collection Fund 131.4 Transfer of Cash 131.12 Cash—General—Economic Development Loan Funds 131.13 Cash—General—Economic Development Grant Funds 131.14 Cash—General—Economic Development Non-Federal Revolving Funds 132 Interest Special Deposits 133 Dividend Special Deposits 134 Other Special Deposits 135 Working Funds 136 Temporary Cash Investments 141 Notes Receivable 141.1 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Notes—Credit 142 Customer Accounts Receivable 142.1 Customer Accounts Receivable—Electric 142.2 Customer Accounts Receivable—Other 143 Other Accounts Receivable 144 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts—Credit 144.1 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Customer Accounts—Credit 144.2 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Merchandising Accounts—Credit 144.3 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts, Officers and Employees—Credit 144.4 Accumulated Provision for Other Uncollectible Accounts—Credit 145 Notes Receivable from Associated Companies 145 Notes Receivable from Associated Companies 146 Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies 151 Fuel Stock 152 Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed 153 Residuals 154 Plant Materials and Operating Supplies 155 Merchandise 156 Other Materials and Supplies 157 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale 158.1 Allowance Inventory 158.2 Allowances Withheld 163 Stores Expense Undistributed 165 Prepayments 165.1 Prepayments—Insurance 165.2 Other Prepayments 171 Interest and Dividends Receivable 172 Rents Receivable 173 Accrued Utility Revenues 174 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets 175 Derivative Instrument Assets 176 Derivative Instrument Assets—Hedges Deferred Debits 181 Unamortized Debt Expense 182.1 Extraordinary Property Losses 182.2 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs 182.3 Other Regulatory Assets 183 Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges 184 Clearing Accounts 184.1 Transportation Expense—Clearing 184.2 Clearing Accounts—Other 185 Temporary Facilities 186 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits 187 Deferred Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant 188 Research, Development, and Demonstration Expenditures 189 Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt 190 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes Assets and Other Debits Utility Plant 101 Electric Plant in Service

A. This account shall include the original cost of electric plant, included in Accounts 301 to 399, prescribed herein, owned and used by the utility in its electric utility operations, and having an expectation of life in service of more than one year from date of installation, including such property owned by the utility but held by nominees.

B. (See also Account 106 for unclassified construction costs of completed plant actually in service.)

C. The cost of additions to and betterments of property leased from others, which are includible in this account, shall be recorded in subdivisions separate and distinct from those relating to owned property. (See § 1767.16 (f).)

101.1 Property Under Capital Leases

A. This account shall include the amount recorded under capital leases for plant leased from others and used by the utility in its utility operations.

B. The electric property included in this account shall be classified separately according to the detailed accounts (301 to 399) prescribed for electric plant in service.

C. Records shall be maintained with respect to each capital lease reflection:

(1) Name of lessor, (2) basic details of lease, (3) terminal date, (4) original cost or fair market value of property leased, (5) future minimum lease payments, (6) executory costs, (7) present value of minimum lease payments, (8) the amount representing interest and the interest rate used, and (9) expenses paid. Records shall also be maintained for plant under a lease, to identify the asset retirement obligation and cost originally recognized for each lease and the periodic charges and credits made to the asset retirement obligations and asset retirement costs.

102 Electric Plant Purchased or Sold

A. This account shall be charged with the cost of electric plant acquired as an operating unit or system by purchase, merger, consolidation liquidation, or otherwise, and shall be credited with the selling price of like property transferred to others pending the distribution to appropriate accounts in accordance with § 1767.16 (e).

B. Within 6 months from the date of acquisition or sale of property recorded herein, the borrower shall file with RUS the proposed journal entries to clear from this account the amounts recorded herein.

103 Experimental Electric Plant Unclassified

A. This account shall include the cost of electric plant which was constructed as a research, development, and demonstration plant under the provisions of Paragraph C, Account 107, Construction Work in Progress—Electric, and due to the nature of the plant, it is desirous to operate it for a period of time in an experimental status.

B. Amounts in this account shall be transferred to Account 101, Electric Plant in Service, or Account 121, Nonutility Property, as appropriate when the project is no longer considered as experimental.

C. The depreciation on property in this account shall be charged to Account 403.8, Depreciation Expense, for asset retirement costs, as appropriate, and credited to Account 108, Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Utility Plant. The amounts herein shall be depreciated over a period which would correspond to the estimated useful life of the relevant project considering the characteristics involved. However, when projects are transferred to Account 101, Electric Plant in Service, a new depreciation rate based upon the remaining service life and undepreciated amounts, will be established.

D. Records shall be maintained with respect to each unit of experiment so that full details may be obtained as to the cost, depreciation, and the experimental status.

E. Should it be determined that experimental plant recorded in this account will fail to satisfactorily perform its function, the costs thereof shall be accounted for as directed or authorized by RUS.

104 Electric Plant Leased to Others

A. This account shall include the original cost of electric plant owned by the utility, but leased to others as operating units or systems, where the lessee has exclusive possession.

B. The property included in this account shall be classified according to the detailed accounts (301 to 399) prescribed for electric plant in service and this account shall be maintained in such detail as though the property were used by the owner in its utility operations.

105 Electric Plant Held for Future Use

A. This account shall include the original cost of electric plant (except land and land rights) owned and held for future use in electric service under a definite plan for such use, to include: (1) Property acquired (except land and land rights) but never used by the utility in electric service, but held for such service in the future under a definite plan, and (2) property (except land and land rights) previously used by the utility in service but retired from such service and held pending its reuse in the future, under a definite plan, in electric service.

B. This account shall also include the original cost of land and land rights owned and held for future use in electric service under a plan for such use, to include land and land rights: (1) Acquired but never used by the utility in electric service, but held for such service in the future under a plan, and (2) previously held by the utility in service, but retired from such service and held pending its reuse in the future under a plan, in electric service. (See § 1767.16 (g).)

C. In the event that property recorded in this account shall no longer be needed or appropriate for future utility operations, the borrower shall notify RUS of such condition and request approval of journal entries to remove such property from this account.

D. Gains or losses from the sale of land and land rights or other disposition of such property previously recorded in this account and not placed in utility service shall be recorded directly in Accounts 411.6 or 411.7, as appropriate, except when determined to be significant by RUS. Upon such a determination, the amounts shall be transferred to Account 256, Deferred Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant, or Account 187, Deferred Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant, and amortized to Account 411.6, Gains from Disposition of Utility Plant, or Account 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant, as appropriate.

E. The property included in this account shall be classified according to the detail accounts (301 to 399) prescribed for electric plant in service and the account shall be maintained in such detail as though the property were in service.


Materials and supplies, meters and transformers held in reserve, and normal spare capacity of plant in service shall not be included in this account.

106 Completed Construction not Classified—Electric

At the end of the year or such other date as a balance sheet may be required by RUS, this account shall include the total of the balances of work orders for electric plant which has been completed and placed in service but which work orders have not been classified for transfer to the detailed electric plant accounts.


