Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 18, 2024

Title 7 - Agriculture last revised: Oct 11, 2024
Appendix Appendix D - Appendix D to Subpart E of Part 1980—Alcohol Production Facilities Planning, Performing, Development and Project Control

(I) Design Policy. The borrower shall ensure or cause to be ensured that:

(A) All project facilities are designed utilizing accepted engineering practices and are conformed to applicable Federal, State and local codes and requirements.

(B) Proven equipment and processes are employed in all project facilities unless an exception is granted by the Administrator or designee of Rural Development (“Administrator”) in accordance with paragraph (B)(2) hereof and pilot equipment or processes are used instead.

(1) Equipment and processes shall be considered “proven” if they have been successfully employed in other commercial facilities.

(2) Equipment and processes shall be considered pilot if they have not been used in a commercial operation but have been operated on a scale such that all design and material problems have been identified and resolved and operations maintained to demonstrate that the equipment and process may be successfully applied to the proposed commercial operation. Pilot equipment and processes may be considered for use in the project subject to the following:

(a) The plans, specifications, and operational data for the applicable facilities are reviewed by the Administrator or designee and lender. If, in the opinion of Rural Development, the proposed processes or equipment are insufficiently developed to assure reliable and successful operation of the project, proven processes and equipment will be utilized.

(b) If pilot processes or equipment are used, the Administrator or designee will also require that:

(i) Reasonable provision is made in the project for conversion to proven equipment or processes; and

(ii) The borrower agrees to convert to proven equipment or processes if conversion is necessary to protect the interest of the Government in the project. A reserve account for this conversion may be required. This account will not be an eligible loan purpose.

(C) Facility and equipment design incorporates cost-effective primary fuel systems, energy recovery systems and conservation measures to the maximum extent that this is feasible and consistent with paragraphs (I), (A), and (B) of this appendix.

(II) Technical Services. (A) The borrower is responsible for selecting engineering consultants with suitable experience, training and professional competence in the design and construction of the project to assure that the completed project will operate at the prescribed levels of performance. In discharging its responsibility the borrower will obtain or cause to be obtained:

(1) Full engineering services for design and construction inspection for all project facilities. Resident inspection by qualified persons will be required.

(2) Agreements for engineering or design/build services which describe the project facilities in terms of the parameters critical to the successful operation of the project. The parameters shall include input quantities, conversion efficiency, rate of production and fuel consumption and product quality under normal operating conditions. The design parameters will be mutually agreed upon by the borrower, lender, the State Director and the project engineer, and may not be modified without the written concurrence of each of these parties. These agreements for engineering or design/build services will require, or the borrower will otherwise obtain, assurance satisfactory to the State Director that:

(a) The project engineer will maintain adequate insurance to protect the borrower, lender and the Government from incurring expenses resulting from errors and omissions of the engineer in performance of engineering services.

(b) The project engineer will certify that only proven equipment and processes will be utilized in the proposed development. The State Director may request evidence of successful operations of such proven equipment and process. If proven equipment or processes are not used in the project, the project engineer will identify these items and provide the information necessary for acceptance by the Administrator, borrower and lender in accordance with paragraph (I)(B)(2) of this appendix.

(c) If used equipment or existing facilities are incorporated into the project, they must be inspected by the project engineer or by another qualified engineer of the borrower. This engineer will prepare a report describing the proposed facilities or equipment and will comment on their suitability for use in the project. The report will also identify the modifications necessary for successful integration into the project. A cost estimate will also be included comparing new equipment and facilities to the proposed existing facilities or used equipment. Consideration must be given to the relative energy requirements of used and new facilities and their relative operation and maintenance costs.

(d) The project engineer or qualified individuals representing the manufacturer of principal equipment (or the designer/builder if the contractor has designed the plant) will visit the plant site at reasonable intervals for a period of one year after substantial completion of the project. Such personnel will be experienced in the proper operation and maintenance of applicable plant components. A report will be presented to the borrower within two weeks of each site visit advising the borrower of operation and maintenance deficiencies. A copy of each report will be forwarded to the State Director and lender by the borrower.

(e) The project engineer will prepare or supervise the preparation of a record drawing of all facilities. One copy will be submitted to the lender and the borrower.

(f) The project engineer or another group acceptable to the State Director and lender will prepare an operation and maintenance manual and assist the borrower in the start-up of the project. The operation and maintenance manual will describe the specific operation and maintenance procedures which must be performed for the project to operate at its rated capacity and efficiency and outline product testing, quality control, plant safety and emergency shut-down procedures.

