Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jan 28, 2025
§ 145.33 - Terminology and classification; flocks and products.

Participating flocks, and the eggs and chicks produced from them, which have met the respective requirements specified in this section may be designated by the following terms and the corresponding designs illustrated in § 145.10:

(a) [Reserved]

(b) U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean. A flock in which freedom from pullorum and typhoid has been demonstrated to the official State agency under the criteria in one of paragraphs (b)(1) through (4) of this section: Provided, That a flock qualifying by means of a blood test shall be tested within the past 12 months, except that the retesting of a participating flock which is retained for more than 12 months shall be conducted a minimum of 4 weeks after the induction of molt. (See § 145.14 relating to the official blood test where applicable.)

(1) It has been officially blood tested with either no reactors or reactors that, upon further bacteriological examination conducted in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter, fail to isolate S. pullorum or S. gallinarum.

(2) It is a multiplier breeding flock and meets the following specifications as determined by the Official State Agency and the Service:

(i) The flock is located in a State where all persons performing poultry disease diagnostic services within the State are required to report to the Official State Agency within 48 hours the source of all poultry specimens from which S. pullorum or S. gallinarum is isolated;

(ii) The flock is composed entirely of birds that originated from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean breeding flocks or from flocks that met equivalent requirements under official supervision; and

(iii) The flock is located on a premises where a flock not classified as U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean was located the previous year; Provided, That an Authorized Testing Agent must blood test up to 300 birds per flock, as described in § 145.14, if the Official State Agency determines that the flock has been exposed to pullorum-typhoid. In making determinations of exposure and setting the number of birds to be blood tested, the Official State Agency shall evaluate the results of any blood tests, described in § 145.14(a)(1), that were performed on an unclassified flock located on the premises during the previous year; the origins of the unclassified flock; and the probability of contacts between the flock for which qualification is being sought and (a) infected wild birds, (b) contaminated feed or waste, or (c) birds, equipment, supplies, or personnel from flocks infected with pullorum-typhoid.

(3) It is a multiplier breeding flock that originated from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean breeding flocks or from flocks that met equivalent requirements under official supervision, and is located in a State in which it has been determined by the Service that:

(i) All hatcheries within the State are qualified as “National Plan Hatcheries” or have met equivalent requirements for pullorum-typhoid control under official supervision;

(ii) All hatchery supply flocks within the State, are qualified as U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or have met equivalent requirements for pullorum-typhoid control under official supervision: Provided, That if other domesticated fowl, except waterfowl, are maintained on the same premises as the participating flock, freedom from pullorum-typhoid infection shall be demonstrated by an official blood test of each of these fowl;

(iii) All shipments of products other than U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean, or equivalent, into the State are prohibited;

(iv) All persons performing poultry disease diagnostic services within the State are required to report to the Official State Agency within 48 hours the source of all poultry specimens from which S. pullorum or S. gallinarum is isolated;

(v) All reports of any disease outbreak involving a disease covered under the Plan are promptly followed by an investigation by the Official State Agency to determine the origin of the infection; Provided, That if the origin of the infection involves another State, or if there is exposure to poultry in another State from the infected flock, then the National Poultry Improvement Plan will conduct an investigation;

(vi) All flocks found to be infected with pullorum or typhoid are quarantined until marketed or destroyed under the supervision of the Official State Agency, or until subsequently blood tested following the procedure for reacting flocks as contained in § 145.14(a)(5), and all birds fail to demonstrate pullorum or typhoid infection;

(vii) All poultry, including exhibition, exotic, and game birds, but excluding waterfowl, going to public exhibition shall come from U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean or equivalent flocks, or have had a negative pullorum-typhoid test within 90 days of going to public exhibition;

(viii) Discontinuation of any of the conditions or procedures described in paragraphs (b)(3)(i), (ii), (iii), (iv), (v), (vi), and (vii) of this section, or the occurrence of repeated outbreaks of pullorum or typhoid in poultry breeding flocks within or originating within the State shall be grounds for the Service to revoke its determination that such conditions and procedures have been met or complied with. Such action shall not be taken until a thorough investigation has been made by the Service and the Official State Agency has been given an opportunity to present its views.

(4) It is a multiplier breeding flock located in a State which has been determined by the Service to be in compliance with the provisions of paragraph (b)(3) of this section, and in which pullorum disease or fowl typhoid is not known to exist nor to have existed in hatchery supply flocks within the State during the preceding 12 months.

