CLA-2 RR:CR:GC 960408 JAS
Lindsay B. Meyer, Esq.
Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti
1201 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000
Washington, D.C. 20005-3917
RE: HQ 087064 Affirmed; Powerhead Assembly for Electric Oven;
Combination Electric Heat Source, Light, Fan and Controls for Cooking Oven; Incomplete, Unfinished Oven, GRI 2(a); Subheading 8516.90.65, Top Surface Panels With or Without Heating Elements or Controls That are Parts for Cooking Stoves, Ranges and Ovens; Subheading 8516.90.80, Other Parts
Dear Ms. Meyer:
In letters, dated April 9 and November 3, 1997, on behalf of
American Harvest, Inc., you request reconsideration of a decision
concerning the classification under the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS), of a powerhead assembly
for the Jet-Stream oven.
The merchandise in HQ 087064, a Protest Review Decision
issued to the District (now Port) Director of Customs,
Minneapolis, on August 5, 1991, was described as a powerhead, or
an assembly consisting of an electric heat source, an on/off
light, fan and controls. These imported components are assembled
after importation with a clear plastic cover and base into a Jet-Stream oven which uses forced hot air to perform a variety of
cooking functions. HQ 087064 rejected a "parts" claim under
subheading 8516.90.20, HTSUS, and held that, as imported, the
assembly was an unfinished oven or electrothermic appliance of a
kind used for domestic purposes, classifiable in subheading
8516.60.40, HTSUS.
You maintain that in 1994 the "parts" provisions in heading
8516 were expanded to include, among others, subheading
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8516.90.65, HTSUS, covering top surface panels with or without
heating elements or controls, which are parts for ovens of
subheading 8516.60.40, and subheading 8516.90.80, HTSUS, covering
other parts for ovens of subheading 8516.60.40, HTSUS.
The provisions under consideration are as follows:
8516 [o]ther electrothermic appliances of a kind used for domestic purposes; parts thereof:
8516.60 Other ovens; cooking stoves, ranges, cooking plates, boiling rings, grillers and roasters:
8516.60.40 Cooking stoves, ranges and ovens
8516.90 Parts:
Parts for the cooking stoves, ranges and ovens of subheading 8516.60.40:
8516.90.65 Top surface panels with or without heating elements or controls
8516.90.80 Other
Whether the powerhead assembly for a Jet-Stream oven is an
incomplete or unfinished good for tariff purposes.
Merchandise is classifiable under the Harmonized Tariff
Schedule of the United States (HTSUS) in accordance with the
General Rules of Interpretation (GRIs). GRI 1 states in part
that for legal purposes, classification shall be determined
according to the terms of the headings and any relative section
or chapter notes, and provided the headings or notes do not
require otherwise, according to GRIs 2 through 6. Under GRI
2(a), incomplete or unfinished articles are to be classified as
if complete or finished provided that, as entered, the incomplete
or unfinished article has the essential character of the complete
or finished article. - 3 -
You maintain that because the imported powerhead assembly
constitutes a top surface panel with heating element and controls
for a Jet Stream oven, under GRI 3(a) subheading 8516.90.65,
HTSUS, provides a more complete description for the good than
does subheading 8516.60.40, HTSUS. You conclude that continued
adherence to the subheading 8516.60.40, HTSUS, classification,
would render the parts provision in subheading 8516.90.65, HTSUS,
meaningless. Alternatively, you assert a claim as other parts,
under subheading 8516.90.80, HTSUS.
Neither of the claimed parts provisions will prevail if the
powerhead assembly qualifies as an unfinished oven for tariff
purposes. Under GRI 2(a), HTSUS, an incomplete or unfinished
good will be classified as the complete or finished good if, as
imported, it imparts the essential character to to the complete
or finished good. The factor which determines essential
character will vary with the goods. The Harmonized Commodity
Description and Coding System Explanatory Notes (ENs) provide a
commentary on the scope of each heading of the Harmonized System
and are thus useful in ascertaining the classification of
merchandise under the System. See T.D. 89-80, 54 Fed. Reg.
35127, 35128 (Aug. 23, 1989). The GRI 3(b) relevant ENs state,
at p. 4, that the nature of a material or component, its bulk,
quantity, weight or value, or the role a constituent material or
component plays in relation to the use of the good are among
factors Customs may consider in making essential character
determinations. Other factors may be relevant, as appropriate.
A complete Jet-Stream oven consists of an electric heat
source that generates forced air convection heat, an on/off
light, a fan, controls, plus a clear plastic cover and a base.
It is a chamber or enclosure that utilizes heat for cooking food
and for heating, drying or hardening. Such apparatus is within
the common meaning of the term "oven" for purposes of heading
8516. The heat source, light, fan and controls - the powerhead -
comprise a unitary subassembly with a spine that attaches to the
base to form a single module. The plastic cover is actually the
container in which the food is cooked. It has two handles and is
positioned on the base, immediately under the powerhead. In
addition to being the chamber where the food is cooked, the
plastic cover is also the receptacle or vessel which holds the
cooked food and is the means by which the food is moved to a
kitchen counter or table for serving. It is a significant
component of the complete oven. However, despite your statement
that the powerhead represents less than 40 percent of the
regional value content of the complete oven, as defined in
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General Note 12(c)(ii), HTSUS, it contains all the working parts
of a complete oven. The fan circulates the heat throughout the
food and the control assembly determines the proper heating
temperatures and time cycles for different types of food.
Moreover, it is the electric heat source within the powerhead
that generates the medium which does the actual cooking and, in
our opinion, is the single most critical feature of a cooking
oven. For these reasons, we conclude that the powerhead,
consisting of the electric heat source, on/off light, fan and
control assembly, is the single, most indispensable component.
The powerhead contains the aggregate of distinctive component
parts that establishes the identity of a Jet-Stream oven.
Accordingly, it qualifies as an unfinished oven for tariff
purposes. This conclusion does not, as you suggest, render the
parts provision in subheading 8516.90.65, HTSUS, meaningless.
This provision continues to encompass articles that qualify as
parts for tariff purposes, that do not qualify as incomplete or
unfinished articles classifiable elsewhere.
Under the authority of GRI 2(a), HTSUS, powerheads for the
Jet Stream oven are provided for in heading 8516. They are
classifiable in subheading 8516.60.40, HTSUS.
HQ 087064, dated August 5, 1991, is affirmed.
John Durant, Director
Commercial Rulings Division