For the purpose of reporting to RUS, the classification of electric plant in service by accounts is required, the utility shall also report the balance in this account tentatively classified as accurately as practicable according to prescribed account classifications. The purpose of this provision is to avoid any significant omissions in reported amounts of electric plant in service.

107 Construction Work in Progress—Electric

A. This account shall include the total of the balances of work orders for electric plant in process of construction.

B. Work orders shall be cleared from this account as soon as practicable, after completion of the job. Further, if a project, such as a hydroelectric project, a steam station, or a transmission line, is designed to consist of two or more units or circuits which may be placed in service at different dates, any expenditures which are common to and which will be used in the operation of the project as a whole shall be included in electric plant in service upon the completion and the readiness for service of the first unit. Any expenditures which are identified exclusively with units of property not yet in service shall be included in this account.

C. Expenditures on research, development, and demonstration projects for construction of utility facilities are to be included in a separate subdivision in this account. Records must be maintained to show separately each project along with complete detail of the nature and purpose of the research, development, and demonstration project together with the related costs.

D. Account 107 shall be subaccounted as follows:

107.1 Construction Work in Progress—Contract 107.2 Construction Work in Progress—Force Account 107.3 Construction Work in Progress—Special Equipment 108 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Utility Plant

A. This account shall be credited with the following:

1. Amounts charged to Account 403, Depreciation Expense, or to clearing accounts for current depreciation expense for electric plant in service.

2. Amounts charged to Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, for depreciation expense on property included in Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use. Include, also, the balance of accumulated provision for depreciation on property when transferred to Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, from other property accounts. Normally, Account 108 will not be used for current depreciation provision because, as provided herein, the service life during which depreciation is computed commences with the date property is includible in electric plant in service; however, if special circumstances indicate the propriety of current accruals for depreciation, such charges shall be made to Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income.

3. Amounts charged to Account 413, Expenses of Electric Plant Leased to Others, for electric plant included in Account 104, Electric Plant Leased to Others.

4. Amounts charged to Account 416, Costs and Expenses of Merchandising, Jobbing, and Contract Work, or to clearing accounts for current depreciation expense.

5. Amounts of depreciation applicable to electric properties acquired as operating units or systems. (See § 1767.16 (e).)

6. Amounts charged to Account 182.1, Extraordinary Property Losses, when authorized by RUS.

7. Amounts of depreciation applicable to electric plant donated to the utility.

The utility shall maintain separate subaccounts for depreciation applicable to electric plant in service, electric plant leased to others, and electric plant held for future use.)

B. At the time of retirement of depreciable electric utility plant, this account shall be charged with the book cost of the property retired and the cost of removal and shall be credited with the salvage value and any other amounts recovered, such as insurance. When retirement, costs of removal and salvage are entered originally in retirement work orders, the net total of such work orders may be included in a separate subaccount hereunder. Upon completion of the work order, the proper distribution to subdivisions of this account shall be made as provided in the following paragraph.

C. Account 108 shall be subaccounted as follows:

108.1 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Steam Production Plant 108.2 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Nuclear Production Plant 108.3 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Hydraulic Production Plant 108.4 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Other Production Plant 108.5 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Transmission Plant 108.6 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Distribution Plant 108.7 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of General Plant 108.8 Retirement Work in Progress 108.9 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Asset Retirement Costs

These subsidiary records shall reflect the current credits and debits to this account in sufficient detail to show separately for each such functional classification: (1) the amount of accrual for depreciation, (2) the book cost of property retired, (3) cost of removal, (4) salvage, and (5) other items, including recoveries from insurance.

D. When transfers of plant are made from one electric plant account to another, or from or to another utility department, of from or to nonutility property accounts, the accounting for depreciation shall be as provided in § 1767.16 (l).

E. The utility is restricted in its use of the accumulated provision for depreciation to the purposes set forth above. It shall not transfer any portion of this account to retained earnings or make any other use thereof without authorization by RUS.

109-110 [Reserved] 111 Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Electric Utility Plant

A. This account shall be credited with the following:

1. Amounts charged to Account 404, Amortization of Limited-Term Electric Plant, for the current amortization of limited-term electric plant investments.

2. Amounts charged to Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, for amortization expense on property included in Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use. Include also the balance of accumulated provision for amortization on property when transferred to Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, from other property accounts. See also Paragraph A(2), Account 108, Accumulated Provision for Depreciation of Electric Utility Plant.

3. Amounts charged to Account 405, Amortization of Other Electric Plant.

4. Amounts charged to Account 413, Expenses of Electric Plant Leased to Others, for the current amortization of limited-term or other investments subject to amortization included in Account 104, Electric Plant Leased to Others.

5. Amounts charged to Account 425, Miscellaneous Amortization, for the amortization of intangible or other electric plant which does not have a definite or terminable life and is not subject to charges for depreciation expense, with RUS approval.

(The utility shall maintain subaccounts of this account for the amortization applicable to electric plant in service, electric plant leased to others and electric plant held for future use.)

B. When any property to which this account applies is sold, relinquished, or otherwise retired from service, this account shall be charged with the amount previously credited in respect to such property. The book cost of the property so retired less the amount chargeable to this account and less the net proceeds realized at retirement shall be included in Account 421.1, Gain on Disposition of Property, or Account 421.2, Loss on Disposition of Property, as appropriate.

C. For general ledger and balance sheet purposes, this account shall be regarded and treated as a single composite provision for amortization. For purposes of analysis, however, each utility shall maintain subsidiary records in which this account is segregated according to the following functional classification for electric plant: (1) Steam production, (2) Nuclear production, (3) Hydraulic production, (4) Other production, (5) Transmission, (6) Distribution, and (7) General. These subsidiary records shall reflect the current credits and debits to this account in sufficient detail to show separately for each such functional classification: (1) the amount of accrual for amortization, (2) the book cost of property retired, (3) cost of removal, (4) salvage, and (5) other items, including recoveries from insurance.

D. The utility is restricted in its use of the accumulated provision for amortization to the purposes set forth above. It shall not transfer any portion of this account to retained earnings or make any other use thereof without authorization by RUS.

112-113 [Reserved] 114 Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments

A. This account shall include the difference between the cost to the accounting utility of electric plant acquired as an operating unit or system by purchase, merger, consolidation, liquidation, or otherwise, and the original cost, estimated, if not known, of such property, less the amount or amounts credited by the accounting utility at the time of acquisition to accumulated provisions for depreciation and amortization and contributions in aid of construction with respect to such property.

B. With respect to acquisitions after the effective date of this system of accounts, this account shall be subdivided so as to show the amounts included herein for each property acquisition and to electric plant in service, electric plant held for future use, and electric plant leased to others. (See § 1767.16 (e).)

C. Debit amounts recorded in this account related to plant and land acquisition may be amortized to Account 425, Miscellaneous Amortization, over a period not longer than the estimated remaining life of the properties to which such amounts relate. Amounts related to the acquisition of land only may be amortized to Account 425 over a period of not more than 15 years. Should a utility wish to account for debit amounts in this account in any other manner, it shall petition RUS for authority to do so. Credit amounts recorded in this account shall be accounted for as directed by RUS.