(c) U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean. (1) A flock maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter with respect to Mycoplasma isolation, sanitation, and management and in which freedom from M. gallisepticum has been demonstrated under the criteria specified in paragraph (c)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) It is a multiplier breeding flock which originated as U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean chicks from primary breeding flocks and from which a sample comprised of a minimum of 150 birds per flock has been tested for M. gallisepticum as provided in § 145.14(b) when more than 4 months of age: Provided, That to retain this classification, the flock shall be subjected to one of the following procedures:

(A) At intervals of not more than 90 days, 75 birds from the flock shall be tested, Provided, That fewer than 75 birds from the flock may be tested at any one time if all pens are equally represented and a total of at least 75 birds from the flock is tested within each 90-day period; or

(B) At intervals of not more than 30 days, a sample of 25 cull chicks produced from the flock shall be subjected to laboratory procedures acceptable to the Official State Agency and approved by the Service, for the detection and recovery of M. gallisepticum; or

(C) At intervals of not more than 30 days, egg yolk testing shall be conducted in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(2) A participant handling U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean products must keep these products separate from other products through the use of separate hatchers and incubators, separate hatch days, and proper hatchery sanitation and biosecurity in a manner satisfactory to the Official State Agency and in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(3) U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean chicks shall be boxed in clean boxes and delivered in trucks that have been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(4) Before male breeding birds may be added to a participating multiplier breeding flock, a sample of at least 30 birds to be added, with a minimum of 10 birds per pen, shall be tested for M. gallisepticum as provided in § 145.14(b), or by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based procedure in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter. If fewer than 30 male breeding birds are being added, all the birds shall be tested as described above. The male birds shall be tested no more than 14 days prior to their intended introduction into the flock. If the serologic testing of the birds yields hemagglutination inhibition titers of 1:40 or higher as provided in § 145.14(b), or if the PCR testing is positive for M. gallisepticum, the male birds may not be added to the flock and must be either retested or destroyed.

(d) U.S. Sanitation Monitored. This program is intended to be the basis from which the breeding-hatching industry may conduct a program for the prevention and control of Salmonellosis. It is intended to reduce the incidence of Salmonella organisms in hatching eggs and chicks through an effective and practical sanitation program at the breeder farm and in the hatchery. This will afford other segments of the poultry industry an opportunity to reduce the incidence of Salmonella in their products.

(1) A flock and the hatching eggs and chicks produced from it which have met the following requirements as determined by the Official State Agency:

(i) The flock shall originate from a source where sanitation and management practices, as outlined in § 145.33(d)(1) of this paragraph, are conducted;

(ii) The flock is maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter with respect to flock sanitation, cleaning and disinfection, and Salmonella isolation, sanitation, and management;

(iii) If pelletized feed contains animal protein, the protein products shall be purchased from participants in the Animal Protein Products Industry (APPI) Salmonella Education/Reduction Program or the Fishmeal Inspection Program of the National Marine Fisheries Service. The protein products must have a minimum moisture content of 14.5 percent and must have been heated throughout to a minimum temperature of 190 °F. or above, or to a minimum temperature of 165 °F. for at least 20 minutes, or to a minimum temperature of 184 °F. under 70 lbs. pressure during the manufacturing process;

(iv) If mash feed contains animal protein, the protein products shall be purchased from participants in the Animal Protein Products Industry (APPI) Salmonella Education/Reduction Program or the Fishmeal Inspection Program of the National Marine Fisheries Service;

(v) Feed shall be stored and transported in such a manner as to prevent possible contamination;

(vi) Chicks shall be hatched in a hatchery whose sanitation is maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter and sanitized or fumigated in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter;

(vii) An Authorized Agent shall take environmental samples, in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter, from each flock at 4 months of age and every 90 days thereafter. An authorized laboratory for Salmonella shall examine the environmental samples bacteriologically;

(viii) Owners of flocks found infected with a paratyphoid Salmonella may vaccinate these flocks with an autogenous bacterin with a potentiating agent. 4

4 Preparation and use of this type of vaccine may be regulated by State statutes.

(2) The Official State Agency may monitor the effectiveness of the sanitation practices in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(3) In order for a hatchery to sell products of this classification, all products handled shall meet the requirements of the classification.

(4) This classification may be revoked by the Official State Agency if the participant fails to follow recommended corrective measures.

(e) U.S. M. Synoviae Clean. (1) A flock maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter with respect to Mycoplasma isolation, sanitation, and management and in which freedom from M. synoviae has been demonstrated under the criteria specified in paragraph (e)(1)(i) or (ii) of this section.