(g) The project engineer will assist the borrower in determining acceptability of materials, equipment and construction during the construction period, review shop drawings, payment estimates and change orders, and assist in determining substantial completion of the project and final completion of individual contracts. (1) The project is substantially complete when:

(i) Construction is sufficiently completed in accordance with plans and specifications so that the project may be used for its intended purpose, and;

(ii) The project is producing products of the quantity and quality and at the conversion and energy efficiencies proposed in the completed application submitted by the lender and borrower and approved by the Rural Development.

(2) The State Director must concur that the project is substantially complete. The following evidence, in form and substance satisfactory to the State Director and lender, must be submitted prior to such concurrence:

(i) A certificate from the project engineer stating that all facilities are substantially complete. Engineers who design specialized equipment or processes must also certify that construction/fabrication is acceptable in accordance with plans and specifications previously approved by them. The certification of the project engineer must be based upon a project start-up procedure where the complete project operates continuously to reach steady-state operating conditions. During this period contractors and engineers will identify and correct problems in operations, malfunctions in equipment, failure in materials and defects in workmanship. After this pre-startup, the certifying engineers will monitor project operations for a continuous period of at least 72 hours or 3 consecutive batch runs as appropriate to assure that all equipment is operating satisfactorily at rated capacity and efficiency.

(ii) Copies of system operation and performance data obtained during project start-up.

(iii) Exceptions to substantial completion and a list of nonsubstantial items which must be completed prior to release of any contractor's retainage.

(3) If the project is not producing products of the required quantity or quality at the prescribed conversion efficiencies, even though the project is otherwise physically complete in accordance with paragraph (1)(i) of this subparagraph, the project engineer will prepare a report identifying the corrective actions including an estimate of costs and additional time necessary to meet established performance criteria.

(4) The project must be certified to be substantially complete by an independent engineer if any portion of the project has been designed or constructed by the borrower or the project engineer has participated in any portion of the construction.

(B) Modification of plans and specifications will not be made without the written authorization of the project engineer.

(C) The Administrator, State Director or their representative's acceptance or concurrence in feasibility studies, preliminary engineering reports, plans, specifications, contract documents and payment estimates will not be construed as a representation of the adequacy of same, reliability of cost estimates or quality of construction, nor will such acceptance or concurrence be deemed a waiver of any of the Government's rights or remedies against any person or party. Reviews and construction inspections by the Administrator, State Director or their representatives are solely for the benefit of the Government and do not relieve the lender or borrower of their obligation to conduct project reviews and inspections.

(III) Project Construction.

(A) Borrower will not award contracts for the construction of any project facilities unless and until:

(1) The borrower obtains applicable construction permits, right-of-ways, licenses and approvals of Federal, State and local authorities for the construction of such facilities.

(2) The State Director concurs in applicable plans, specifications and contract documents. Standard contract documents prescribed for use in Federally assisted projects may be used as a guide for determining the minimum standards for contract acceptability. These standard documents are contained in Guides 18 and 19 of subpart A of part 1942 of this chapter (available in any Rural Development office).

(B) The borrower has the responsibility, without recourse to the Government, for the settlement and satisfaction of all contractual and administrative issues arising out of procurements. This includes, but is not limited to, disputes, claims, protests of awards, or other matters of a contractual nature. Matters concerning violation of laws are to be referred to such local, State, or Federal authority as may have proper jurisdiction.

(C) The borrower's attorney will review executed contract documents including applicable performance and payment bonds and provide a certificate to the borrower and lender that they have been properly executed and that the persons executing these documents have been properly authorized to do so.

(D) In all contracts for construction or facility improvement awarded in excess of $100,000, the borrower will require bonds and a bank letter of credit or cash deposit in escrow, assuring performance and payment of 100 percent of the contract cost. The surety will normally be in the form of performance and payment bonds. Such assurance shall remain in full force and effect through any warranty period. Companies providing performance and payment bonds must hold a certificate of authority as an acceptable security on Federal bonds and eligible for listing in Treasury circular 510 as amended and be legally doing business in the State the project is located.

(E) Project Changes. Any change in the project which may affect collateral, its ultimate financial viability or compliance with the conditional commitment must have prior approval of the lender and Rural Development.

(1) Construction contracts will require that change orders receive prior approval from the lender when such changes:

(a) Increase or decrease contract price,

(b) Materially modify contract provisions,

(c) Increase or decrease time of completion,

(d) Affect project performance.

