Pg. 1 of 12 • 117 results
Tariff Classification of Semi Sweet Chocolate Blend; USMCA; Country of Origin Marking
The tariff classification of sweetened condensed milk from the Ukraine.
The tariff classification of sweetened condensed milk from Vietnam.
The tariff classification of unsweetened condensed milk from Lithuania.
The tariff classification of dry milk, whey protein concentrate, and whey protein isolate from New Zealand.
The tariff classification of an "evaporated cream product" from New Zealand.
NY B82002 affirmed; white chocolate; butterfat; dairy products; heading 9904; Presidential Proclamation 6151
The tariff classification of whole powdered milk, UHT fluid milk, UHT delactosed (enzyme-treated) semi-skim milk, UHT skim milk, and salted butter from Colombia.
The tariff classification and country of origin marking under the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) of a powdered skim milk blend from Canada; Article 509
The tariff classification of lubrication pumps from Japan
Pg. 1 of 12 • 117 results