(i) [Reserved]

(ii) It is a multiplier breeding flock which originated as U.S. M. Synoviae Clean chicks from primary breeding flocks and from which a sample comprised of a minimum of 150 birds has been tested for M. synoviae as provided in § 145.14(b) when more than 4 months of age: Provided, That to retain this classification, the flock shall be subjected to one of the following procedures:

(A) At intervals of not more than 90 days, 75 birds from the flock shall be tested: Provided, That fewer than 75 birds from the flock may be tested at any one time if all pens are equally represented and a total of at least 75 birds from the flock is tested within each 90-day period; or

(B) At intervals of not more than 30 days, egg yolk testing shall be conducted in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(2) A participant handling U.S. M. Synoviae Clean products shall keep these products separate from other products in a manner satisfactory to the official State Agency.

(3) U.S. M. Synoviae Clean chicks shall be boxed in clean boxes and delivered in trucks that have been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(4) Before male breeding birds may be added to a participating multiplier breeding flock, a sample of at least 30 birds to be added, with a minimum of 10 birds per pen, shall be tested for M. synoviae as provided in § 145.14(b) or by a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-based procedure in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter. If fewer than 30 male breeding birds are being added, all the birds shall be tested as described above. The male birds shall be tested no more than 14 days prior to their intended introduction into the flock. If the serologic testing of the birds yields hemagglutination inhibition titers of 1:40 or higher as provided in § 145.14(b), or if the PCR testing is positive for M. synoviae, the male birds may not be added to the flock and must be either retested or destroyed.

(f) U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean Started Poultry. (1) A flock which originated from U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean breeding flocks and was hatched in a hatchery approved by the Official State Agency for the production of U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean chicks.

(2) All other poultry on the premises of the candidate flock must originate from U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean sources.

(3) The flock is maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter with respect to Mycoplasma isolation, sanitation, and management.

(4) The flock's freedom from M. gallisepticum is demonstrated by a negative blood test, as provided in § 145.14(b), of a sample of 75 birds, with a minimum of 50 birds per poultry house, between 15-20 days prior to the flock being moved to laying quarters.

(5) Started poultry shall be delivered to and from the farm premises in crates and vehicles which have been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(g) U.S. M. Synoviae Clean Started Poultry. (1) A flock which originated from U.S. M. Synoviae Clean breeding flocks and was hatched in a hatchery approved by the Official State Agency for the production of U.S. M. Synoviae Clean chicks.

(2) All other poultry on the premises of the candidate flock must originate from U.S. M. Synoviae Clean sources.

(3) The flock is maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter with respect to Mycoplasma isolation, sanitation, and management.

(4) The flock's freedom from M. synoviae is demonstrated by a negative blood test, as provided in § 145.14(b), of a sample of 75 birds, with a minimum of 50 birds per poultry house, between 15-20 days prior to the flock being moved to laying quarters.

(5) Started poultry shall be delivered to and from the farm premises in crates and vehicles which have been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(h)-(i) [Reserved]

(j) U.S. M. Gallisepticum Monitored. (1) A multiplier breeding flock in which all birds or a sample of at least 30 birds per house has been tested for M. gallisepticum as provided in § 145.14(b) when more than 4 months of age: Provided, That to retain this classification, a minimum of 30 birds per house shall be tested again at 36 to 38 weeks and at 48 to 50 weeks at a minimum: And provided further, That each 30-bird sample should come from 2 locations within the house (15 from the front half of the house and 15 from the back half of the house). A representative sample of males and females should be sampled. The samples shall be marked “male” or “female.”

(2) A participant handling U.S. M. Gallisepticum Monitored products shall keep these products separate from other products in a manner satisfactory to the Official State Agency: Provided, That U.S. M. Gallisepticum Monitored chicks from multiplier breeding flocks shall be produced in incubators and hatchers in which only eggs from flocks qualified under paragraph (j)(1) of this section are set. Eggs from U.S. M. Gallisepticum Monitored multiplier breeding flocks shall not be set in hatchers or incubators in which eggs from U.S. M. Gallisepticum Clean primary breeding flocks qualified under § 145.83(c)(1)(i) are set.

(3) U.S. M. Gallisepticum Monitored chicks shall be boxed in clean boxes and delivered in trucks that have been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(k) U.S. M. Synoviae Monitored. (1) A multiplier breeding flock in which all birds or a sample of at least 30 birds per house has been tested for M. synoviae as provided in § 145.14(b) when more than 4 months of age: Provided, That to retain this classification, a minimum of 30 birds per house shall be tested again at 36 to 38 weeks and at 48 to 50 weeks at a minimum: And provided further, That each 30-bird sample should come from 2 locations within the house (15 from the front half of the house and 15 from the back half of the house). A representative sample of males and females should be sampled. The samples shall be marked “male” or “female.”