(2) All change orders will be recorded on a chronologically numbered contract change order as they occur. Change orders will not be included in payment estimates until approved by the borrower, project engineer, the lender and concurred in by Rural Development.

(F) Warranty.

(1) All major equipment must be guaranteed by the manufacturer to be free from defects in workmanship and materials for a period of one year after start-up of equipment.

(2) Equipment purchased by a construction contractor or design builder and all other work shall be further warranted to be free from defect in material and workmanship by the contractor or the design builder for a period of one year after substantial completion of the contract.

(3) Applicable provisions to this effect shall be included in equipment purchase orders or construction contracts.

(G) Lease agreements. Where the right of use or control of any property or equipment not owned by the borrower is essential to the successful operation of the project during the life of the loan, such right will be evidenced by written agreements or contracts between the owner(s) of the property or equipment and the borrower. Lease agreements shall not contain provisions for restricted use of the site or facility, forfeiture or similiar cancellation clauses and shall provide for the right to transfer and lease without restriction. Such lease contracts or agreements shall be approved by the lender and Rural Development.

(IV) Project Control.

(A) Lender will adopt project control procedures to assure that loan funds are applied for costs or expenses properly attributable to the project (“Eligible Project Costs”) as proposed in the completed application submitted by the lender and borrower and approved by the Rural Development. A project monitoring account (“Project Monitoring Account”) will be developed by lender for this purpose and concurred in by the State Director. This account will be divided into sufficient budget categories to permit adequate control of expenditures and identification of potential budget overruns.

(B) The first advance (“First Advance”) of loan funds to the borrower will not commence from the Project Monitoring Account prior to lender's receipt of evidence that:

(1) The borrower has made adequate provisions for compliance with measures established by Rural Development to mitigate adverse historical and environmental impacts.

(2) Applicable engineering, design/build, construction management, inspection and plant start-up service agreements have been obtained and accepted by the State Director and lender.

(3) The project engineer has prepared a detailed cost estimate and construction schedule for all facilities related to the project. This estimate must indicate that the project can be completed with the funds available as shown on the Form RD 449-1, “Application for Loan and Guarantee.” A reasonable contingency amount will be included in the estimate. This contingency shall be at least 20 percent of the estimated project costs for which firm bids have not been received plus 5 percent of project costs for which firm bids have been received. Construction interest and inspection costs will be based upon a reasonable contingency for unforeseen delays in project completion. The estimate shall include a listing with associated costs of any proposed leasing arrangements for property or equipment that is essential to the successful operation of the project.

(4) All funds necessary for construction of project facilities will be available when needed.

(5) The borrower has retained a project manager with sufficient experience and training to supervise project construction and engineering services on behalf of the borrower.

(C) After the first advance, future advances may be made from the Project Monitoring Account, in accordance with prudent lender practice, for all Eligible Project Costs established in the Project Monitoring Account, provided these payments are made in accordance with the terms of applicable contracts and are approved by the borrower and, when applicable, recommended by the project engineer.

(D) Payments for Eligible Project Costs incurred by the borrower prior to satisfaction of the conditions precedent to the first advance shall be made with borrower's funds or other nonguaranteed loan funds only. These payments however, may be reimbursed through the Project Monitoring Account as authorized by the State Director after compliance with Paragraph (IV)(B) hereof. The lender will not advance and the borrower will not be entitled to loan funds for reimbursement if such costs or expenses incurred by the borrower prior to the first advance, or at anytime thereafter, were for costs or expenses other than Eligible Project Costs. Costs and expenses accruing from but not limited to, interest charges imposed by construction, equipment, material or service contracts, penalty payments, damage claims, awards or settlements are not Eligible Project Costs unless specifically approved by the State Director.

(E) The lender will monitor the progress of construction and undertake the reviews and project inspections necessary to reasonably assure that funds are paid for Eligible Project Costs and that problems in project development are expeditiously reported to the State Director.

(F) The lender will prepare a monthly report showing the expenditures made from each budget category of the Project Monitoring Account. This report will include a review of construction progress including proposed and approved contract change orders and, to the extend possible, identify problems or delays in construction or other matters which might affect successful startup of project. This report may be based upon information received from the project engineer and borrower and/or independent observations of the lender. The report will be initialed by the borrower and project engineer and submitted to the State Director.

(G) Transfer of loan funds between established or new categories of the Project Monitoring Account or any change in the total amount of funds committed to the project will be reported by the lender to the State Director as these changes occur.