Regulations last checked for updates: Oct 17, 2024

Title 8 - Aliens and Nationality last revised: Oct 07, 2024
§ 210.3 - Eligibility.

(a) General. An alien who, during the twelve-month period ending on May 1, 1986, has engaged in qualifying agricultural employment in the United States for at least 90 man-days is eligible for status as an alien lawfully admitted for temporary residence if otherwise admissible under the provisions of section 210(c) of the Act and if he or she is not ineligible under the provisions of paragraph (d) of this section.

(b) Proof of eligibility—(1) Burden of proof. An alien applying for adjustment of status under this part has the burden of proving by a preponderance of the evidence that he or she has worked the requisite number of man-days, is admissible to the United States under the provisions of section 210(c) of the Act, is otherwise eligible for adjustment of status under this section and in the case of a Group 1 applicant, has resided in the United States for the requisite periods. If the applicant cannot provide documentation which shows qualifying employment for each of the requisite man-days, or in the case of a Group 1 applicant, which meets the residence requirement, the applicant may meet his or her burden of proof by providing documentation sufficient to establish the requisite employment or residence as a matter of just and reasonable inference. The inference to be drawn from the documentation provided shall depend on the extent of the documentation, its credibility and amenability to verification as set forth in paragraphs (b)(2) and (3) of this section. If an applicant establishes that he or she has in fact performed the requisite qualifying agricultural employment by producing sufficient evidence to show the extent of that employment as a matter of just and reasonable inference, the burden then shifts to the Service to disprove the applicant's evidence by showing that the inference drawn from the evidence is not reasonable.

(2) Evidence. The sufficiency of all evidence produced by the applicant will be judged according to its probative value and credibility. Original documents will be given greater weight than copies. To meet his or her burden of proof, an applicant must provide evidence of eligibility apart from his or her own testimony. Analysis of evidence submitted will include consideration of the fact that work performed by minors and spouses is sometimes credited to a principal member of a family.

(3) Verification. Personal testimony by an applicant which is not corroborated, in whole or in part, by other credible evidence (including testimony of persons other than the applicant) will not serve to meet an applicant's burden of proof. All evidence of identity, qualifying employment, admissibility, and eligibility submitted by an applicant for adjustment of status under this part will be subject to verification by the Service. Failure by an applicant to release information protected by the Privacy Act or related laws when such information is essential to the proper adjudication of an application may result in denial of the benefit sought. The Service may solicit from agricultural producers, farm labor contractors, collective bargaining organizations and other groups or organizations which maintain records of employment, lists of workers against which evidence of qualifying employment can be checked. If such corroborating evidence is not available and the evidence provided is deemed insufficient, the application may be denied.

(4) Securing SAW employment records. When a SAW applicant alleges that an employer or farm labor contractor refuses to provide him or her with records relating to his or her employment and the applicant has reason to believe such records exist, the Service shall attempt to secure such records. However, prior to any attempt by the Service to secure the employment records, the following conditions must be met: a SAW application (Form I-700) must have been filed; an interview must have been conducted; the applicant's testimony must support credibly his or her claim; and, the Service must determine that the application cannot be approved in the absence of the employer or farm labor contractor records. Provided each of these conditions has been met, and after unsuccessful attempts by the Service for voluntary compliance, the District Directors shall utilize section 235 of the Immigration and Nationality Act and issue a subpoena in accordance with 8 CFR 287.4, in such cases where the employer or farm labor contractor refuses to release the needed employment records.

(c) Documents. A complete application for adjustment of status must be accompanied by proof of identity, evidence of qualifying employment, evidence of residence and such evidence of admissibility or eligibility as may be requested by the examining immigration officer in accordance with requirements specified in this part. At the time of filing, certified copies of documents may be submitted in lieu of originals. However, at the time of the interview, wherever possible, the original documents must be presented except for the following: Official government records; employment or employment related records maintained by employers, unions, or collective bargaining organizations; medical records; school records maintained by a school or school board; or other records maintained by a party other than the applicant. Copies of records maintained by parties other than the applicant which are submitted in evidence must be certified as true and correct by such parties and must bear their seal or signature or the signature and title of persons authorized to act in their behalf. If at the time of the interview the return of original documents is desired by the applicant, they must be accompanied by notarized copies or copies certified true and correct by a qualified designated entity or by the alien's representative in the format prescribed in § 204.2(j)(1) or (2) of this chapter. At the discretion of the district director or consular officer, original documents, even if accompanied by certified copies, may be temporarily retained for further examination.