(2) A participant handling U.S. M. Synoviae Monitored products shall keep these products separate from other products in a manner satisfactory to the Official State Agency: Provided, That U.S. M. Synoviae Monitored chicks from multiplier breeding flocks shall be produced in incubators and hatchers in which only eggs from flocks qualified under paragraph (k)(1) of this section are set. Eggs from U.S. M. Synoviae Monitored multiplier breeding flocks shall not be set in hatchers or incubators in which eggs from U.S. M. Synoviae Clean primary breeding flocks qualified under § 145.83(d)(1)(i) are set.

(3) U.S. M. Synoviae Monitored chicks shall be boxed in clean boxes and delivered in trucks that have been cleaned and disinfected in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter.

(l) U.S. Avian Influenza Clean. This program is intended to be the basis from which the breeding-hatchery industry may conduct a program for the prevention and control of avian influenza. It is intended to determine the presence of avian influenza in multiplier breeding chickens through routine surveillance of each participating breeding flock. A flock and the hatching eggs and chicks produced from it will qualify for this classification when the Official State Agency determines that they have met the following requirements:

(1) It is a multiplier breeding flock in which a minimum of 30 birds have been tested negative for antibodies to avian influenza using an approved test as described in § 145.14 when more than 4 months of age. To retain this classification:

(i) A sample of at least 15 birds must be tested negative at intervals of 90 days; or

(ii) A sample of fewer than 15 birds may be tested, and found to be negative, at any one time if all pens are equally represented and a total of 15 birds is tested within each 90-day period; or

(iii) The flock is tested as provided in § 145.14(d) at intervals of 30 days or less and found to be negative, and a total of 15 samples are collected and tested within each 90-day period; and

(2) During each 90-day period, all multiplier spent fowl, up to a maximum of 30, must be tested and found negative for avian influenza within 21 days prior to movement to slaughter.

(m) U.S. Salmonella Enteritidis Monitored. This classification is intended for multiplier meat-type breeders wishing to monitor their breeding flocks for Salmonella enteritidis.

(1) A flock and the hatching eggs and chicks produced from it shall be eligible for this classification if they meet the following requirements, as determined by the Official State Agency:

(i) The flock originated from a U.S. S. Enteritidis Clean primary meat-type breeding flock.

(ii) The flock is maintained in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter with respect to Salmonella isolation, sanitation, and management.

(iii) Environmental samples are collected from the flock in accordance with part 147 of this subchapter at 16-18 and 40-45 weeks of age. The samples shall be examined bacteriologically for group D Salmonella at an authorized laboratory, and cultures from group D positive samples shall be serotyped.

(2) The following actions must be taken with respect to the test results that are generated from this S. enteritidis monitoring program:

(i) If S. enteritidis is isolated from an environmental sample collected from the flock in accordance with paragraph (m)(1)(iii) of this section, a thorough evaluation of the practices and programs associated with the sampled flock shall be conducted with the goal of ascertaining the reason(s) for the positive finding.

(ii) The test results and the results of any evaluations performed in accordance with paragraph (m)(2)(i) of this section will be reported on a quarterly basis to the Official State Agency and the NPIP Senior Coordinator.

(iii) Participating broiler integrators shall combine their respective test results (and the results of any associated evaluations) to help guide their decisionmaking regarding programs and practices to implement or maintain to address S. enteritidis.

(iv) Aggregate data regarding the prevalence of S. enteritidis in participating U.S. meat-type parent breeding flocks shall be made available to the U.S. Poultry and Egg Association and the National Chicken Council.

(3) This classification may be revoked by the Official State Agency if the participant fails to comply with the requirements of this classification. The Official State Agency shall not revoke the participant's classification until the participant has been given an opportunity for a hearing in accordance with rules of practice adopted by the Official State Agency.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0007) [36 FR 23112, Dec. 3, 1971] Editorial Note:For Federal Register citations affecting § 145.33, see the List of CFR Sections Affected, which appears in the Finding Aids section of the printed volume and at
authority: 7 U.S.C. 8301-8317; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4
source: 36 FR 23112, Dec. 3, 1971, unless otherwise noted. Redesignated at 44 FR 61586, Oct. 26, 1979.
cite as: 9 CFR 145.33