115 Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments

This account shall be credited or debited with amounts which are includible in Account 406, Amortization of Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments, or Account 425, Miscellaneous Amortization, for the purpose of providing for the extinguishment of amounts in Account 114, Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments, in instances where the amortization of Account 114 is not being made by direct write-off of the account.

116 Other Electric Plant Adjustments

A. This account shall include the difference between the original cost, estimated if not known, and the book cost of electric plant to the extent that such difference is not properly includible in Account 114, Electric Plant Acquisition Adjustments. (See § 1767.16 (a)(3))

B. Amounts included in this account shall be classified in such manner as to show the origin of each amount and shall be disposed of as RUS may approve or direct.


The provisions of this account shall not be construed as approving or authorizing the recording of appreciation of electric plant.

118 Other Utility Plant

This account shall include the balances in accounts for utility plant, other than electric plant, such as gas, or railway.

119 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Other Utility Plant

This account shall include the accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization applicable to utility property other than electric plant.

120.1 Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment, and Fabrication

A. This account shall include the original cost to the utility of nuclear fuel materials while in process of refinement, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication into nuclear fuel assemblies and components, including processing, fabrication, and necessary shipping costs. This account shall also include the salvage value of nuclear materials which are actually being reprocessed for use and were transferred from Account 120.5, Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies. (See § 1767.10 (a)(27).)

B. This account shall be credited and Account 120.2, Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies—Stock Account, shall be debited for the cost of completed fuel assemblies delivered for use in refueling or to be held as spares. In the case of the initial core loading, the transfer shall be made directly to Account 120.3, Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor, upon the conclusion of the experimental or test period of the plant prior to its becoming available for service.


1. Cost of natural uranium, uranium ores concentrates or other nuclear fuel sources, such as thorium, plutonium, and U-233.

2. Value of recovered nuclear materials being reprocessed for use.

3. Milling process costs.

4. Sampling and weighing, and assaying costs.

5. Purification and conversion process costs.

6. Costs of enrichment by gaseous diffusion or other methods.

7. Costs of fabrication into fuel forms suitable for insertion in the reactor.

8. All shipping costs of materials and components, including shipping of fabricated fuel assemblies to the reactor site.

9. Use charges on leased nuclear materials while in process of refinement, conversion, enrichment, and fabrication.

120.2 Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies—Stock Account

A. This account shall be debited and Account 120.1, Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment and Fabrication, shall be credited with the cost of fabricated fuel assemblies delivered for use in refueling or to be carried in stock as spares. It shall also include the original cost of fabricated fuel assemblies purchased in completed form. This account shall also include the original cost of partially irradiated fuel assemblies being held in stock for reinsertion in a reactor which had been transferred from Account 120.3, Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor.

B. When fuel assemblies included in this account are inserted in a reactor, this account shall be credited and Account 120.3, Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor, debited for the cost of such assemblies.

C. This account shall also include the cost of nuclear materials and byproduct materials being held for future use and not actually in process in Account 120.1, Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment and Fabrication.

120.3 Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor

A. This account shall include the cost of nuclear fuel assemblies when inserted in a reactor for the production of electricity. The amounts included herein shall be transferred from Account 120.2, Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies—Stock Account, except for the initial core loading which will be transferred directly from Account 120.1, Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment and Fabrication.

B. Upon removal of fuel assemblies from a reactor, the original cost of the assemblies removed shall be transferred to Account 120.4, Spent Nuclear Fuel, or Account 120.2, Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies—Stock Account, as appropriate.

120.4 Spent Nuclear Fuel

A. This account shall include the original cost of nuclear fuel assemblies, in the process of cooling, transferred from Account 120.3, Nuclear Fuel Assemblies in Reactor, upon removal from a reactor pending reprocessing.

B. This account shall be credited and Account 120.5, Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies, debited for fuel assemblies, after the cooling period is over, at the cost recorded in this account.

120.5 Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies

A. This account shall be credited and Account 518, Nuclear Fuel Expense, shall be debited for the amortization of the net cost of nuclear fuel assemblies used in the production of energy. The net cost of nuclear fuel assemblies subject to amortization shall be the original cost of nuclear fuel assemblies, plus or less the expected net salvage value of uranium, plutonium, and other by-products.

B. This account shall be credited with the net salvage value of uranium, plutonium, and other nuclear by-products when such items are sold, transferred or otherwise disposed. Account 120.1, Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment and Fabrication, shall be debited with the net salvage value of nuclear materials to be reprocessed. Account 157, Nuclear Materials Held for Sale, shall be debited for the net salvage value of nuclear materials not to be reprocessed but to be sold or otherwise disposed of and Account 120.2, Nuclear Fuel Materials and Assemblies—Stock Account, will be debited with the net salvage value of nuclear materials that will be held for future use and not actually in process, in Account 120.1, Nuclear Fuel in Process of Refinement, Conversion, Enrichment, and Fabrication.

C. This account shall be debited and Account 120.4, Spent Nuclear Fuel, shall be credited with the cost of fuel assemblies at the end of the cooling period.

120.6 Nuclear Fuel Under Capital Leases

A. This account shall include the amount recorded under capital leases for nuclear fuel leased from others for use by the utility in its utility operations.

B. Records shall be maintained with respect to each capital lease reflecting: (1) name of lessor, (2) basic details of lease, (3) terminal date, (4) original cost or fair market value of nuclear fuel leased, (5) future minimum lease payments, (6) the amount representing interest and the interest rate used, and (7) expenses paid.

Other Property and Investments 121 Nonutility Property

A. This account shall include the book cost of land, structure, and equipment or other tangible or intangible property owned by the utility, but used in utility service and not properly includible in Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use. This account shall also include, where applicable, amounts recorded for asset retirement costs associated with nonutility plant.

B. This account shall also include the amount recorded under capital leases for property leased from others and used by the utility in its nonutility operations. Records shall be maintained with respect to each lease reflecting: (1) name of lessor, (2) basic details of lease, (3) terminal date, (4) original cost or fair market value of property leased, (5) future minimum lease payments, (6) executory costs, (7) present value of minimum lessee payments, (8) the amount representing interest and the interest rate used, and (9) expenses paid.

C. This account shall be subdivided so as to show the amount of property used in operations which are nonutility in character but nevertheless constitute a distinct operating activity of the company (such as operation of an ice department where such activity is not classed as a utility) and the amount of miscellaneous property not used in operations. The records in support of each subaccount shall be maintained so as to show an appropriate classification of the property.


The gain from the sale or other disposition of property included in this account which had been previously recorded in Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, shall be accounted for in accordance with Paragraph C of Account 105.

122 Accumulated Provision for Depreciation and Amortization of Nonutility Property

This account shall include the accumulated provision for depreciation and amortization applicable to nonutility property.

