CLA-2 CO:R:C:M 950195 LTO
Ms. Qui Do
Apple Computer, Inc.
20525 Mariani Avenue
Cupertino, California 95014
RE: Apple StyleWriter Ink cartridge/print head; 3215.11.00;
8471.92.15; Section XVI, Note 2(b); EN 32.15
Dear Ms. Do:
This is in response to your July 25, 1991 letter to the
Customs Service office in San Francisco requesting the
classification of the Apple StyleWriter Ink Cartridge under the
Harmonized Tariff Schedule of the United States Annotated
(HTSUSA). Your letter was referred to this office for a
The Apple StyleWriter Ink Cartridge (model M8052G/A) is an
ink cartridge/print head for a computer ink jet printer. The
device consists of an ink sponge, cartridge body, printed circuit
board, bubble jet head unit, heating element, and side and head
covers. The ink sponge contains about 20 grams of black ink for
printing about 450 pages of regular office paper. The plastic
cartridge body holds the ink sponge and bubble jet head unit.
The bubble jet head is formed on the silicon plate based on
semiconductor technology, and also incorporates temperature
sensors and warm-up heaters.
What is the proper tariff classification for the ink
cartridge/print head?
The General Rules of Interpretation (GRI's) to the HTSUSA
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govern the classification of goods in the tariff schedule. GRI
1 states, in pertinent part:
...classification shall be determined according to the terms
of the headings and any relative section or chapter notes...
Heading 8473, HTSUSA, provides for "[p]arts and accessories
(other than covers, carrying cases and the like) suitable for use
solely or principally with machines of headings 8469 to 8472."
Subheading 8473.30.40, HTSUSA, provides for "[p]arts and
accessories of the machines of heading 8471 . . . [n]ot
incorporating a cathode ray tube." Heading 8471, HTSUSA,
provides for "[a]utomatic data processing machines and units
thereof . . . ." Subheading 8471.92.65, HTSUSA, provides for
"[a]utomatic data processing machines and units thereof . . .
[o]ther . . . [i]nput or output units . . . [o]ther . . .
[p]rinter units . . . [a]ssembled units incorporating at least
the media transport, control and print mechanisms."
The article in question is basically an ink cartridge and
print head for a computer ink jet printer. Section XVI, Note
2(b), HTSUSA, states that "parts, if suitable for use solely or
principally with a particular kind of machine, or with a number
of machines of the same heading (including a machine of heading
8479 or 8543) are to be classified with the machines of that
kind." The Apple StyleWriter Ink Cartridge is an integral part
of the jet printer, and is thus, classifiable under the heading
which provides for the classification of parts of automatic data
processing machines and units thereof.
In pre-entry classification list 863862, dated May 6, 1991,
Apple was advised that the ink cartridge was classifiable in
subheading 3215.11.00, HTSUSA, which provides for "[p]rinting
ink, writing or drawing ink and other inks, whether or not
concentrated or solid . . . [p]rinting ink . . . [b]lack." This
pre-entry classification was incorrect. The Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System Explanatory Note (EN) 32.15, pg.
469, states that this heading covers printing inks, which are
"pastes of varying consistency." The heading covers products
that are generally in the form of liquids or pastes, although it
also provides for products "when concentrated or solid . . . to
be used as inks after simple dilution or dispersion." While the
article in question does store printing ink, it also performs
other functions.
Similar to the print head of a dot matrix printer, this ink
cartridge device also serves as the print head for a jet printer
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as it moves over the paper during the printing process. This
expendable device performs not only ink storage functions, but
also heating and printing functions. Therefore, the article is
not classifiable under subheading 3215.11.00, HTSUSA, which
provides solely for "[p]rinting ink."
The Apple StyleWriter Ink Cartridge is classifiable under
subheading 8473.30.40, HTSUSA, which provides for parts and
accessories for automatic data processing machines not
incorporating a cathode ray tube. This subheading is a duty free
John Durant, Director
Commercial Rulings Division