(1) Proof of identity. Evidence to establish identity is listed below in descending order of preference:

(i) Passport;

(ii) Birth certificate;

(iii) Any national identity document from a foreign country bearing a photo and/or fingerprint (e.g., “cedula”, “cartilla”, “carte d'identite,” etc.);

(iv) Driver's license or similar document issued by a state if it contains a photo;

(v) Baptismal record or marriage certificate;

(vi) Affidavits, or

(vii) Such other documentation which may establish the identity of the applicant.

(2) Assumed names—(i) General. In cases where an applicant claims to have met any of the eligibility criteria under an assumed name, the applicant has the burden of proving that the applicant was in fact the person who used that name.

(ii) Proof of common identity. The most persuasive evidence is a document issued in the assumed name which identifies the applicant by photograph, fingerprint or detailed physical description. Other evidence which will be considered are affidavit(s) by a person or persons other than the applicant, made under oath, which identify the affiant by name and address and state the affiant's relationship to the applicant and the basis of the affiant's knowledge of the applicant's use of the assumed name. Affidavits accompanied by a photograph which has been identified by the affiant as the individual known to the affiant under the assumed name in question will carry greater weight. Other documents showing the assumed name may serve to establish the common identity when substantiated by corroborating detail.

(3) Proof of employment. The applicant may establish qualifying employment through government employment records, or records maintained by agricultural producers, farm labor contractors, collective bargaining organizations and other groups or organizations which maintain records of employment, or such other evidence as worker identification issued by employers or collective bargaining organizations, union membership cards or other union records such as dues receipts or records of the applicant's involvement or that of his or her immediate family with organizations providing services to farmworkers, or work records such as pay stubs, piece work receipts, W-2 Forms or certification of the filing of Federal income tax returns on IRS Form 6166, or state verification of the filing of state income tax returns. Affidavits may be submitted under oath, by agricultural producers, foremen, farm labor contractors, union officials, fellow employees, or other persons with specific knowledge of the applicant's employment. The affiant must be identified by name and address; the name of the applicant and the relationship of the affiant to the applicant must be stated; and the source of the information in the affidavit (e.g. personal knowledge, reliance on information provided by others, etc.) must be indicated. The affidavit must also provide information regarding the crop and the type of work performed by the applicant and the period during which such work was performed. The affiant must provide a certified copy of corroborating records or state the affiant's willingness to personally verify the information provided. The weight and probative value of any affidavit accepted will be determined on the basis of the substance of the affidavit and any documents which may be affixed thereto which may corroborate the information provided.

(4) Proof of residence. Evidence to establish residence in the United States during the requisite period(s) includes: Employment records as described in paragraph (c)(3) of this section; utility bills (gas, electric, phone, etc.), receipts, or letters from companies showing the dates during which the applicant received service; school records (letters, report cards, etc.) from the schools that the applicant or his or her children have attended in the United States showing the name of school, name and, if available, address of student, and periods of attendance, and hospital or medical records showing similar information; attestations by churches, unions, or other organizations to the applicant's residence by letter which: Identify applicant by name, are signed by an official (whose title is shown), show inclusive dates of membership, state the address where applicant resided during the membership period, include the seal of the organization impressed on the letter, establish how the author knows the applicant, and the origin of the information; and additional documents that could show that the applicant was in the United States at a specific time, such as: Money order receipts for money sent out of the country; passport entries; birth certificates of children born in the United States; bank books with dated transactions; letters of correspondence between the applicant and another person or organization; Social Security card; Selective Service card; automobile license receipts, title, vehicle registration, etc.; deeds, mortgages, contracts to which applicant has been a party; tax receipts; insurance policies, receipts, or letters; and any other document that will show that applicant was in the United States at a specific time. For Group 2 eligibility, evidence of performance of the required 90 man-days of seasonal agricultural services shall constitute evidence of qualifying residence.

(5) Proof of financial responsibility. Generally, the evidence of employment submitted under paragraph (c)(3) of this section will serve to demonstrate the alien's financial responsibility. If it appears that the applicant may be inadmissible under section 212(a)(15) of the Act, he or she may be required to submit documentation showing a history of employment without reliance on public cash assistance for all periods of residence in the United States.

