CLA-2 CO:R:C:G 085330 SLR
Mr. Chuck Huettner
J.W. Hampton Jr. & Co., Inc.
15 Park Row
New York, NY 10038
RE: July 21, 1989, Charleston District Ruling 843258;
Infant Apparel
Dear Mr. Huettner:
On July 21, 1989, the Charleston District Director issued
Ruling 843258 classifying certain infant boys' apparel as a
synthetic set under 6111.30.5020, Harmonized Tariff Schedule of
the United States Annotated (HTSUSA). This office has determined
that ruling to be in error.
The infant boys' apparel in issue, style 9012R, is properly
classified under 6111.20.6020, HTSUSA, which provides for babies'
garments and clothing accessories, knitted or crocheted, of
cotton, other, other, sets. Articles classified under subheading
6111.20.6020 carry the textile category 239 and are dutiable at
8.6 percent ad valorem.
In accordance with the above determination, Charleston
District Ruling 843258 is hereby modified pursuant to 19 CFR
John Durant, Director
Commercial Rulings Division