123 Investment in Associated Companies

A. This account shall include the book cost of investments in securities issued or assumed by associated companies and investment advances to such companies, including interest accrued thereon when such interest is not subject to current settlement, provided that the investment does not relate to a subsidiary company. (If the investment relates to a subsidiary company, it shall be included in Account 123.11, Investment in Subsidiary Companies.) Include herein the offsetting entry to the recording of amortization of discount or premium on interest bearing investments. (See Account 419, Interest and Dividend Income.)

B. This account shall be maintained in such manner as to show the investment in securities of, and advances to, each associated company together with full particulars regarding any of such investments that are pledged.

Note A:

Securities and advances of associated companies owned and pledged shall be included in this account, but such securities, if held in special deposits or in special funds, shall be included in the appropriate deposit or fund account. A complete record of securities pledged shall be maintained.

Note B:

Securities of associated companies held as temporary cash investments are includible in Account 136, Temporary Cash Investments.

Note C:

Balances in open accounts with associated companies, which are subject to current settlement, are includible in Account 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.

Note D:

The utility may write down the cost of any security in recognition of a decline in the value thereof. Securities shall be written off or written down to a nominal value if there is no reasonable prospect of substantial value. Fluctuations in market value shall not be recorded but a permanent impairment in the value of securities shall be recognized in the accounts. When securities are written off or written down, the amount of the adjustment shall be charged to Account 426.5, Other Deductions, or to an appropriate account for accumulated provisions for loss in value established as a separate subdivision of this account.

C. Account 123 shall be subaccounted as follows:

123.1 Patronage Capital from Associated Cooperatives 123.3 Investment in Associated Organizations—Federal Economic Development Loans 123.4 Investment in Associated Organizations—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans 123.11 Investment in Subsidiary Companies 123.21 Subscriptions to Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing 123.22 Investment in Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing 123.23 Other Investments in Associated Organizations 123.1 Patronage Capital from Associated Cooperatives

This account shall include patronage capital credits allocated to the accounting borrower by G&T cooperatives. It shall also include capital credits, deferred patronage refunds, or like items from other associated cooperatives. The account shall be maintained so as to reflect separately, the allocations of patronage capital and patronage refunds from each organization that makes such allocations to the borrower.

123.3 Investment in Associated Organizations—Federal Economic Development Loans

This account shall include investment advances of Federal funds received from a Rural Economic Development Grant to associated organizations for authorized rural economic development projects.

123.4 Investment in Associated Organizations—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans

This account shall include investment advances of non-Federal funds from the Rural Economic Development Grant revolving fund to associated organizations for authorized rural economic development projects.

123.11 Investment in Subsidiary Companies

A. This account shall include the cost of investments in securities issued or assumed by subsidiary companies and investment advances to such companies, including interest accrued thereon when such interest is not subject to current settlement, plus the equity in undistributed earnings or losses of such subsidiary companies since acquisition. This account shall be credited with any dividends declared by such subsidiaries.

B. This account shall be maintained in such a manner as to show separately for each subsidiary: the cost of such investments in the securities of the subsidiary at the time of acquisition; the amount of equity in the subsidiary's undistributed net earnings or net losses since acquisition; advances or loans to such subsidiary; and full particulars regarding any such investments that are pledged.

123.21 Subscriptions to Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing

This account shall include the total subscriptions to capital term certificates of CFC. When subscriptions are paid, this account shall be credited and Account 123.22, Investments in Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing, debited.

123.22 Investments in Capital Term Certificates—Supplemental Financing

This account shall include paid subscriptions in capital term certificates of CFC or other supplemental lenders.

123.23 Other Investments in Associated Organizations

This account shall include investments in capital stock, securities, membership fees, and investment advances to associated organizations other than provided for elsewhere. This account shall be maintained in such a manner as to show the investment in stock and securities of and advances to each associated organization.


1. Investments in capital stock of associated organizations.

2. Investments in securities issued by associated organizations.

3. Membership fees in associated organizations, including NRECA, and Statewide associations of RUS-financed borrowers.

4. Investment advances to associated organizations.

124 Other Investments

A. This account shall include the book cost of investments in securities issued or assumed by nonassociated companies, investment advances to such companies, and any investments not accounted for elsewhere. This account shall also included unrealized holding gains and losses on trading and available-for-sale types of security investments. Include also the offsetting entry to the recording of amortization of discount or premium on interest bearing investments. (See Account 419, Interest and Dividend Income.)

B. The records shall be maintained in such manner as to show the amount of each investment and the investment advances to each person.

C. Account 124 shall be subaccounted as follows:

124.1 Other Investments—Federal Economic Development Loans 124.2 Other Investments—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans Note A:

Securities owned and pledged shall be included in this account, but securities held in special deposits or in special funds shall be included in appropriate deposit or fund accounts. A complete record of securities pledged shall be maintained.

Note B:

Securities held as temporary cash investments shall not be included in this account.

Note C:

See Note D of Account 123.

124.1 Other Investments—Federal Economic Development Loans

This account shall include investment advances of Federal funds received from a Rural Economic Development Grant to nonassociated organizations for authorized rural economic development projects.

124.2 Other Investments—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans

This account shall include investment advances of non-Federal funds from the Rural Economic Development Grant revolving fund to nonassociated organizations for authorized rural economic development projects.

125 Sinking Funds

This account shall include the amount of cash and book cost of investments held in sinking funds. This account shall also include unrealized holding gains and losses on trading and available-for-sale types of investments. A separate account, with appropriate title, shall be kept for each sinking fund. Transfers from this account to special deposit accounts, may be as necessary for the purpose of paying matured sinking fund obligations, or obligations called for redemption but not presented, or the interest thereon.

126 Depreciation Fund

This account shall include the amount of cash and the book cost of investments which have been segregated in a special fund for the purpose of identifying such assets with the accumulated provisions for depreciation. This account shall also include unrealized holding gains and losses on trading and available-for-sale types of security investments.

128 Other Special Funds

This account shall include the amount of cash and book cost of investments which have been segregated in special funds for insurance, employee pensions, savings, relief, hospital, and other purposes not provided for elsewhere. This account shall also include unrealized holding gains and losses on trading and available-for-sale types of security investments. A separate account, with appropriate title, shall be kept for each fund.


Amounts deposited with a trustee under the terms of an irrevocable trust agreement for pensions or other employee benefits shall not be included in this account.

Current and Accrued Assets

Current and accrued assets are cash, those assets which are readily convertible into cash or are held for current use in operations or construction, current claims against others, payment of which is reasonably assured, and amounts accruing to the utility which are subject to current settlement, except such items for which accounts other than those designated as current and accrued assets are provided. There shall not be included in the category of accounts designated as current and accrued assets any item, the amount or collectibility of which is not reasonably assured, unless an adequate provision for possible loss has been made therefor. Items of current character but of doubtful value may be written down, and for record purposes carried in these accounts at nominal value.