(d) Ineligible classes. The following classes of aliens are ineligible for temporary residence under this part:

(1) An alien who at any time was a nonimmigrant exchange visitor under section 101(a)(15)(J) of the Act who is subject to the two-year foreign residence requirement unless the alien has complied with that requirement or the requirement has been waived pursuant to the provisions of section 212(e) of the Act;

(2) An alien excludable under the provisions of section 212(a) of the Act whose grounds of excludability may not be waived, pursuant to section 210(c)(2)(B)(ii) of the Act;

(3) An alien who has been convicted of a felony, or three or more misdemeanors.

(e) Exclusion grounds—(1) Grounds of exclusion not to be applied. Sections (14), (20), (21), (25), and (32) of section 212(a) of the Act shall not apply to applicants applying for temporary resident status.

(2) Waiver of grounds for exclusion. Except as provided in paragraph (e)(3) of this section, the Service may waive any other provision of section 212(a) of the Act only in the case of individual aliens for humanitarian purposes, to assure family unity, or when the granting of such a waiver is in the public interest. If an alien is excludable on grounds which may be waived as set forth in this paragraph, he or she shall be advised of the procedures for applying for a waiver of grounds of excludability on Form I-690. When an application for waiver of grounds of excludability is submitted in conjunction with an application for temporary residence under this section, it shall be accepted for processing at the legalization office, overseas processing office, or designated port of entry. If an application for waiver of grounds of excludability is submitted after the alien's preliminary interview at the legalization office it shall be forwarded to the appropriate regional processing facility. All applications for waivers of grounds of excludability must be accompanied by the correct fee in the exact amount. All fees for applications filed in the United States other than those within the provisions of § 210.2(c)(4) must be in the form of a money order, cashier's check, or bank check. No personal checks or currency will be accepted. Fees for waiver applications filed at the designated port of entry under the preliminary application standard must be submitted in United States currency. Fees will not be waived or refunded under any circumstances. Generally, an application for waiver of grounds of excludability under this part submitted at a legalization office or overseas processing office will be approved or denied by the director of the regional processing facility in whose jurisdiction the applicant's application for adjustment of status was filed. However, in cases involving clear statutory ineligibility or admitted fraud, such application for a waiver may be denied by the district director in whose jurisdiction the application is filed; in cases filed at overseas processing offices, such application for a waiver may be denied by a consular officer; or, in cases returned to a legalization office for reinterview, such application may be approved at the discretion of the district director. Waiver applications filed at the port of entry under the preliminary application standard will be approved or denied by the district director having jurisdiction over the port of entry. The applicant shall be notified of the decision and, if the application is denied, of the reason(s) therefor. The applicant may appeal the decision within 30 days after the service of the notice pursuant to the provisions of § 103.3(a)(2) of this chapter.

(3) Grounds of exclusion that may not be waived. The following provisions of section 212(a) of the Act may not be waived:

(i) Paragraphs (9) and (10) (criminals);

(ii) Paragraph (15) (public charge) except as provided in paragraph (c)(4) of this section.

(iii) Paragraph (23) (narcotics) except for a single offense of simple possession of thirty grams or less of marijuana.

(iv) Paragraphs (27), (prejudicial to the public interest), (28), (communists), and (29) (subversive);

(v) Paragraph (33) (Nazi persecution).

(4) Special Rule for determination of public charge. An applicant who has a consistent employment history which shows the ability to support himself and his or her family, even though his income may be below the poverty level, is not excludable under paragraph (e)(3)(ii) of this section. The applicant's employment history need not be continuous in that it is uninterrupted. It should be continuous in the sense that the applicant shall be regularly attached to the workforce, has an income over a substantial period of the applicable time, and has demonstrated the capacity to exist on his or her income and maintain his or her family without reliance on public cash assistance. This regulation is prospective in that the Service shall determine, based on the applicant's history, whether he or she is likely to become a public charge. Past acceptance of public cash assistance within a history of consistent employment will enter into this decision. The weight given in considering applicability of the public charge provisions will depend on many factors, but the length of time an applicant has received public cash assistance will constitute a significant factor.

[53 FR 10064, Mar. 29, 1988, as amended at 53 FR 27335, July 20, 1988; 54 FR 4757, Jan. 31, 1989; 55 FR 12629, Apr. 5, 1990]
authority: 8 U.S.C. 1103,1160,8
source: 53 FR 10064, Mar. 29, 1988, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 8 CFR 210.3