Pg. 1 of 2 • 12 results

The tariff classification and country of origin of a Gypsum Ornament DIY Paint Kit

The country of origin, marking, and applicability of trade programs for plywood panels

The tariff classification, country of origin, marking, and applicable trade program of a solid wood baseboard molding

The country of origin of a multi-function baby bassinet

The tariff classification; country of origin/marking; and applicability of trade programs of Freon gas 134A (R134a), Freon gas R410A and Freon gas 404 (R-404A) from China.

The tariff classification; country of origin/marking; and applicability of trade programs for bracelets assembled in Denmark.

The tariff classification, country of origin/marking and trade program of a Fontus Bottle from Germany or Austria

The classification, country of origin, and marking of barrel structures from Germany

U.S. Government Procurement; Country of Origin of Data Protection Software; Substantial Transformation

Pg. 1 of 2 • 12 results