131 Cash

A. This account shall include the amount of current cash funds except working funds.

B. Account 131 shall be subaccounted as follows:

131.1 Cash—General 131.2 Cash—Construction Fund—Trustee 131.3 Cash—Installation Loan and Collection Fund 131.4 Transfer of Cash 131.12 Cash—General—Economic Development Loan Funds 131.13 Cash—General—Economic Development Grant Funds 131.14 Cash—General—Economic Development Non-Federal Revolving Funds 131.1 Cash—General

This account shall include all cash of the organization not provided for elsewhere. Separate subaccounts may be maintained for each bank account in which general cash is maintained. Funds held by others for current obligations shall be recorded in Account 134, Other Special Deposits.

131.2 Cash—Construction Fund—Trustee

This account shall include the cash received from the Rural Utilities Service, CFC, and any other source of supplemental financing for financing the construction, purchase, and operation of electric facilities. RUS construction loan fund advances shall be charged to this account and credited to Account 224.4, RUS Notes Executed—Construction—Debit. CFC and other supplemental lender construction loan fund advances shall be charged to this account and credited to Account 224.13, Supplemental Financing Notes Executed—Debit.

131.3 Cash—Installation Loan and Collection Fund

A. This account shall include the cash advanced on installation loans made subsequent to September 13, 1957. Such advances shall be debited to this account as received and credited to Account 224.10, RUS Notes Executed—Installation—Debit. This account shall also include interest and principal collections received on consumers' loans financed from RUS loans made subsequent to September 13, 1957.

B. Payments shall be made from this account solely for financing consumers' loans for the purpose of wiring of consumers' premises, and the acquisition and installation of electrical and plumbing appliances and equipment by consumers. The cash in this account is also used for the payment of principal and interest on installation loans made by RUS, subsequent to September 13, 1957, in accordance with the terms of the loan agreement.

131.4 Transfer of Cash

This account shall be used in transferring funds from one bank account to another. This account is charged when the check is drawn for the transfer and entered in the check register, and credited when the amount transferred is entered in the cash receipts book. This account is to be used as a clearing account and should not have a balance at the end of an accounting period.

131.12 Cash—General—Economic Development Funds

This account shall include the cash received from the Rural Utilities Service for Rural Economic Development Loans. Economic development loan advances shall be charged to this account and credited to Account 224.17, RUS Notes Executed—Economic Development—Debit.

131.13 Cash—General—Economic Development Grant Funds

This account shall include cash received from the Rural Utilities Service for Rural Economic Development Grants. Economic development grant funds shall be charged to this account and credited to Account 224.18, Other Long-Term Debt—Grant Funds; Account 208, Donated Capital; or Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, as appropriate. This account shall be credited and either Account 123.3, Investment in Associated Organizations—Federal Economic Development Loans, or Account 124.1, Other Investments—Federal Economic Development Loans, shall be debited, as appropriate, with the amount of an economic development revolving fund loan.

131.14 Cash—General—Economic Development Non-Federal Revolving Funds

This account shall include all non-Federal funds comprising the economic development revolving fund. It shall include all funds supplied by the borrower as well as all cash received from the repayment of loans made from the economic development revolving fund. This account shall be credited and either Account 123.4, Investment in Associated Organizations—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans, or Account 124.2, Other Investments—Non-Federal Economic Development Loans, shall be debited, as appropriate, with the amount of an economic development revolving fund loan.

132 Interest Special Deposits

This account shall include special deposits with fiscal agents or others for the payment of interest.

133 Dividend Special Deposits

This account shall include special deposits with fiscal agents or others for the payment of dividends.

134 Other Special Deposits

This account shall include deposits with fiscal agents or others for special purposes other than the payment of interest and dividends. Such special deposits may include cash deposited with Federal, state, or municipal authorities as a guaranty for the fulfillment of obligations; cash deposited with trustees to be held until mortgaged property sold, destroyed, or otherwise disposed of is replaced; and cash realized from the sale of the accounting utility's securities and deposited with trustees to be held until invested in property of the utility. Entries to this account shall specify the purpose for which the deposit is made.


Assets available for general corporate purposes shall not be included in this account. Further, deposits for more than one year, which are not offset by current liabilities, shall not be charged to this account but to Account 128, Other Special Funds.

135 Working Funds

This account shall include cash advanced to officers, agents, employees, and others as petty cash or working funds.

136 Temporary Cash Investments

A. This account shall include the book cost of investments, such as demand and time loans, bankers' acceptances, United States Treasury certificates, marketable securities, and other similar investments, acquired for the purpose of temporarily investing cash.

B. This account shall be so maintained as to show separately temporary cash investments in securities of associated companies and of others. Records shall be kept of any pledged investments.

141 Notes Receivable

A. This account shall include the book cost, not includible elsewhere, of all collectible obligations in the form of notes receivable and similar evidences (except interest coupons) of money due on demand or within one year from the date of issue, except, however, notes receivable from associated companies. (See Account 136, Temporary Cash Investments, and Account 145, Notes Receivable from Associated Companies.)


The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold, or transferred without releasing the utility from liability as endorser thereon, shall be credited to a separate subdivision of this account and appropriate disclosure shall be made in the financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions.

B. Account 141 shall be subaccounted as follows:

141.1 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Notes—Credit 141.1 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Notes—Credit

This account shall be credited with amounts provided for losses on notes receivable which may become uncollectible, and also with collections on notes previously charged hereto. Concurrent charges shall be made to Account 904, Uncollectible Accounts.

142 Customer Accounts Receivable

A. This account shall include amounts due from customers for utility service and for merchandising, jobbing, and contract work. This account shall not include amounts due from associated companies.

B. This account shall be maintained so as to permit ready segregation of the amounts due for merchandising, jobbing, and contract work.

C. Account 142 shall be subaccounted as follows:

142.1 Customer Accounts Receivable—Electric 142.2 Customer Accounts Receivable—Other 142.1 Customer Accounts Receivable—Electric

This account shall include amounts due from customers for utility service.

142.2 Customer Accounts Receivable—Other

This account shall include amounts due from customers for merchandising, jobbing, and contract work.

143 Other Accounts Receivable

A. This account shall include amounts due the utility upon open accounts, other than amounts due from associated companies and from customers for utility services and merchandising, jobbing and contract work.

B. This account shall be maintained so as to show separately amounts due on subscriptions to capital stock and from officers and employees. The account shall not include amounts advanced to officers or others as working funds. (See Account 135, Working Funds.)

144 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts—Credit

A. This account shall include amounts provided for losses on accounts receivable which may become uncollectible, and also with collections on accounts previously charged hereto. Concurrent charges shall be made to Account 904, Uncollectible Accounts, for amounts applicable to utility operations, and to corresponding accounts for other operations. Records shall be maintained so as to show the write-offs of accounts receivable for each utility department.

B. Account 144 shall be subaccounted as follows:

144.1 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Customer Accounts—Credit 144.2 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Merchandising Accounts—Credit 144.3 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts, Officers and Employees—Credit 144.4 Accumulated Provision for Other Uncollectible Accounts—Credit 144.1 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Customer Accounts—Credit

This account shall be credited with amounts provided for losses on accounts receivable which may become uncollectible, and also with collections on accounts previously charged hereto. Concurrent charges shall be made to Account 904, Uncollectible Accounts.

