Regulations last checked for updates: Mar 13, 2025

Title 9 - Animals and Animal Products last revised: Jan 28, 2025
§ 50.19 - Report of salvage proceeds.

A report of the salvage derived from the sale of each animal for which a claim for payment is made under this subpart must be made on a salvage form acceptable to APHIS that must be signed by the purchaser or by the selling agent handling the animals. If the cattle are sold by the pound, the salvage form must show the weight, price per pound, gross receipts, expenses if any, and net proceeds. If the cattle are not sold on a per-pound basis, the net purchase price of each animal must be stated on the salvage form and an explanation showing how the amount was arrived at must be submitted. In the event the animals are not disposed of through regular slaughterers or through selling agents, the owner must furnish, in lieu of the salvage form, an affidavit showing the amount of salvage obtained by him or her and must certify that such amount is all he or she has received or will receive as salvage for the animals. The original of the salvage form or the affidavit of the owner must be furnished to the veterinarian in charge within 3 months of destruction of the animals, if such document is not already in his or her possession. Disposal of cattle by burial, incineration, or other means must be supervised by an APHIS or State representative, who will prepare and transmit to the veterinarian in charge a report identifying the animals and showing their disposition, or be documented by an affidavit of the owner that identifies the animals and describes their disposition. The owner must provide a copy of the affidavit to the veterinarian in charge within 3 months of destruction of the animals. The salvage form, disposal certificate, or affidavit will be for information purposes only and will have no effect on the amount of any payment due.

(Approved by the Office of Management and Budget under control number 0579-0193)
authority: 7 U.S.C. 8301-8317; 7 CFR 2.22, 2.80, and 371.4
source: 40 FR 27009, June 26, 1975, unless otherwise noted.
cite as: 9 CFR 50.19