144.2 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Merchandising Accounts—Credit

This account shall be credited with amounts provided for losses on merchandising, jobbing, and contract work which may become uncollectible, and also with collections on accounts previously charged hereto. Concurrent charges shall be made to Account 904, Uncollectible Accounts, for amounts applicable to utility operations, and to corresponding accounts for other operations.

144.3 Accumulated Provision for Uncollectible Accounts, Officers and Employees—Credit

This account shall be credited with amounts provided for losses on accounts receivable from officers and employees which may become uncollectible and also with collections on accounts previously charged hereto. Concurrent charges shall be made to Account 904, Uncollectible Accounts.

144.4 Accumulated Provision for Other Uncollectible Accounts—Credit

This account shall be credited with amounts provided for losses on accounts receivable which may become uncollectible and for which the recording of this credit has not been provided for elsewhere. This account shall also be credited with collections on accounts previously charged hereto. Concurrent charges shall be made to Account 904, Uncollectible Accounts, for amounts applicable to utility operations and to corresponding accounts for other operations.

145 Notes Receivable from Associated Companies

This account shall include notes upon which associated companies are liable, and which mature and are expected to be paid in full not later than one year from the date of issue, together with any interest thereon, and debit balances subject to current settlement in open accounts with associated companies. Items which do not bear a specified due date but which have been carried for more than twelve months and items which are not paid within twelve months from due date shall be transferred to Account 123, Investment in Associated Companies.


The face amount of notes receivable discounted, sold or transferred without releasing the utility from liability as endorser thereon, shall be credited to a separate subdivision of this account and appropriate disclosure shall be made in the financial statements of any contingent liability arising from such transactions.

146 Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies

This account shall include drafts upon which associated companies are liable, and which mature and are expected to be paid in full not later than one year from the date of issue, together with any interest thereon, and debit balances subject to current settlement in open accounts with associated companies. Items which do not bear a specified due date but which have been carried for more than twelve months and items which are not paid within twelve months from due date shall be transferred to Account 123, Investment in Associated Companies.


On the balance sheet, accounts receivable from an associated company may be offset against accounts payable to the same company.

151 Fuel Stock

This account shall include the book cost of fuel on hand.


1. Invoice price of fuel less any cash or other discounts.

2. Freight, switching, demurrage, and other transportation charges, not including, however, any charges for unloading from the shipping medium.

3. Excise taxes, purchasing agents' commissions, insurance, and other expenses directly assignable to cost of fuel.

4. Operating, maintenance and depreciation expenses, and ad valorem taxes on utility-owned transportation equipment used to transport fuel from the point of acquisition to the unloading point.

5. Lease or rental costs of transportation equipment used to transport fuel from the point of acquisition to the unloading point.

152 Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed

A. This account may include the cost of labor and of supplies used and expenses incurred in unloading fuel from the shipping medium and in the handling thereof prior to its use, if such expenses are sufficiently significant in amount to warrant being treated as a part of the cost of fuel inventory rather than being charged direct to expense as incurred.

B. Amounts included herein shall be charged to expense as the fuel is used to the end that the balance herein shall not exceed the expenses attributable to the inventory of fuel on hand.



1. Procuring and handling of fuel.

2. All routine fuel analyses.

3. Unloading from shipping facility and placing in storage.

4. Moving of fuel in storage and transferring from one station to another.

5. Handling from storage or shipping facility to first bunker, hopper, bucket, tank, or holder of boiler house structure.

6. Operation of mechanical equipment such as locomotives, trucks, cars, boats, barges, and cranes.

Supplies and Expenses:

1. Tools, lubricants and other supplies.

2. Operating supplies for mechanical equipment.

3. Transportation and other expenses in moving fuel.

4. Stores expenses applicable to fuel.

153 Residuals

This account shall include the book cost of any residuals produced in the production or manufacturing processes.

154 Plant Materials and Operating Supplies

A. This account shall include the cost of materials purchased primarily for use in the utility business for construction, operation and maintenance purposes. It shall also include the book cost of materials recovered in connection with construction, maintenance, or the retirement of property, such materials being credited to construction, maintenance, or accumulated depreciation provision, respectively, and included herein as follows:

1. Reusable materials consisting of large individual items shall be included in this account at original cost, estimated if not known. The cost of repairing such items shall be charged to the maintenance account appropriate for the previous use.

2. Reusable materials consisting of relatively small items, the identity of which (from the date of original installation to the final abandonment or sale thereof) cannot be ascertained without undue refinement in accounting, shall be included in this account at current prices new for such items. The cost of repairing such items shall be charged to the appropriate expense account as indicated by previous use.

3. Scrap and nonusable materials included in this account shall be carried at the estimated net amount realizable therefrom. The difference between the amounts realized for scrap and nonusable materials sold and the net amount at which the materials were carried in this account, as far as practicable, shall be adjusted to the accounts credited when the materials were charged to this account.

B. Materials and supplies issued shall be credited hereto and charged to the appropriate construction, operating expense, or other account on the basis of a unit price determined by the use of cumulative average, first-in-first-out, or such other method of inventory accounting as conforms with accepted accounting standards consistently applied.


1. Invoice price of materials less cash or other discounts.

2. Freight, switching, or other transportation charges when practicable to include as part of the cost of particular materials to which they relate.

3. Customs duties and excise taxes.

4. Costs of inspection and special tests prior to acceptance.

5. Insurance and other directly assignable charges.


Where expenses applicable to materials purchased cannot be directly assigned to particular purchases, they shall be charged to Account 163, Stores Expense Undistributed.

155 Merchandise

This account shall include the book cost of materials and supplies and appliances and equipment held primarily for merchandising, jobbing, and contract work. The principles prescribed in accounting for utility materials and supplies shall be observed with respect to items carried in this account.

156 Other Materials and Supplies

This account shall include the book cost of materials and supplies held primarily for nonutility purposes. The principles prescribed in accounting for utility materials and supplies shall be observed with respect to items carried in this account.

157 Nuclear Materials Held for Sale

This account shall include the net salvage value of uranium, plutonium, and other nuclear materials held by the company for sale or other disposition that are not to be reused by the company in its electric utility operations. This account shall be debited and Account 120.5, Accumulated Provision for Amortization of Nuclear Fuel Assemblies, credited for such net salvage value. Any difference between the amount recorded in this account and the actual amount realized from the sale of materials shall be debited or credited, as appropriate, to Account 518, Nuclear Fuel Expense, at the time of such sale.

158.1 Allowance Inventory

A. This account shall include the cost of allowances owned by the utility and not withheld by the Environmental Protection Agency. See § 1767.15 (u) and Account 158.2, Allowances Withheld.

B. This account shall be credited and Account 509, Allowances, shall be debited concurrent with the monthly emission of sulfur dioxide.

C. Separate subdivisions of this account shall be maintained so as to separately account for those allowances usable in the current year and in each subsequent year. The underlying records of these subdivisions shall be maintained in sufficient detail so as to identify each allowance included; the origin of each allowance; and the acquisition cost, if any, of the allowance.

158.2 Allowances Withheld

A. This account shall include the cost of allowances owned by the utility but withheld by the Environmental Protection Agency. (See § 1767.15 (u).)

B. The inventory cost of the allowances released by the Environmental Protection Agency for use by the utility shall be transferred to Account 158.1, Allowance Inventory.

C. The underlying records of this account shall be maintained in sufficient detail so as to identify each allowance included; the origin of each allowance; and the acquisition cost, if any, of the allowances.

163 Stores Expense Undistributed

A. This account shall include the cost of supervision, labor, and expenses incurred in the operation of general storerooms, including purchasing, storage, handling, and distribution of materials and supplies.

B. This account shall be cleared by adding to the cost of materials and supplies issued, a suitable loading charge which will distribute the expense equitably over stores issues. The balance in the account at the close of the year shall not exceed the amount of stores expenses reasonably attributable to the inventory of materials and supplies, exclusive of fuel, as any amount applicable to fuel costs should be included in Account 152, Fuel Stock Expenses Undistributed.



1. Inspecting and testing materials and supplies when not assignable to specific items.

2. Unloading from shipping facility and placing in storage.

3. Supervision of purchasing and stores department to extent assignable to materials handled through stores.

4. Getting materials from stock and in readiness to go out.

5. Inventorying stock received or stock on hand by stores employees but not including inventories by general department employees as part of internal or general audits.

6. Purchasing department activities in checking material needs, investigating sources of supply, analyzing prices, preparing and placing orders, and related activities to extent applicable to materials handled through stores. (Optional: Purchasing department expenses may be included in administrative and general expenses.)

7. Maintaining stores equipment.

8. Cleaning and tidying storerooms and stores offices.

9. Keeping stock records, including the recording and posting of material receipts and issues and maintaining inventory records of stock.

10. Collecting and handling scrap materials in stores.

Supplies and Expenses:

1. Adjustments of inventories of materials and supplies but not including large differences which can readily be assigned to important classes of materials and equitably distributed among the accounts to which such classes of materials have been charged since the previous inventory.

2. Cash and other discounts not practically assignable to specific materials.

3. Freight and express charges when not assignable to specific items.

4. Heat, light, and power for storerooms and store offices.

5. Brooms, brushes, sweeping compounds and other supplies used in cleaning and tidying storerooms and stores offices.

6. Injuries and damages.

7. Insurance on materials and supplies and on stores equipment.

8. Losses due to breakage, leakage, evaporation, fire or other causes, less credits for amounts received from insurance, transportation companies, or others in compensation of such losses.

9. Postage, printing, stationery, and office supplies.

10. Rent of storage space and facilities.

11. Communication service.

12. Excise and other similar taxes not assignable to specific materials.

13. Transportation expense on inward movement of stores and on transfer between storerooms but not including charges on materials recovered from retirements which shall be accounted for as part of the cost of removal.


A physical inventory of each class of materials and supplies shall be made at least every two years.

165 Prepayments

A. This account shall include amounts representing prepayments of insurance, rents, taxes, interest, and miscellaneous items, and shall be kept or supported in such manner as to disclose the amount of each class of prepayment.

B. Account 165 shall be subaccounted as follows:

165.1 Prepayments—Insurance 165.2 Other Prepayments 171 Interest and Dividends Receivable

This account shall include the amount of interest on bonds, mortgages, notes, commercial paper, loans, open accounts, and deposits, the payment of which is reasonably assured, and the amount of dividends declared or guaranteed on stocks owned.

Note A:

Interest which is not subject to current settlement shall not be included herein but in the account in which the associated principle is recorded.

Note B:

Interest and dividends receivable from associated companies shall be included in Account 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.

172 Rents Receivable

This account shall include rents receivable or accrued on property rented or leased by the utility to others.


Rents receivable from associated companies shall be included in Account 146, Accounts Receivable from Associated Companies.

173 Accrued Utility Revenues

At the option of the utility, the estimated amount accrued for service rendered, but not billed at the end of any accounting period, may be included herein. If accruals are made for unbilled revenues, accruals shall also be made for unbilled expenses, such as the purchase of energy.

174 Miscellaneous Current and Accrued Assets

This account shall include the book cost of all other current and accrued assets, appropriately designated and supported so as to show the nature of each asset included herein.

175 Derivative Instrument Assets

This account shall include the amounts paid for derivative instruments, and the change in the fair value hedges. Account 421, Miscellaneous Nonoperating Income, shall be credited or debited, as appropriate, with the corresponding amount of the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument.

176 Derivative Instrument Assets—Hedges

A. This account shall include the amounts paid for derivative instruments, and the change in the fair value of derivative instrument assets designated by the utility as cash flow or fair value hedges.

B. When a utility designates a derivative instrument asset as a cash flow hedge it will record the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument in this account with a concurrent charge to Account 209, Accumulated Other Comprehensive Income, with the effective portion of the gain or loss. The ineffective portion of the cash flow hedge shall be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.

C. When a utility designates a derivative instrument as a fair value hedge it shall record the change in the fair value of the derivative instrument in this account with a concurrent charge to a subaccount of the asset or liability that carries the item being hedged. The ineffective portion of the fair value hedge shall be charged to the same income or expense account that will be used when the hedged item enters into the determination of net income.

Deferred Debits 181 Unamortized Debt Expense

This account shall include expenses related to the issuance or assumption of debt securities. Amounts recorded in this account shall be amortized over the life of each respective issue under a plan which will distribute the amount equitably over the life of the security. The amortization shall be on a monthly basis, and the amounts thereof shall be charged to Account 428, Amortization of Debt Discount and Expense. Any unamortized amounts outstanding at the time that the related debt is prematurely reacquired shall be accounted for as indicated in § 1767.15 (q).

182.1 Extraordinary Property Losses

A. When authorized or directed by RUS, this account shall include extraordinary losses which could not reasonably have been anticipated and which are not covered by insurance or other provisions, such as unforeseen damages to property.

B. Application to RUS for permission to use this account shall be accompanied by a statement giving a complete explanation with respect to the items which it is proposed to include herein, the period over which, and the accounts to which it is proposed to write off the charges, and other pertinent information.

182.2 Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs

A. This account shall include: (1) nonrecurring costs of studies and analyses mandated by regulatory bodies related to plants in service, transferred from Account 183, Preliminary Survey and Investigations Charges, and not resulting in construction; and (2) when authorized by RUS, significant unrecovered costs of plant facilities where construction has been cancelled or which have been prematurely retired.

B. This account shall be credited and Account 407, Amortization of Property Losses, Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs, shall be debited over the period specified by RUS.

C. Any additional costs incurred, relative to the cancellation or premature retirement, may be included in this account and amortized over the remaining period of the original amortization period. Should any gains or recoveries be realized relative to the cancelled or prematurely retired plant, such amounts shall be used to reduce the unamortized amount of the costs recorded herein.

D. In the event that the recovery of costs included herein is disallowed in the rate proceedings, the disallowed costs shall be charged to Account 426.5, Other Deductions, in the year of such disallowance.

182.3 Other Regulatory Assets

A. This account shall include the amounts of regulatory-created assets, not includable in other accounts, resulting from the ratemaking actions of regulatory agencies. (See the definition of regulatory assets and liabilities.)

B. The amounts included in this account are to be established by those charges which would have been included in net income, or accumulated other comprehensive income, determinations in the current period under the general requirements of the Uniform System of Accounts but for it being probable that such items will be included in a different period(s) for purposes of developing the rates that the utility is authorized to charge for its utility services. When specific identification of the particular source of a regulatory asset cannot be made, such as in plant phase-ins, rate moderation plans, or rate levelization plans, Account 407.4, Regulatory Credits, shall be credited. The amounts recorded in this account are generally to be charged, concurrently with the recovery of the amounts in rates, to the same account that would have been charged if included in income when incurred, except all regulatory assets established through the use of Account 407.4 shall be charged to Account 407.3, Regulatory Debits, concurrent with the recovery of the amounts in rates.

C. If rate recovery of all or part of an amount included in this account is disallowed, the disallowed amount shall be charged to Account 426.5, Other Deductions, or Account 435, Extraordinary Deductions, in the year of the disallowance.

D. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be kept so that the utility can furnish full information as to the nature and amount of each regulatory asset included in this account, including justification for inclusion of such amounts in this account.

183 Preliminary Survey and Investigation Charges

A. This account shall be charged with all expenditures for preliminary surveys, plans, and investigations made for the purpose of determining the feasibility of utility projects under contemplation. If construction results, this account shall be credited and the appropriate utility plant account charged. If the work is abandoned, the charge shall be made to Account 426.5, Other Deductions, or to the appropriate operating expense account.

B. This account shall also include costs of studies and analyses mandated by regulatory bodies related to plant in service. If construction results from such studies, this account shall be credited and the appropriate utility plant account charged with an equitable portion of such study costs directly attributable to new construction. The portion of such study costs not attributable to new construction or the entire cost if construction does not result shall be charged to Account 182.2, Unrecovered Plant and Regulatory Study Costs, or the appropriate operating expense account. The costs of such studies relative to plant under construction shall be included directly inAccount 107, Construction Work in Progress—Electric.

C. The records supporting the entries to this account shall be so kept that the utility can furnish complete information as to the nature and the purpose of the survey, plans, or investigations, and the nature and amounts of the sever several charges.


The amount of preliminary survey and investigation charges transferred to utility plant shall not exceed the expenditures which may reasonably be determined to contribute directly and immediately and without duplication to utility plant.

184 Clearing Accounts

A. This caption shall include undistributed balances in clearing accounts at the date of the balance sheet. Balances in clearing account shall be substantially cleared not later than the end of the calendar year unless items held therein relate to a future period.

B. Account 184 shall be subaccounted as follows:

184.1 Transportation Expense—Clearing 184.2 Clearing Accounts—Other 185 Temporary Facilities

This account shall include amounts shown by work orders for plant installed for temporary use in utility service for periods of less than one year. Such work orders shall be charged with the cost of temporary facilities and credited with payments received from customers and net salvage realized on removal of the temporary facilities. Any net credit or debit resulting shall be cleared to Account 451, Miscellaneous Service Revenues.

186 Miscellaneous Deferred Debits

This account shall include all debits not elsewhere provided for, such as miscellaneous work in progress, and unusual or extraordinary expenses, not included in other accounts, which are in process of amortization and items the proper final disposition of which is uncertain.

187 Deferred Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant

This account shall include losses from the sale or other disposition of property previously recorded in Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use, under the provisions of Paragraphs B, C, and D thereof, where such losses are significant and are to be amortized over a period of 5 years, unless otherwise authorized by RUS. The amortization of the amounts in this account shall be made by debits to Account 411.7, Losses from Disposition of Utility Plant. (See Account 105, Electric Plant Held for Future Use.)

188 Research, Development, and Demonstration Expenditures

A. This account shall be charged with the cost of all expenditures coming within the meaning of Research, Development, and Demonstration (RD&D) of this USoA (See § 1767.10 (a)(34)) except those expenditures properly chargeable to Account 107, Construction Work in Progress—Electric.

B. Costs that are minor or of a general or recurring nature shall be transferred from this account to the appropriate operating expense function or if such costs are common to the overall operations or cannot be feasibly allocated to the various operating accounts, such costs shall be recorded in Account 930.2, Miscellaneous General Expenses.

C. In certain instances, a company may incur large and significant research, development, and demonstration expenditures which are nonrecurring and which would distort the annual research, development, and demonstration charges for the period. In such a case, the portion of such amounts that cause the distortion may be amortized to the appropriate operating expense account over a period not to exceed 5 years unless otherwise authorized by RUS.

D. The entries in this account must be so maintained as to show separately each project along with complete detail of the nature and purpose of the research, development, and demonstration project together with the related costs.

189 Unamortized Loss on Reacquired Debt

This account shall include the losses on long-term debt reacquired or redeemed. The amounts in this account shall be amortized in accordance with § 1767.15 (q).

190 Accumulated Deferred Income Taxes

A. This account shall be debited and Account 411.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Utility Operating Income, or Account 411.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes—Credit, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be credited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are higher because of the inclusion of certain items in income for tax purposes, which items for general accounting purposes will not be fully reflected in the utility's determination of annual net income until subsequent years.

B. This account shall be credited and Account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or Account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, shall be debited with an amount equal to that by which income taxes payable for the year are lower because of prior payment of taxes as provided by Paragraph A above, because of difference in timing for tax purposes of particular items of income or income deductions from that recognized by the utility for general accounting purposes. Such credit to this account and debit to Account 410.1 or Account 410.2 shall, in general, represent the effect on taxes payable in the current year of the smaller amount of book income recognized for tax purposes as compared to the amount recognized in the utility's current accounts with respect to the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the utility was authorized by RUS.

C. Vintage year records with respect to entries to this account, as described above, and the account balance, shall be so maintained as to show the factor of calculation with respect to each annual amount of the item or class of items for which deferred tax accounting by the utility is utilized.

D. The utility is restricted in its use of this account to the purpose set forth above. It shall not make use of the balance in this account or any portion thereof except as provided in the text of this account, without prior approval of RUS. Any remaining deferred tax account balance with respect to an amount for any prior year's tax deferral, the amortization of which or other recognition in the utility's income accounts has been completed, or other disposition made, shall be debited to Account 410.1, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Utility Operating Income, or Account 410.2, Provision for Deferred Income Taxes, Other Income and Deductions, as appropriate, or otherwise disposed of as RUS may authorize or direct. (See § 1767.15 (t).)

[58 FR 59825, Nov. 10, 1993, as amended at 59 FR 27436, May 27, 1994; 60 FR 55429, 55430, Nov. 1, 1995; 73 FR 30282, May 27, 2008]
authority: 7 U.S.C. 901
source: 58 FR 59825, Nov. 10, 1993, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 7 CFR 1767.18